Caffeine and its Effect on Daily Activities




Joel Frederickson

Document Type



Metadata Only


Our study was aimed at investigating the effects caffeine has on people's daily activities and mental processes. A survey was put on SONA for Bethel University students to access anonymously. Participants completed a 22 item survey asking them questions about how, when, whey, and how often they consume caffeine. The items on our survey were aimed at investigating the effects that caffeine has on social, energy, sleep, anxiety, exercise, and appetite.

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May 11th, 1:30 PM

Caffeine and its Effect on Daily Activities

Our study was aimed at investigating the effects caffeine has on people's daily activities and mental processes. A survey was put on SONA for Bethel University students to access anonymously. Participants completed a 22 item survey asking them questions about how, when, whey, and how often they consume caffeine. The items on our survey were aimed at investigating the effects that caffeine has on social, energy, sleep, anxiety, exercise, and appetite.