Programs included in this collection and when they started submitting digitally is listed below. (See years of coverage in parentheses):
- Doctor of Ministry (2015 - present)
- Education Dissertations (2015 - present)
- Education K-12 Theses (2017 - present)
- Nurse-Midwifery Theses (2016 - present)
- Nurse Educator Theses (2016 - 2020)
- Physician Assistant Theses (2015 - present)
- Special Education Theses (2017 - present)
- Teaching Theses (2017 - present)
- Athletic Training (2020)
- Athletic Training Leadership (2020)
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Smoking in the Homeless Population: Implementation of a Smoking Cessation Program at the Union Gospel Mission Men’s Campus in St. Paul, Minnesota, Benjamin James Hageman, Chandler R. Hutton, Matthew Schull, and Nathaniel Van Loon
The health consequences of smoking disproportionately impact the homeless population. The homeless population has a higher rate of smoking (70%) than the general population (21%) and has a 5-fold decrease in smoking cessation success rates ...
Understanding the Role of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Among Women With Fibromyalgia: a Review of the Literature, Emily Hall
Background: Women with fibromyalgia (FM) experience a range of symptoms threatening the integrity of their overall wellbeing. Since no cure exists, management to reduce symptoms, disability, and improve functionality is the focus. Promising...
Inclusion in International Schools: Achieving Academic Excellence AND Education for All, Marla Starr Hall
Inclusion of students with diverse learning profiles is a rapidly growing trend, yet no research exists on the implementation of inclusive programming in international schools. As diversity becomes more important in the globalized world and...
Prevalence of Mental Health Stigma Among Practicing PAs in Regard to Personal Experience and Patient Exposure, Bailey J. Hanson, Allison Hoy, and Madeline Lieberson
Stigmatizing attitudes can be destructive to both the emotional and physical wellbeing of individuals living with mental illness. In fact, individuals with a mental illness are more likely to be seen as responsible for their illness and mor...
Critical Success Factors for Teaching a Second Language in an Online Setting, Anna Hendrickson
In our society, learning in an online setting is on the rise and learning a second language is becoming increasingly beneficial. The following text presents a review of the critical success factors for teaching a second language in an onlin...
Gut Health and Environmental Impact on Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Christine Joy Noëlle Henne
In recent research, probable connections have been made between gut health and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Microbial imbalances within the gut were discovered in individuals with ASD, leading some researchers to think that this maladapt...
Agile Methodologies in Postsecondary Curriculum Development, Clay Hess
This study examined the state of the curriculum development process within the two-year technical college environment. The paper looked at cost, quality, and satisfaction with the curriculum development process. The scope of the study was t...
Multiethnic and Missional: God’s Heart for an Integrated and Diverse Church, Justin Saul Hiebert
The American church is largely segregated and homogenous. This has not only stunted the growth of the church but led to an ineffective and limited mission vision. The contemporary American church must reclaim the biblical mandate to be both...
Understanding of the Place Value Concept for Special Education Students, Haley Lynn Hoskins
Many students demonstrate difficulty with number sense, especially those of which struggle academically under a special education label. As a result, educators have the option to teach conceptual place value using a variety of methods which...
Virtual Reality Technology-enabled Educational Approaches for Those With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Randolph S. Hull
This literature review examines research studies that evaluated the effectiveness of virtual reality (VR) simulated interventions in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) including their enjoyment of the process and their ability to tr...
Significance of Spirituality Among Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Carlee N. Hunter and Sarah E. Kivisto
Previous literature has demonstrated a relationship between spirituality and positive health outcomes in the general population. However, little research has been done on the role spirituality plays in the lives of individuals with DD (inte...
The Use of 1:1 Technology to Motivate and Engage Students, Adam Huppert
Growth of technology in the past decade has changed the educational system forever. Technology has been integrated into education to incorporate new tools for students to connect with the outside world. Students now have the opportunity to ...
Addressing the Educational Challenges of Latino Students, Molly A. Ireland
One of the largest minority student populations in the United States is Latinos. Despite the large population, there is a significant achievement gap between Latino students and their white classmates. This literature review examines the is...
