All Student Publications | Bethel University


Events from 2024

3D Printed Lens, Travis Allen and Nathan Lindquist
Our goal of this project was to characterize a material then be able to produce custom lenses from this material. Ultimately we were able to obtain some results but could use further refining. We hope this project helps set up future experi...

A putative YesMN two-component system ortholog in Streptococcus gordonii impacts biofilm formation in a zinc-dependent manner, Georgi Aus, Bruno P. Lima, and Brittany Nairn
Streptococcus gordonii is an oral bacterium that forms plaque biofilms on the surface of the teeth. Two-component systems within bacteria allow for sensing of the external environment, the ability to respond to any external changes, and reg...


Navigating and Caring for Mental Health In a Group Home Setting, Constance Azonwu and Brian Hyatt
During my Nursing Assistant internship, I transitioned from classroom learning to real-world caregiving. Guided by an instructor, I further developed practical skills. At Immaculate Homes Care, I faced challenging and new situations, and as...

The Effects of Concussion History on Balance Performance in Collegiate Football Players, Evan Braesch, Cade Montgomery, and Leah Jackson
PURPOSE: Sport-related concussions have been proven to damage both cerebral sensory and motor pathways. Disruption of information transmission leads to delays, or errors, in the brain’s ability to interpret, integrate, and execute signals r...


Commit Suicide or Die by Suicide, Emma Carmichael, Elsie Broersma, and Joel Frederickson
Randomly assigned Bethel students had the opportunity to take an online 8 minute Qualtrics survey based on questions about Determinism vs Free Will. AT the end of the survey, participants had the option to pick the phrase "Die by Suicide" o...

DHT increases lipid storage in liver cells and upregulates eNOS, AKT 1/2/3, and GSK-3�� phosphorylation., Annah Chriske, Angela Stoeckman, and Jackie Towner
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the leading endocrine diseases in women; however, the pathophysiology of this disease is not well understood. People with PCOS often have increased serum androgen levels and a risk of metabolic dis...


College Student's Attitudes Towards Speech Disorders, Morgan Dean and Joel Frederickson
This study investigated College Students and their attitudes toward Speech Disorders. The sample consisted of 42 college students from Bethel University aged 18+ or who had an approved parent consent form. Participants participated in this ...

Philips IGTD Clinical Operations Manager: DEFINE GPS Study, Christina Dierkhising and Amy Dykstra
Residual ischemia after angiographically successful percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is associated with worse outcomes in comparison to patients undergoing PCI that demonstrate a physiology measurement (fractional flow reserve (FFR)...


The Effects of Multitasking on Reading Retention, Kylie Dillner, Shannon Kraemer, and Joel Frederickson
Research has shown that multitasking depletes students' working memory and task efficiency. Our study analyzes the effect of media multitasking on students' reading retention results. Our hypothesis is that studying while multitasking resul...

Research is limited on the physical effects of sound waves on the human body. This study investigates whether sound waves can stimulate endothelial cells to release Nitric oxide (NO), potentially impacting cardiovascular metrics like blood ...

Gross Anatomy TA Internship, Alex Domeyer
I was an anatomy TA for the Bethel PA program during the summer of '23. I worked with two others, and we grew very close to all the students during our time of small group work teams in the lab and outside study session. We managed the lab ...

RAW 264.7 Cells Treated with Helichrysum Essential Oil Experience Inhibition of Activation by IFN-γ and LPS, Mirah Eichten, Emma Ryks, Ashley Hess, and Joy Doan
In response to excessive cell signaling due to toxicity or harm, cells induce inflammation in the body as a defense mechanism. This inflammation plays a pivotal role in various pathological conditions, ranging from chronic diseases to acute...

