"Protests, Patriotism, Prayer: Bethel College Students and the Vietnam " by Annie Berglund

Document Type

Senior Paper/Project


The 1960s and 1970s in American history conjure up a wide variety of dramatic visuals: Rock and Roll, hippies, civil rights, Kent State, assassinations, drugs, riots. Similarly, draft dodging, protests, tear gas, policeman, and imprisonments are obvious, explicit, and vocal responses to Vietnam that draw many Americans into discussion about the anti-war movement. This period of debate and activism is well researched and captivating. However, the tendency to look at the 1960s and 1970s as a conglomeration of movements and political groups can fail to appropriately acknowledge the complex responses of average individuals in the United States. Even within major organizations like the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee, Students for a Democratic Society, and Organization for Women Now, members had divergent beliefs about activism, morality, and support for other societies. The small, predominantly Midwestern, evangelical community attending Bethel College in St. Paul, Minnesota, experienced the Vietnam War era like many other Americans: with diverse opinions and a wide spectrum of activism and indifference. Studying this group of individuals, noting their engagement with the war and their decisions regarding it, is vital in adding to a more comprehensive view of this infamous time period in U.S. history.

Date Accepted/Awarded

Spring 2013


HIS499 History Senior Seminar

First Advisor/Reader

Gehrz, Christopher