Decreasing Behavioral Challenges Using Sensory Strategies, Nicole Jean Jaworski
The purpose of this paper is to examine the literature that identifies how the use of sensory integration strategies can positively impact students behavior in the classroom. Students with special needs often demonstrate sensory disruptions...
The Fertile Window, Ashley Joy Jensen
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine various biological indicators and tracking methods to determine which are the most accurate in identifying the fertility window for reproductive-aged women. Results: Whether the woman has reg...
Can the Church of God Pursue Ethnic Diversity in Leadership?, Fijoy Linord Johnson
The Church of God denomination has more than seven million members in 185 nations and territories. More than 36,000 congregations serve around the world. The Church of God denomination has been in existence for 130 years and in its entire h...
Interventions For Promoting Earlier Enrollment Into Hospice and Palliative Care Among Patients With A Terminal Illness, Jody K. Kampa
Background: Although research supports palliative care (PC) to improve symptoms and quality of life for patients with terminal illnesses, these services are underutilized. While 80% of people prefer to die at home, the majority still die in...
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and Academic Achievement in Students Receiving Special Education Services, Jennifer L. Keenan
This literature review examines the relationship between PBIS interventions and the effectiveness of implementation on factors that hinder academic success for students receiving special education services. The factors of focus included off...
How To Change Pre-Service Elementary Courses To Increase Teachers' Health Education Self-Efficacy Levels, Lisa Marie Kepple
This study used a mixed methods approach to examine the self-efficacy of pre-service elementary education teachers after completing a health education methods course compared to an interdisciplinary course such as a science, physical educat...
Understanding and Developing Motivation within an Academic Setting, Katarina Marie Klem
Developing, supporting, and encouraging academic motivation within the classroom through a wide variety of internal and external forces that develop and support academic motivation is essential in providing all students with a successful le...
Understanding and Evaluating Classroom Ecology, Amanda Kolpin
Minnesota Rule 8719.5000 requires that special education teachers assess how environmental factors impact students during the evaluation process. Despite evidence explaining how environmental factors impact student achievement and behaviors...
Risks and Benefits of Trial of Labor After Cesarean When Compared to Elective Repeat Cesarean Section in Rural Facilities, Cassie Marie Kurtz and Anna Ruth Picker
Background/Purpose: Trial of Labor After Cesarean (TOLAC) is a safe delivery option formany women. Due to demographics, availability in rural communities, and lack of education and opportunity, many women are not attempting them. Women shou...
The Impact Project-Based Learning has on Student Motivation and Academics, Haley Larson
In an effort to find new ways of motivating and engaging students this literature review aims to understand the main concepts of Project-Based Learning (PBL), what motivation is, and how it affects student academics. PBL is a teaching metho...
Understanding the Adult Correctional Education Student: A Review of Inhibiting Factors, Motivating Factors, and Effective Instructional Strategies for the Classroom, Kayla Ann Larson
In efforts to understand how to motivate adult learners within the correctional education setting, educators must be aware of the inhibiting and motivating factors that either hinder or improve student self-efficacy. While there are numerou...
Teaching Controversial Issues: Overcoming Obstacles and Using Best Practices, Maggie LeMay
The teaching of controversial issues—those issues which have sparked a prolonged public debate or dispute, and usually, concerns matters of conflicting opinions or points of view—is a necessary and important aspect of any civics education p...
Autism and the Impact on Multicultural Famlies, Mai Kou Lor
This study examined the impact of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with parents from different cultures all over the world. The literature review focused on ways negative and positive outcomes impacted parents and caregivers raising children ...
Understanding Public Perception of Telemedicine, Carolyn Majkrzak, Sarah Strenke, and Katie Vraspir
The healthcare system in the United States is struggling to meet the needs of a growing patient population amidst the burden of provider shortages and rising costs, where no simple or easy answer exists. However, telemedicine has emerged as...
Teaching Resilience to Nurses and Nursing Students, Laura Elizabeth McKinney
Background: Nurses are leaving the profession at high rates and many of them cite compassion fatigue and burnout as the cause. Nursing students leave their schooling at even higher rates. Developing resilience in nursing students and practi...