Helichrysum Oil Inhibits IFN-γ and LPS Activity in RAW 264.7 Cells, Leah Everson, Caroline Reding, Harrison Simmonds, and Joy Doan
The goal of this study is to examine the anti inflammatory properties of Helichrysum on macrophages from RAW 267.4 cells that will be stimulated by IFN-γ and Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) mediators into M1 phase inflammatory cytokines, and then...

Experiences selling drugs as a pharmacy technician, Andrew Fossum, Andrew Fossum, and Brian Hyatt
Pharmacy techs do many things, and while most of the "important" things are left to pharmacists, technicians are responsible for keeping the pharmacy running. In the time I worked at the pharmacy, I mastered using a prescription workflow pr...

Effects of Single Ionic Foot Bath on Urinary pH in Health College Aged Individuals, Drakee Fraser, Joseph Kidder, and Seth Paradis
PURPOSE: Ionic foot baths have become a common modality to detoxify clients in a clinical setting. A reported benefit of this practice is an increase in urinary pH, which helps neutralize acid in the bloodstream. Normative physiological pH ...

The Psychology of Fandom, Riken Frost and Joel Frederickson
This study looked at and compared the differing fandom levels between those who participated in fantasy sports in the past 12 months and those who have not. Previous research has led us to believe that those who participate in fantasy sport...

Laser Tweezing & Tracking, Tranquil Gauss, Dane Stoyanoff, and Nathan Lemke
Precisely focused laser beams produce optical forces when coming into contact with particles. Using these forces, it is possible to "tweeze" microscopic particles, moving them in 3D space. With the aid of a microscope and a photodiode, the ...


Human Gross Anatomy Laboratory Teaching Assistant, Grace Ginter and Jackie Towner
Over the summer I worked for Bethel University’s Physician Assistant program helping out as a class and laboratory teaching assistant for their human gross anatomy and cadaver lab. My main jobs included basic upkeep and sanitation of the la...


Gender and Student Satisfaction: Men & Women are More Similar than Expected, David Grant and Joel Frederickson
Research on national norms show alarming gaps in academic performance and engagement between genders, with men and boys performing worse (Reeves, 2022). The Student Satisfaction Inventory is a tool used by universities across the U.S. to me...

Method Development and Validation of an Home-Built Open-Source Spectrophotometer, Joshua Hahn, Erin O'Neal, Vivian Marchan, and Brandon Winters
Given the explosive increase in cheap and reliable retail-grade 3D printers along with the development of microprocessors for home use, there has been a parallel interest in the development of lab-usable and validated scientific equipment. ...


Estimation of Anagram Solving Abilities for Peers and Self, Amia Hall and Joel Frederickson
Participants predicted personal and peer anagram solving abilities after either solving an anagram or being prompted with an anagram’s answers. Then, participants in the latter group solved an anagram as the former group had. We hypothesize...

Turmeric Essential Oil Acts as an Anti-inflammatory Agent in IFN-�� and LPS Stimulated RAW 264.7 Cells, Jacob Hall, Jack Hanson, and Joy Doan
Inflammation is a complex physiological response mediated by the immune system, often triggered when innate immune cells detect infection. Treating inflammation becomes extremely important as it is a widespread symptom of many diseases. One...

3-D printing Optics, Jacob Herter, Noah Rempel, and Nathan Lemke
We have been working on using a resin 3-D printer to create optical lenses. We have been fine tuning our design process with the printers and testing the various properties of the material. We have tested for wavelength dependency as well a...

Embracing Diversity: Insights from ACR Homes Experience, Brookelyn Huisenga and Sara Wyse
Last semester, I had the opportunity to work as a direct care professional at ACR Homes. ACR provides residential support for individuals with physical and developmental disabilities. This provided me with training on medications, up-to-dat...


Ankle Mobility and Balance in a Healthy College-Aged Population: A Correlational Study, Anna G. Johnson, Madelyn M. Roiger, and Elisa M. Stewart
A review of current literature shows a relationship between ankle mobility and balance in an older population, with limited evidence in younger, healthy populations. To bridge this gap, this study aims to explore this relationship in a heal...


