Sleep Patterns




Joel Fredrickson

Document Type



Metadata Only


Past research on this topic has primarily looked to examine the negative influence of sleep deprivation and irregular sleep patterns consistent with those diagnosed with the sleep disorder insomnia. Previous empirical testing has been conducted to decipher if individuals who experience significant sleep disturbances would score higher on a given ‘catastrophizing scale’. Our current research study looks to analyze participants on their levels of catastrophizing in other areas of their lives and look for a relationship in their perception of their ability to receive quality sleep.

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May 11th, 1:30 PM

Sleep Patterns

Past research on this topic has primarily looked to examine the negative influence of sleep deprivation and irregular sleep patterns consistent with those diagnosed with the sleep disorder insomnia. Previous empirical testing has been conducted to decipher if individuals who experience significant sleep disturbances would score higher on a given ‘catastrophizing scale’. Our current research study looks to analyze participants on their levels of catastrophizing in other areas of their lives and look for a relationship in their perception of their ability to receive quality sleep.