Hands-on Learning in Primary Grades, Bridgette Marie Megears
This thesis focuses on the understanding of hands on learning in the setting of primary grades. Play and exploration is a natural form of learning that students have been doing all their lives. With the available different types of play, ea...
Social and Emotional Health in the Schools, Brittany J. Meuser
This thesis examines the role of social and emotional learning skills in the schools. Teachers and schools are able to use a variety of interventions to address students’ social and emotional health needs within the school building. This wo...
Education and Support for Patients and Families with Pediatric Chronic Kidney Disease: A Community Service Project, Dulcey Amaia Milek, Emily Josephine Petersen, and Aimie Beth Seehafer
With any chronic illness, there may be difficulties that arise such as symptom control, medical management, and resource and support availability. In addition, pediatric populations may require more complex care due to the child’s continuin...
The Lived Experiences of Students with High Functioning Autism in Higher Education, Aida G. Miles
A growing number of students with high functioning autism (HFA) are entering higher education; this number is expected to grow as the prevalence of autism continues to rise. Students with HFA face many challenges when entering higher educat...
Narratives Church: A Missional Church Planting Path For Cultivating a Unified Theological Vision, Mark Miller
This research project focused on the development of a unified theological vision for the missional movement with specific attention given to the United States. The researcher conducted a thorough investigation of Scripture and current bibli...
Best Practices for Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Dual-language Immersion Setting, Jonathan Mitchell
Teaching Social Studies in the Dual-Language Immersion setting provides unique challenges and opportunities. This paper’s introduction provides a brief explanation of the classifications, terminology and history of Dual Language Immersion p...
How Nature Impacts the Social, Emotional, and Sensory Needs of Students on the Autism Spectrum, Andrea Marie Mogren
Meeting the sensory needs of students is often currently confined to classroom modifications. Teachers try to meet sensory, social, and emotional needs through human-developed methods such as fidgets, lighting covers, flexible seating, occu...
Mental Health Intervention within the Education System and the Importance of Developing a Quality Model of Services, Jaclyn Mumaugh
The purpose of this thesis was to determine what schools are currently doing with the rise of mental health issues in youth. As schools continue to enroll more and more children suffering from possible mental health issues, districts must b...
Physical Activity in the Secondary Classroom, Rebecca Streit Nelson
The purpose of this thesis is to review literature related to exercise breaks in the secondary classroom. There is a current nation-wide effort to increase active behavior in our youth. Secondary teachers and administrators are finding new ...
The Effects of Problem-Based Learning: A Literature Review, Brianna Nettleton
This thesis reviews the existing research of problem-based learning (PBL) and its implementation at a secondary level. The goal of the research is to determine if PBL should be implemented with students in a secondary math classroom. The au...
Effects of Mindfulness Practice on the Academic, Cognitive, and Psychological Outcomes of First and Second Language Learners: A Literature Review, Tami L. Noblet
The purpose of this literature review on Mindfulness and metacognitive studies conducted in a school setting between 1983-2018 was twofold. The first was to investigate the effects of mindfulness on the academic, cognitive, and psychologica...
Addressing Challenging Behaviors of Students with Down syndrome, Laura M. Olstad
This literature review focuses on finding research-supported techniques regarding interventions for children with Down syndrome who display challenging behaviors that interfere with academic and social aspects of their lives. The goal of th...
Patient Disclosure of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the Patient-Provider Relationship, Kathryn V. Ortmann, Norsha Scheil, and Thomas Stearns
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is becoming increasingly prevalent in the United States, with notable usage of supplements, deep breathing exercises, and chiropractic care. Despite this influx of CAM, nearly half of patients do...
A Comparative Analysis of Leadership Factors Impacting Athletic Training Education Program Directors and Clinical Education Coordinators, Chad T. Osgood
Athletic Training specific research supports the need for athletic trainers to possess and utilize leadership knowledge, skills, and competencies. The expanding roles and responsibilities of Program Directors (PDs) and Clinical Education Co...