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between ankle mobility and balance in a young, healthy population, filling a gap in existing literature primarily focused on older adults. The findings revealed no significant correlation bet...

Caffeine and its Effect on Daily Activities, Drew Johnson, Aireia Parker, and Joel Frederickson
Our study was aimed at investigating the effects caffeine has on people's daily activities and mental processes. A survey was put on SONA for Bethel University students to access anonymously. Participants completed a 22 item survey asking t...


Search for vector-like B quarks in CMS Run 2, Kalin Johnson, Xiaohe Shen, and Julie Hogan
We present a search for a single vector-like B quark that decays to a top quark and W boson. In the single lepton final state, the B quark can be reconstructed from the lepton, missing transverse momentum, and one large-radius jet. We will ...


Internship with EPPA, Masha Kasperovich and Joy Doan
EPPA is an organization run by practicing physicians in emergency medicine. On staff with them, there are over 300 professional medical providers, including MD’s, DO’s, PA’s, and NP’s who staff the emergency rooms in partnered hospitals aro...

Inflammation Effects of Curcuma Longa on RAW264.7 Cells, Elayna Kawlewski, Erin O'Neal, Abigail Shearer, and Joy Doan
Inflammation is how the body is able to combat infections and stimulate tissue repair. An inflammatory response can be triggered by many factors but one of the most prevalent factors are macrophages. Macrophages add to the initiation, maint...

Border of Dreams, Soraya M. Keiser Producer, Mild Du, Nataly Basterrechea Director, and Hana Ko
Two families tried to cross the Mexico-U.S. border. One made it. One didn’t. Mardoqueo wanted his family to have its own home. Its own land. But he felt forced to split up his young family and cross into America to achieve security and happ...

Copaiba Essential Oil as Modulator of IFN-ɣ and LPS Stimulated RAW 264.7 Cells, Brenner Klein, Caroline Pauls, Tristan Rudolph, and Joy Doan
In this experiment, we seek to confirm the modulating effects of CEO addition to macrophage RAW 264.7 cells that have been stimulated by IFN-γ and LPS. By studying the effects of CEO modulator on macrophages, we will be able to contribute t...

Sleep Patterns, Azariah Lestage, Elizabeth Meiners, and Joel Frederickson
Past research on this topic has primarily looked to examine the negative influence of sleep deprivation and irregular sleep patterns consistent with those diagnosed with the sleep disorder insomnia. Previous empirical testing has been condu...

The Influence of Music Tempo on Bench Press Power Production in College-Aged Males, Sam Linderbaum, Reese Pantila, and Leah Jackson
PURPOSE: Previous research suggests that music with a tempo exceeding resting heart rate may stimulate the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), releasing catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine). These hormones have physiological effect...


The Influence of Music Tempo on Bench Press Power Production in College-Aged Males, Samuel Linderbaum and Reese Pantila
Previous research suggests that music with a tempo exceeding resting heart rate may stimulate the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), releasing catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine). These hormones have physiological effects such as...


Acute effects of virtual reality gameplay on the visual system: An observational study, Aaron Loe, Gavin Rataj, and Leah Jackson
PURPOSE: Virtual reality (VR) has an increasing breadth of utilization, from at home entertainment to a tool used in professional athletic and clinical settings. A review of literature shows altered visual performance (VP) post-VR gameplay ...

Improving Healthcare One Chart at a Time, Caleb Meeker, Caleb Meeker, and Brian Hyatt
I had the opportunity to work as a Medical Scribe between June 2023 and February 2024. While working as a Medical Scribe in the ER, I was able to greatly expand my medical knowledge as well as gain great experience in healthcare. Every shif...


The Effect of Vision on Lower Quarter Balance During Y-Balance Test Testing in College Students, Katelyn Mehr, Nathan Smith, and Leah Jackson
In order to maintain balance and stability, the body relies on the integration of information from the visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems. If an individual has an impairment or weakness in one or more systems, their ability to m...

