A putative YesMN two-component system ortholog in Streptococcus gordonii impacts biofilm formation in a zinc-dependent manner


Biological Sciences


Brittany Nairn

Document Type



Metadata Only


Streptococcus gordonii is an oral bacterium that forms plaque biofilms on the surface of the teeth. Two-component systems within bacteria allow for sensing of the external environment, the ability to respond to any external changes, and regulation of behaviors such as the formation of biofilms. We are interested in studying which two-component systems are involved in the regulation of biofilm formation by S. gordonii since it is currently poorly understood. A gene deletion mutant of an uncharacterized sensor kinase and response regulator SGO_1760/1761 was generated and evaluated for its role in biofilm formation. Interestingly, ΔSGO_1760/1761 had increased biofilm biomass compared to wild-type S. gordonii as measured by crystal violet staining. Evaluation of OD600 and ATP quantification suggested that this increase in biofilm formation was not due to an increase in bacterial growth. Sequence alignments showed that SGO_1760/1761 has significant homology to the two-component system YesMN in Streptococcus pneumoniae, which plays a role in zinc homeostasis and glycan metabolism. Therefore, wild-type S. gordonii and ΔSGO_1760/1761 biofilms were grown under a range of Zn-limiting conditions using the chelator TPEN. Zinc limitation restored ΔSGO_1760/61 biofilm biomass to wild-type levels. Together these data suggest that SGO_1760/61 plays a role in biofilm formation in a zinc-dependent manner, encodes a YesMN ortholog in S. gordonii, and provides insight into S.gordonii regulation of biofilm formation.

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May 11th, 1:30 PM

A putative YesMN two-component system ortholog in Streptococcus gordonii impacts biofilm formation in a zinc-dependent manner

Streptococcus gordonii is an oral bacterium that forms plaque biofilms on the surface of the teeth. Two-component systems within bacteria allow for sensing of the external environment, the ability to respond to any external changes, and regulation of behaviors such as the formation of biofilms. We are interested in studying which two-component systems are involved in the regulation of biofilm formation by S. gordonii since it is currently poorly understood. A gene deletion mutant of an uncharacterized sensor kinase and response regulator SGO_1760/1761 was generated and evaluated for its role in biofilm formation. Interestingly, ΔSGO_1760/1761 had increased biofilm biomass compared to wild-type S. gordonii as measured by crystal violet staining. Evaluation of OD600 and ATP quantification suggested that this increase in biofilm formation was not due to an increase in bacterial growth. Sequence alignments showed that SGO_1760/1761 has significant homology to the two-component system YesMN in Streptococcus pneumoniae, which plays a role in zinc homeostasis and glycan metabolism. Therefore, wild-type S. gordonii and ΔSGO_1760/1761 biofilms were grown under a range of Zn-limiting conditions using the chelator TPEN. Zinc limitation restored ΔSGO_1760/61 biofilm biomass to wild-type levels. Together these data suggest that SGO_1760/61 plays a role in biofilm formation in a zinc-dependent manner, encodes a YesMN ortholog in S. gordonii, and provides insight into S.gordonii regulation of biofilm formation.