Effects of Labor Support from Doulas on Birth Outcomes, Mattea Jo Otten
Background/Purpose: Women using a doula for support during labor and childbirth is increasing, with 6% of women in 2012 utilizing doulas (Dekker, 2017). The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists [ACOG] recommends one-to-one la...
The Benefits and Curriculum Strategies of Self Directed Individual Education Plan Development for Post Secondary Special Education Students, Megan A. Palma
Abstract This thesis set out to research current literature on the effects of student-led Individualized Education Plans and the development of students’ self-advocacy skills. It contains information regarding techniques or curriculum and ...
Diaspora, Migration, and Refugees in Europe: Developing Leadership within Multicultural Teams, Matthew S. Paschall
This research study addressed the challenge of developing leaders in the midst of the recent refugee crisis in Europe, historic waves of immigration, and ongoing global migration of diaspora peoples. Migration has led to unprecedented diver...
Experiential Learning Best Practices and Successes in the K-8 Classroom, Asia Sierra Paulus
This paper aims to analyze the best learning practices and success stories of experiential learning in the K-8 classroom. Experiential Learning is explained through research done in the K-8 classroom. Research is analyzed showing how experi...
The Experiences of Recently Graduated Marriage and Family Therapists Working with Immigrants and Refugees, Cristina Plaza Ruiz
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the experiences of recently graduated mental health professionals from Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) programs in the United States who work with immigrant and refugee populations...
Supporting ELL Secondary Students at International Schools in Asia, Richard Earl Poulin III
This literature review explores how to adequately support newly admitted secondary school English Language Learners (ELLs) attending an international school in Asia. Research suggests that learning English as a teen is more difficult and gr...
Strategies to Improve English as an Additional Language (EAL) Nursing Student Communication, Kellie Ann Quesada
Background: The demand for diverse nurses to care for an increasingly diverse population in the United States is growing. Nursing programs need to have strategies in place to support nursing students who a speak English as an Additional Lan...
The Importance of Safety Laws and Regulations That Benefit Both Staff and Students in a Special Education Setting, Christine Marie Quinn
In special education there are a variety of settings in which school staff services a population of students who have a wide variety of ages and ability levels. While working closely with these students, these educators may be put at risk t...
Cooperative Learning as an Instructional Approach for Promoting Language Achievement in English Language Learners, Brittany Marie Rechtin
This research investigates the effectiveness of Cooperative Learning (CL) on the language achievement of English Language Learners (ELLs) by comparing it to traditional, individualistic and/or competitive approaches to learning. It also aim...
Utilizing Technology to Leverage the Improvement of 21st Century Skills, Jon Reker
As technology integration becomes the norm in society, the field of education must adapt to the usage of technology, to prepare future citizens in the workforce. Educators can use a framework of 21st-century skills, to assess if they are pr...
The Effectiveness of Non-pharmacological Touch Therapies in Labor, Heather Rice
Background/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze literature in order to determine the effectiveness of non-pharmacological touch therapies during labor. The touch therapies included in this literature review are acupun...
Student Achievement Outcomes, Classroom Engagement, and Perceptions of the Flipped Classroom, Laura M. Sandberg
The purpose of this thesis was to review the literature surrounding the flipped classroom in K-12 and post-secondary education levels. The literature review highlighted the effects of the flipped classroom on student achievement outcomes an...
Factors Impacting Mathematically Literate Students, Erika Schmieg
The question analyzed within this literature review is: what are common traits of mathematics learners and how can we utilize this information to promote mathematical literacy in the classroom? Mathematical literacy is a large factor in thi...
How Childhood Trauma Directly Affects the Mental Health and Life-long Learning of K-12 Students, Tara Jean Schubring
During the time as a federal setting III EBD teacher in a self-contained elementary-aged program, there have been two critical elements in this field that have provided the passion to tackle this topic of effective classroom management stra...
Servant Leadership and Teacher Retention, Ryan Siegle
The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationship between teachers’ perceptions of principals’ servant leadership and teacher intent to turnover for public middle school teachers in Minnesota. This study specifically ex...