Newborn Hearing Screening Technician, Mara Miller, Mara Miller, and Brian Hyatt
I have had the pleasure of working as a Newborn Hearing Screening Technician with Pediatrix Medical Group at various M Health Fairview hospital sites for the past three months. My role consists of direct patient-care interactions in which I...


The Impact of Concussion History on Balance Performance in Collegiate Football Players, Cade R. Montgomery and Evan Braesch
This study aims to investigate the enduring impact of prior sport-related concussions on static and dynamic balance performance among collegiate football players. Twenty-six players (n=26), half with a history of diagnosed concussions (n=13...


The Barnum Effect and Acceptance of Personality Test Results, Gretchen Mugglin and Joel Frederickson
A natural tendency of humans is to categorize things, including personality. Personality tests and types seem to be scarily accurate at times, but why? This study examines the Barnum Effect, a phenomenon in which individuals are overly acce...


Mind Over Matter: The Impact of Mindsets on Performance, Joyce Ngwa and Joel Frederickson
Many researchers have examined the positive effects of adopting a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. In this study, 50 participants were randomly assigned to either a growth or fixed mindset message and then were asked to complete a...

Compatability of Human Nkx2.1 in the Xenopus Model as Shown by the Expression of Sftpc, Sox2, Ptf1a, and Tbx-4., Cullen Olsen and Brian Hyatt
Nkx2.1 gene is part of the nkx2 gene cluster with transcription factors binding to homeobox 1. Nkx2.1 is directly involved in the formation of respiratory tissue and the thalamus, but is part of a diverse panel of transcription factors that...


A Flavorful Adventure: Interning at Old Dutch Foods, Ashton Olson, Jonathan Ibisch, and Jeff Port
This is an internship in which I worked at Old Dutch Foods for a summer working as a lab technician. I performed many daily tasks as well as larger projects for just my boss as a form of "research" and data analytics. I learned many things ...

The Relation Between Strength, Power Output, Mobility, And Physical Traits With Maximum Baseball Throwing Velocity, Ryan Parker, Zach Thompson, and Christopher Carroll
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the above metrics and their correlation to throwing velocity. Eighteen college baseball players completed two assessments; the first consisted of mobility and anthropometric measurements wh...


Quality Sleep & Well-Being, Cayla Paumen and Joel Frederickson
Despite being a vital function, sleep is not usually given priority, particularly among college students. University students may suffer from sleep deprivation because it affects their ability to concentrate, remember things, control their ...

Caffeine’s Impact on Heart Rate Variability During Short-Term Exercise in, morgan payne, Maya Spinler, and Christopher Carroll
The primary objective is to explore the physiological effects of caffeine on intra-bout exercise-induced blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) deceleration resulting from repeated anaerobic exercise cycling in active university students....

Streptococcus gordonii SGO_0454 gene deletion in Biofilm Formation Under Fluid Shear, Hunter Pratt and Brittany Nairn
Streptococcus gordonii is a Gram-positive bacterium that belongs to the Streptococcus family. It is commonly found in the oral cavity of the human mouth, but can also be found in the intestinal tract, and the skin. Biofilm formation is a co...

Dynamic reciprocity between fibroblasts and extracellular matrix in cardiomyopathy., Eric Puumala, Callie Knapp, Rachelle Crosby, Kirk Hansen, and Jackie Towner
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a degenerative muscular disease, resulting in chronic fibrosis that diminishes the effectiveness of contraction and repair in the heart and leads to heart failure and death. Fibrosis is an increased depo...

Inhibitory Effects of Copaiba Essential Oil on the Inflammatory Response of RAW 264.7 Cells Treated with IFN-ɣ or LPS, Jon Rosenthal, Ben Ostlie, Brian Smith, Jon Rosenthal, and Joy Doan
Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants that are used to help reduce inflammation. Copaiba is an essential oil that is harvested from a tree in the Amazon. Copaiba has been used by native Amazonian tribes to treat inflammation an...


Internship in Biological Sciences: Lab Assistant at Twin Cities Dermatopathology, Emma Ryks and Brittany Nairn
From June to December last year, I served as a Laboratory Assistant at Twin Cities Dermatopathology—an associate of Sonic Healthcare, USA. In this role, I worked under Xiao Xie (TCD’s lab Supervisor) maintaining the lab space. Tasks include...


Spectral Characterization of High-Speed SERS Fluctuations, Makayla Schmidt, Emily A. Farley, Marit A. Engevik, Alexandre G. Brolo, Nathan Lemke, and Nathan Lindquist
The concept of plasmonic “hotspots” is central to the broad field of nanophotonics. In surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), hotspots can increase Raman scattering efficiency by orders of magnitude. Hotspot dimensions may range from a f...

In-Vitro Validation of CRISPR-Mediated Cleavage of Integrin ITGβ3, Harrison Simmonds and Paula Soneral
Breast cancer is growing worldwide, requiring new avenues of treatment. During metastasis, breast cancer cells use the integrin family of receptors for adhesion to the extracellular matrix. Prior RNA-seq experiments and differential gene ex...

Previous research has displayed per the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), an increased heart rate (HR) is associated with higher cognitive function due to hormone and neurotransmitter release, specifically through the release of norepinephr...

The Effect of Hydration Status on Reaction Time and Recall Tests in College-aged Individuals, Jessie M. Smith and Jacob J. Parent
In a footrace, a fraction of a second can alter the outcome. Dehydration upsets the resting membrane potential (RMP) within the cellular environment which may lead to a delay in the conduction of action potentials. Previous research has sho...


Purpose: In order to maintain balance and stability, the body relies on the integration of information from the visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems. If an individual has an impairment or weakness in one or more systems, their abi...


The effect of targeted heart rate maximum percentages on cognitive function in college-aged adults, Emily Snider and Izzy Smith
Previous research has displayed per the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), an increased heart rate (HR) is associated with higher cognitive function due to hormone and neurotransmitter release, specifically through the release of norepinephr...


Caffeine’s Impact on Heart Rate Variability During Short-Term Exercise in University Students, Maya J. Spinler, Morgan M. Payne, and Christopher Carroll Dr.
The primary objective is to explore the physiological effects of caffeine on intra-bout exercise-induced blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) deceleration resulting from repeated anaerobic exercise cycling in active university students. ...


Internship at Emergency Physician Professional Association (EPPA), Bryan Tran and Brittany Nairn
Over the summer, I had the opportunity to start working at EPPA’s scribe program. EPPA is an organization that emphasizes the importance of exposure to the healthcare environment along with developing relationships with different medical pr...


Synthesis of disubstituted β-hydroxy acids for the enzymatic synthesis of chiral β-lactones, Laura Charlotte Underwood and James Christenson
Beta-lactone synthetases are a class of enzymes which produce chiral beta-lactones, four-membered cyclic esters, from racemic beta-hydroxy acid substrates. Chiral beta-lactones are used as chemical synthons and as bioactive compounds, such ...


EPPA Scribe Program, Renee Virtue and Sara Wyse
Over the course of Fall semester, I started scribing with EPPA to gain experience working in the medical field with doctors and PAs. Working with a variety of different medical professionals allowed me to see the differences and similaritie...


Sound of the Mind: The Effects of Music on Anxiety, Cassidy Yates and Joel Frederickson
Anxiety is a growing condition around the world. People have a variety of solutions to mental illness. Maybe, our solution could be even more closely related to what we’re already doing. Bethel psychology students participated in this study...