Methods of Creating an Effective Self-guided Mathematics Classroom, Jody Jean Sielski
There are a variety of ways to offer student-centered learning, self-guided is the one this literature review examined. Through research, a classroom with a self-guided system should include a way for students to access new content without ...
Impact of art education on student development and achievement, Shanna Marie Slice
The significance of art education as a part of public education in America has been greatly debated since public education’s inception. While the most recently passed education bill includes art as a part of a well-rounded education, there ...
A Phenomenological Study of an African American Church-Public School Partnership: In Search of Social and Emotional Support, Lisa Samantha Smith
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the lived experience of an African American church-public school partnership to determine the types of social and emotional support provided in the mentoring program. A group of 21 s...
Awana Together: Empowering Parents as Spiritual Mentors for Their Children, Sara-Jane Heacox Sosa
The post-Christian culture in the United States presents a significant challenge to the spiritual growth of adults and children. At Plymouth Covenant Church, ministry leaders recognized that young parents often lacked a biblical foundation....
Research-based Effective Classroom Management Techniques: A Review of the Literature, Alison A. Stueber
This study examined the impact of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports-based and evidence-based interventions to improve classroom and behavior management in schools all over the world. Additionally, this study also examined the fac...
The Relationship Between Cultural Background, Gender, Physical Activity, and the Resilience and Well-Being Levels of Adolescents, Joshua G. Symes
The incidence of mental health disorders continues to rise, and it is predicted that depression will be the second highest cause of disability, behind ischemic heart disease, for all ages and genders over the next decade (WHO, 2017). Mental...
A Phenomenology of Authentic Leadership, Joshua J. Tilley
This thesis asks a question about what if feels like to experience authentic leadership. The purpose is to grasp the essence of authentic leadership as experienced through the lives of those who have served under and/or over those they perc...
Nursing Strategies to Meet the Communication Needs of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Elizabeth A. Voss
Background: Parents reported their children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) needs are unmet or delayed in health care settings. Health care providers stated they were not comfortable caring for children with ASD. Since communication imp...
The Implications of Childhood Trauma for Education Professionals, Travis William Walls
Students in all areas of the world have experienced trauma that has impacted both their educational and social development; this epidemic has become clear over the last 20 years. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study recognized seven nega...
Mitigating Depression In Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Patients: A Review of the Literature, Heidi L. Wiertzema
Background: Many patients who become critically ill spend an extended period of time in the intensive care unit (ICU). Oftentimes, patients experience depression as they navigate the healing process. Experiencing these symptoms may influenc...
Association Between Study Abroad Experiences and Ethnocultural Empathy, Julia Jean Crumrine Winn
The ability to interact and interrelate with people from other cultures and ethnicities has great value in a world becoming increasingly more global in its orientation. Not only have institutions invested time and resources to this end, stu...
Mindfulness Training and Its Effects on Behavior and Achievement, Amber L. Woeltge
Mindfulness is a concept that has been around for hundreds of years dating back to 3000B.C. However, as of recent it has reached our youth and adolescents in education and elsewhere. Mindfulness–Based Training involving young children and a...
Teacher-Student Relationships and Their Impact on Student Achievement in School, Cassandra Ann Woodis
This literature review addresses teacher-student relationships (TSRs) and their impact on student achievement in school. Research was collected from peer-reviewed articles and journals on the importance of TSRs, barriers that can make it di...
Impacts of Inclusion on the Academic and Social-emotional Skills of Students With Special Education Needs, Tara L. Wood
This literature review examined studies focusing on how students with disabilities are benefited by receiving services in the general education classroom, or least restrictive environment. It also aims to determine the negative impacts of s...
Level of Postoperative Pain as it Relates to Patients Undergoing Robotic and Open Thyroidectomy Surgery, Lucinda E. Zeilinger
Background: With the growing popularity of robotic surgery, more research should be performed to compare the outcomes with the conventional, open approaches. In particular, comparison of postoperative pain is needed as it has significant im...