Anti-immigrant Sentiment: The Role of Perceived Locus of Control and Sex, Ian Young and Ron Enos
This study explored the extent to which anti-immigrant sentiment can be predicted based on the variables of gender and perceived locus of control. In order to obtain a more representative sample, three countries (United States, Brazil, and ...

Submissions from 2023


The Effects of Music Tempo on Arithmetic Cognition Testing, Heart Rate, and Perceived Stress, Katelyn Allton and Matthew Chapin
Thirty-one participants signed up for one 60-minute appointment. The participants took four Arithmetic Tests and rated their perceived stress for each test. The first was a pre-test which allowed the participants to practice the procedure, ...


An Exploration of Parenting Style, Parental Influence, and Relational Satisfaction, Lauren Richards, Ava Johnston, and Kaylee Pierson


Differences in Anaerobic Power and Fatigue Index in Different Phases of the Menstrual Cycle, Ellie Steinle and Makenna Brown
PURPOSE: The menstrual cycle has only recently become a more popular area to explore by researchers, and, because of this, there is a lack of research done on the menstrual cycle and the effects it has on females. The purpose of this resear...


Acute Effects of Mental Health on Concussion Testing, Annika Thompson and Carin Gutzwiller
The process of diagnosing a concussion starts long before any hit on the field. At the beginning of each season, athletes are baseline tested using the same Sports Concussion Assessment Test 5 (SCAT5) that is used on the field when injury o...

Submissions from 2022


[Re/De]Generation Colloquy Volume 1, Abby Stocker, Leah Patton, Brad Cox, Jacob Manning, Roberta Fultz, Jared Hedges, and Stacie Lewis
Contents Editor’s Statement 5 Communication Studies On Ideals in Romantic Relationships 25 Paul Hjellming, Lori Bergstrom, Bo Johnson, and Eric Osmondson Perception of Profanity in Interpersonal Relationships 47 Ashley Pivaronas, Jes...


Lunchtime, Kim Tran

Submissions from 2021


His Soul Is Marching On: The Abolitionist Spirit of John Brown, Sam Carlson
In the time of Bleeding Kansas, a period of some of the most intense internal strife in US history, abolitionist John Brown was at the center of attention. His capture of Harpers Ferry and his public execution made him a symbol of the confl...


John Brown: The Hanged Hero, Sam Derfus
On Sunday October 16th, 1859, John Brown and 21 men besieged Harpers Ferry in an attempt to sow chaos and upheave the institution of slavery. Brown held the area for a few days before being captured, taken to court, and killed. Seen as an i...


Fur Trade in Minnesota: the Rise and Fall of Ojibwe Power, Soraya Keiser
Before any Europeans came to the shores of North America, Native Americans inhabited these lands. They fished the waters, harvested the earth, and hunted the game. Within the large continent, the Great Lakes region was especially abundant, ...

Submissions from 2020


All Students Are Worthy: A Comparison of Special Education Within Countries, Makenna Brown
Dating back to the 1800’s, people with a disability have been thrown into mental institutions, beaten, abused, and underestimated. For those with a disability, having an opportunity to be educated was not thought possible. They have been de...


A Content Analysis of Rachel Held Evans’ Impact through Her Virtual Community of Faith, Maddie Christy
This research discusses the impact of Rachel Held Evans’ life, work, and death on her virtual community of faith. Evans’ work as a writer and theologian in the progressive evangelical Christian world was analyzed in this study through the T...


Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women: How the Law has Disregarded Violence against Indigenous Women, Tavniah Dyer
This paper explores the concerns encompassed in the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women issue and the recently begun movement. The MMIW movement is bringing recognition to the problems of unequal consideration given to Native American wom...


Life-Long Benefits of Studying Abroad, Ellora Olsen
9 AM in Tokyo, Japan is when instead of being a commuter, you get to be a sardine. Physically crammed into the train with hundreds of other people, you better be prepared to get comfortable (or uncomfortable, if we’re being honest) for your...


Developing a Portable, Smartphone-Based Schlieren Imaging System, Grace Riermann and Keith R. Stein
Schlieren imaging is a technique for visualizing fluid flows that are characterized by spatial variations in density or refractive index. Because schlieren imaging is commonly performed with expensive equipment in a lab setting, we sought c...

Submissions from 2019


Gender in Bethel University’s Political Science Department: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Female Political Science Students, Sarah E. Bylsma
In one political science class I took recently, I noticed some interesting behaviors among myself and my classmates...This situation got me thinking about the role that gender plays in politics, and this course gave me the opportunity to cl...

Submissions from 2018


Effects of a 60 Minute On Ice Game Simulation on the Balance Error Scoring System, Philip Cameron, Noelle C. Sotero, and Justin Byers
Mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs) are common in contact sports. There is an association between mTBIs and altered motor function. BioSway technology measures individuals’ balance using the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS). Prior to i...


Wise Women: The Female Junzi in Confucian Ethics, Berit Turnquist
In the context of Confucian ethics, there are few concepts as indefinable yet centrally important to the system of thought as a whole as the ideal of the sage. The sage is a key topic of discussion in The Analects of Confucius, and has been...

Submissions from 2017


The Effects of Resistance-Based Warm-ups on Linear Speed and Power Output, Brock Baumgarn, Jackson Canfield, and Chris Carroll
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to examine the speed (yard/sec) and power (Inertial Power Units) of an athlete via the modalities of a 20-yard dash (yards/sec), a broad jump (m), and a portable conical pulley (CP) (VersaPulley, Santa Ana...


A Narrative Approach to Forgiveness Amidst Disagreement, Christopher Bengtson
While not always the case, there are instances where parties involved disagree on the nature of a particular offense. Personal conflict can lead to rifts in personal relationships or moral trust of the larger community; disagreement over th...


A Correlational Study of Religiosity and Total Body Fat Composition in Collegiate Populations, Courtney Bostrum, Ryan Radtke, and Seth A. Paradis
Previous research indicates rising levels of body fat composition in Americans. One contributing factor may be an individual’s degree of religiosity. Although not all, most studies have found religiosity to negatively impact body mass index...


The Effects of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Scapular Motor Control Intervention on the Rehabilitation of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, Madison R. Dorn, Rebekah R. Shindelar, Rick C. Hjelm, and Seth A. Paradis
OBJECTIVE: Shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS) accounts for 44-65% of total shoulder complaints. Previous research has analyzed the effectiveness of scapular-focused SIS treatment, but little research has been performed evaluating the effec...


The Effect of Loaded Backpack Usage on Balance after a Functional Daily Stair Task, Shanni Moorse, Alyssa Haus, and Seth A. Paradis
Backpack usage is common among many age groups, including college students. As students go about their daily routines, they may reach cardiorespiratory fatigue (CRF). CRF achieved via a treadmill workout has been shown to significantly incr...


The Effects of the Incentive Approach on Physical Activity and Sleep Utilizing Wearable Fitness Technology, Katie A. Schmidt, Courtney J. Sheets, Kassi A. Thiel, Morgan G. Wolf, and Seth A. Paradis
PURPOSE: Wearable fitness technology (WFT) is a relevant tool in analyzing physical activity and sleep. Sleep and physical activity have symbiotic roles in maintaining wellness and returning the body to homeostasis. Currently, research is l...


The Effects of Various Stretching Protocols on Rate of Force Development in Collegiate Athletes, Brycen Wojta, Katie Lubben, and Chris Carroll
PURPOSE: Stretching is part of a dynamic warm-up that is commonly used in preparation for a number of different sporting events. Previous research suggests that stretching may decrease musculotendinous stiffness which has a possibility to c...

Submissions from 2016


Hannah More's Moral Imagination: Fiction that Reformed a Nation, Emma Beecken
She has been described as the most influential woman of her era and Britain's greatest propagandist. Her works were far more popular than Jane Austen's and were personally requested by royalty. She ran in the highest circles, dear friends w...