Current Best Practices, Evidence, Safety, and Efficacy Regarding Hormone Therapy Use for Menopausal and Postmenopausal Women, Kelly Lynn Zschoche
Background: Every woman will experience menopause, however each woman’s experience is individual and has varying degrees of symptoms. As a woman ages estrogen production declines and eventually ceases. Hormone replacement therapy has been u...
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Parent Teacher Cross-cultural Collaboration in Special Education, Elvera O. Agboka
Classrooms today are so diverse that it cannot go unnoticed. Diversity ranging from academic levels, religion, culture, etc. The focus for this thesis is how to create a collaborative environment with parents of students from different cult...
Content and Instructional Strategies in Learning Arabic as a Second Language:The Impact of a Five Cs Designed Unit on Learners’ Speaking Motivation, Ghada Ali Al-Sadoon
The Arabic language is one of the significant world languages; it is the official language of 21 countries. Over three million people speak Arabic as a first language in the United States and almost all of them are native-born Americans (Se...
Project Based Learning Instructional Design and the Benefits If Brings to Modern Classrooms Specifically in Special Education, Maylynn E. Arntzen
This thesis explores and defines what project based learning instruction is, and focuses on the impact it has on both traditional and special education classroom environments. The research examines the issues that schools face in the 21st C...
Anxiety Reduction Among Washington County Jail Inmates: a Community Service Project, Tyler J. Back, Laura Bakke, and Daniel Cuppy
The general principle of anxiety has been thoroughly studied in many populations and shown to have variable underlying etiology, partially related to abnormalities in brain chemistry as well as unfamiliar or uncomfortable social situations....
Reducing Stereotypic Behaviors in Children With Autism, Sianna Banham
I’d like to take this time to thank my fiancé, family, peers and friends who supported me throughout this process. I have many people to thank who have pushed me to stay one task and get this thesis done, as I am a huge procrastinator. Thom...
Barriers to Initial Implemenation and Sustained Positive Behavior Intervention Systems in High Schools, Kathleen L. Barnhart
Schoolwide Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (SWPBIS) has increasingly become a popular method to working with students at all school levels. While more attention has been given to elementary and middle schools than high schools, the r...
Teaching Social Skills or Play: the Importance of Foundational Skills, Elizabeth Ann Bauman
The purpose of this study is to conduct a thorough examination of the current literature related to the background, benefit and implementation of play in teaching social skills to children with autism spectrum disorders. The ability to demo...
In Humility: Developing Intercultural Competence Among Leaders of a Reconciliation Organization in Israel-palestine, Debra J. Bayes
The purpose of this research was to explore the need for intercultural competence development among leaders of a Christian reconciliation organization (Musalaha) in Israel-Palestine. Success in reconciliation work depends on many factors of...
The Relationship Between Childhood Trauma and Special Education: a Literature Review, Andrea E. Becker
Each year as many as ten million children witness or experience domestic violence in the United States (Winder, 2015) and have shown to experience greater struggles in school. This type of trauma has no boundaries, it can occur in all socio...
Menstrual Cycle as a Vital Sign, Lauren Elizabeth Bennett and Lisa M. Brown
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine and explore which factors affect the menstrual cycle and how the menstrual cycle has a significant health impact on women’s lives. Theoretical framework: Dorothea Orem, with the Orem Model of...
Math Self-efficacy Effects on Prisoners' Academic Achievement, Randall Peder Bergman
This study examined three hypothesized math-self efficacy (MSE) sources that inhibit adult basic education male prisoner mathematics achievement. Previous correctional studies indicated that United States prisoners tend to have low self-eff...
The Acquisition of Slang by ELL/EFL Learners, Mandi Berndt
This thesis investigated the use and acquisition of slang by ELL/EFL learners. Additionally, it sought to better understand if slang is being taught in ELL/EFL classrooms, what are effective methods to teach slang, and if learning environme...
Physician Assisted Suicide: Attitudes of the Minnesota General Population, Jennifer M. Bretscher and Tammy J. Estrem
Having the choice to hasten death via physician assisted suicide (PAS) is becoming increasingly more popular in the United States. The majority of states do not yet have laws that legalize PAS, but many, including Minnesota, are currently e...