Submissions from 2015


The Role of Memory in Forgiveness: A Post-Forgiveness Investigation, Zachariah Berry
There is a fundamental importance and value in maintaining a memory of wrongs done in the past. What do we do, however, when we think that we have forgiven someone, but aspects from the past wrong continue to manifest in our conscious aware...


Images of Suffering: An investigation of Francisco Goya's 'Disasters of War' and William Blake's 'Illustrations for the Book of Job', Chris Christenson
Francisco de Goya and William Blake, who we regard today as two of the greatest artists of the Romantic era, each produced a provocative set of engravings towards the end of his life. Goya's Los Desastres de la Guerra [The Disasters of War]...


A 21st Century Fairy Tale: Disney Princesses and Perceptions of Gender, Gina Graham
Disney's animated characters, songs, story themes and trinkets are true cultural icons, venerated across the world by staunch believers, adults as well as children, who live in massive urban centers and in tiny rural hamlets (Faherty 1). Fo...


Fullness of Life for Virginia Woolf and Mrs. Dalloway, Jared Hedges
The great eighteenth century pragmatist William James worried once that a particular philosophy was “too economical to be all-sufficient” (James 83). He goes on to say: “Profusion, not economy, may after all be reality’s key-note.” Virginia...


Apostle to Burma: A Case Study of Ecumenical Evangelicalism in the Life of Adoniram Judson, Jacob Manning
Adoniram (1788-1850) and Ann Judson (1789-1826) boarded the Caravan along with Samuel and Harriet Newell in Salem, Massachusetts on February 19, 1812 with a directive from the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions to preach t...


Penal Substitution and Divine Forgiveness, Daniel Thweatt
According to Keith Ward, “One must...reject those crude accounts of Christian doctrine which...say that Christ has been justly punished in our place so that he has taken away our guilt and enabled God to forgive us. Almost everything is eth...


The Paneled Lives of Extraordinary Women: Comic Books, Superheroines, and American Women in the 1940s, Kelly Van Wyk
When scholars examine a society in search of the principles that it holds most dear, popular culture promises an attractive and engaging medium where one can search for answers. Intellectual disciplines such as art history, film studies, an...


A Long Way from Minneapolis: Minnesotans in the Spanish Civil War, Fletcher Warren
In 1996, eighty-one-year-old Minnesotan Clarence Forester and sixty-seven fellow Americans traveled to Barcelona at the behest of the Spanish government. There, they feasted at state banquets, received honorary Spanish citizenship, and para...

Submissions from 2014


On a Knife's Edge: Imagination and ἐπίνοια in the Eunomian Controversy, Tim Anderson
According to Paul Avis, the imagination has gone through the ringer in both modernity and post modernity. Modernity “assumes a dichotomy between rational discourse, on the one hand, and imagistic thinking, on the other. It privileges logos ...


Cochlear Implants, Language Acquisition, and Speech Intelligibility: The Effect of Age at Implantation, Danielle Becker
A review of the current literature on outcomes of individuals using cochlear implants, especially in the relationship between age at implantation and speech intelligibility was conducted. Literature describing norms for language acquisition...


The Pivot: American Involvement in Asia, Marisa Tillman
Part I: On November 17th, 2011, President Obama addressed the Australian parliament and presented a plan to shift American attention towards the Asia-Pacific region (Beitelman 2012, 1086). This is a policy known as the Pivot, which represen...

Submissions from 2013


Protests, Patriotism, Prayer: Bethel College Students and the Vietnam Debate, Annie Berglund
The 1960s and 1970s in American history conjure up a wide variety of dramatic visuals: Rock and Roll, hippies, civil rights, Kent State, assassinations, drugs, riots. Similarly, draft dodging, protests, tear gas, policeman, and imprisonment...