The Prevalence of Cigarette Smoking Among Registered Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants, Ana R. Brown, Taylor Paulson, and Kathryn A. Peterson
Cigarette smoking is a dangerous addiction that affects over 45 million Americans. Smoking has been proven to cause a variety of diseases that result in about 480,000 U. S. deaths per year. Healthcare workers have the ability and responsibi...
An Overview of Perinatal Health and Childhood Development in Honduras, Rose Margaret Carlson, Abigail D. Conrad, Alexandra Nicole Lothe, Caitlin M. O'Donnell, and Cameron Svihla
Honduras is a country with great healthcare needs. Within health care, the largest percentage of mortality is due to conditions occurring in the perinatal period, including prenatal and maternal health, delivery and postnatal care (PAHO, 20...
Personal Health Habits of PAs and the Effect These Habits Have on Preventive Health Counseling Practices, Emily A. Carstens and Megan L. Englund
Chronic disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. The burden of chronic disease can be largely prevented by following a healthy lifestyle. Individuals often receive their knowledge about preventive health...
Information and Communication Technology in Kindergarten, Ruchi Marwaha Chalak
Information and communication technology (ICT) is an integral part of the present world and is also making a huge impact in the field of education, including kindergarten. This literature review comprises a brief overview of different inter...
Attitudes Regarding Physician-assisted Suicide Among Minnesota Family Medicine Physicians, Lauren M. Cooke, Lindsay Emmerich, and Sam Feyder
An affinity for bioethics lead researchers to investigate the attitudes of physicians toward physician-assisted suicide amidst growing conversation regarding patient liberties. Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) refers to the prescription of ...
Rice to Biscuits: an In-depth Look at China-born Chinese Teachers’ Experiences in American Classrooms, Xiaoman Cook
Schools in America need Chinese teachers with experience and cross-cultural aptitude. The increasing rate of globalization and the rapid increase in the number of Chinese guest teachers teaching in the United States points to the need for c...
The Importance of Calming Strategies: Teaching Children With Autism, Jennifer Ann Crnobrna
The purpose of this study is to explore the different types of calming strategies that can be used to help children with autism spectrum disorders. There are many different types of calming strategies reviewed because individuals with autis...
Anxiety and Depression in College Students and How Colleges Can Help, Sunny L. Crowder
The focus of this research is to better understand causes of anxiety and depression among college students and how colleges can better assist these students. For various reasons, social anxiety is linked to excessive drinking and binge eati...
Youth Participatory Action Research and Diet Decolonization to Improve Student Learning and Community Health: a Literature Review, Lyle S. Dandridge Jr.
The present study reviews the current literature related to culturally relevant nutrition education and its applicability to student learning within a secondary school setting. Specifically, this study examines how a youth participatory act...
Identifying Barriers to Long-acting Reversible Contraceptive Usage Among Adolescents, Emily Kathleen Davis and Viktoryia Petrusevich
Although LARC methods including IUDs and implants are highly effective in preventing pregnancies and both the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend it for adolescen...
Paraprofessional Training Need, Models, and Effectiveness, Philip R. Day
This thesis reviews current literature regarding the training of paraprofessionals working in the field of special education. The questions guiding the review centered on whether a need for paraprofessional training exists, what are the cur...
Benefits of Animal Assisted Therapy With Children in Special Education, Erica Ann Dolesy Bugenhagen
Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is used to improve the overall mental, physical, emotional, and social functioning of a patient. The use of animals in therapy practice is becoming more common, yet it is still not entirely integrated in to the...
Disciple-making: Key Ingredients for Building God’s Kingdom, Sid Emory
The first century Church was founded in response to the disciple-making processes of Jesus. His disciples were transformed by following Jesus in a way that obedience, transformation, community, education, worship, and the expansion of God’s...
The Link Between Professional Burnout and Personality Disposition in Special Education Teachers, Brittany Elaine Enslin
Burnout is physical and emotional exhaustion caused by unmanaged and prolonged stress. The objective of this study was to determine how personality traits affect burnout likelihood among special education teachers. This involved investigati...