Programs included in this collection and when they started submitting digitally is listed below. (See years of coverage in parentheses):
- Doctor of Ministry (2015 - present)
- Education Dissertations (2015 - present)
- Education K-12 Theses (2017 - present)
- Nurse-Midwifery Theses (2016 - present)
- Nurse Educator Theses (2016 - 2020)
- Physician Assistant Theses (2015 - present)
- Special Education Theses (2017 - present)
- Teaching Theses (2017 - present)
- Athletic Training (2020)
- Athletic Training Leadership (2020)
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Homelessness and Diabetes: A Review to Provide Education to Homeless Individuals and Organizations, David W. Grewe, Mckenzie J. Kostreva, and Karly Kroeten
Diabetes is a disease that is prevalent in both the United States, and within the homeless population. This project outlines what T2DM is, its prevalence in the homeless population, and then barriers to treatment that the homeless face. Edu...
Mitigating Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Insulin Resistant Phenotype: A Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Hypoxia, William Christian Grillo, Joshua Pinson, and Bethany K. Tangen
Chronic disease currently affects 45%, nearly half, of all persons in the United States (Raghupathi & Raghupathi, 2018). A systemic, cellular etiology of chronic disease has been proposed: literature supports the mechanism of a universal ce...
Reducing Depression in Metlakatla Adolescents Through Prevention and Intervention Training in Educators, Sophie Grupe, Cally S. Hinrichs, and Katrina D. Reitz
American Indian and Alaskan Natives (AI/AN) are reported to experience 2.5 times more psychological distress when compared to non-indigenous populations (Anxiety and Depression Association of America [ADAA], 2020). The Metlakatla Indian Com...
The Effects of Socialization on the Progression of Dementia, Caitlyn Hagstrom, Ashley G. Heppner, and Katelyn N. Kunde
Dementia is an umbrella term for a group of disorders marked by a decline from baseline in memory, executive function, and other cognitive functions such as reasoning, handling complex tasks, and spatial orientation, all of which interferes...
The Role of Specialty Care in Pediatric Management in Minnesota, Marissa Hall and Rachel Nornes
Childhood asthma can be a challenging condition to manage and often requires individually tailored pharmacologic therapy in order to prevent symptom exacerbation and subsequent hospitalizations. Many patients and their families seek guidanc...
Faith-Driven Impact Investing: Renewing a Belief that an Investment in Entrepreneurialism and Commerce is Central to God's Plan of Redemption and Human Flourishing, Jonathan Mark Halverson
This project addressed the need for a renewed belief among faith-driven investors that investments in redemptive businesses is central to God’s plan of redemption and biblical human flourishing. The explosive growth of values-aligned invest...
The Essential Components of the Afterschool Programming with K-8th Grade Targeted Service Students, Nate Ryan Hanson
The purpose of this quantitative research study was to examine the effectiveness regarding the essential components of the afterschool programming with K-8th grade targeted service students. This study also examined the effectiveness of aft...
Locational Disparity in Rural Education, Carlie A. Hedlund
Location impacts the quality of education a student receives. Specifically in rural areas, the challenges that students face are unique to their location. The purpose of this literature review on locational disparity in rural education was ...
Supporting the Whole Student: Interventions for Academic, Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Relationship Building, Madison Holm
Students experience a variety of obstacles in and out of school. Interventions are necessary to consider for students at-risk or with disabilities to maintain engagement. Students who fail at the transition to high school are likely to be d...
Implementing The Autonomy-Supportive Teaching Model with Elementary Students, Rebecca I. Hons
Task avoidance and keeping students motivated in the classroom are common struggles that elementary school teachers face in their career. This literature review explores task aversiveness in elementary students and how they are motivated to...
The Effectiveness of Comprehensive Sexual Education for Teens: an Exploration of the Advantages and Disadvantages, Crystal L. Iddings and Danielle J. Wadsworth
Background/Purpose: The teen pregnancy rate in the United States was18.8 per 1000 in 2017. Although this is an all-time low for teen pregnancy in the United States, it is still the highest rate among developed countries. This literature rev...
Work-Based Learning Impact on Community, School, and Student, Megan Jacob
This literature review with application examined work-based learning programs at the high school level, and those programs impact preparing students for the workforce. Providing experiences for students to interact with career fields they a...
The Educational Impact That Social Media Has on School Age Children's Mental Health and Educational Experiences, Kasondra Janc
Studies have shown that school involvement and the policies that they have created can impact adolescents’ mental health. Social media is one of the most widely used online platforms and a reason why school-aged children want cell-phones, t...
Assessment of Medical Experiences of Hearing Guardians With Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children in the Twin Cities, Hannah R. Jaster, Erin R. Rudolph, and Melinda Sorensen
This paper assesses the medical experiences guardians of deaf or hard of hearing children have after their children are first diagnosed with a hearing loss within the Twin Cities region of Minnesota. Data collection used a mixed methods app...
A Phenomenological Case Study of the School District of Palm Beach County's 2018-2020 Professional Development Certification Program, Brad Daniel Johnson
Certifying teachers is a very important element within the educational process. Teacher certification is usually accomplished through undergraduate colleges of education. However, because many professionals change careers and want to become...
Best Practices for Transformational Discipleship in North Dakota Assembly of God Churches, Jack Donald Jones III
The researcher constructed this project to discover best practices for transformational discipleship in the local church. The researcher provided the theological and biblical framework for transformational discipleship from Romans 12, explo...
Promoting Post School Success for Students in Special Education, Jenna Juliann Joswiak
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was created to meet the needs of students with disabilities and prepare them for life after school, including employment, further education, and independent living. Even after transitio...
The Impact of the Write-Converse-Write Strategy on Eighth Grade Science Students’ Science Understanding and Claim-Evidence-Reasoning as Evidenced by Their Writing, Jessica Lynn Keller
This mixed-methods case study explored whether the write-converse-write (WCW) strategy impacted students’ science conceptual understanding, as evidenced by their writing, along with the teacher and student perceptions regarding the strategy...
PA School and Relationship Satisfaction, Hannah M. Kerkhof and Rebecca Kornowski
Physician assistant programs are rigorous, fast-paced, and time intensive, putting significant stress on PA students themselves and their romantic relationships. Research has been done on the effects of medical school on student mental heal...
Response to Intervention in Child Find, Eucabeth Kimaiga
This thesis highlights RTI and child-find under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) federal law, revised in the special edition of 2011. In 2011, the child find mandate was the focus of the IDEA regarding the ...
The Correlation Between Communication and Behavior, Stephanie AM Klein
A communication disorder impacts the ability to express or understand language. The American Speech Language Hearing Association estimates that 5-10% of people in the United States have a speech or language disorder. A communication disorde...
The Journey of Mindfulness Into Western Classrooms and Its Impact on Education, Cameron Kolodge
Everything has a story, a point of origin, a list of defining features that make it into what it is. Yet the larger and more ubiquitous something gets, the harder it can be to define. The saturation of educational related mindfulness public...
Recovering a Biblical Form of Spiritual Formation in Contemporary Pentecostal Churches, Ernest Ronald Krantz
The project addressed the problem of an inadequate theology of spiritual formation within the discipleship doctrine of a specific expression of North American Pentecostalism. The problem manifests most acutely at the local church level wher...
Performing Along the Spectrum: a Study in the Application of Theatrical Approaches to Develop and Enhance Social Skills for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Kimberly Lynn Lambert
Individuals on the autism spectrum are faced with many unique challenges in navigating their respective worlds. One of the areas in which individuals across every sector of this spectrum may feel a significant impact is in the area of socia...
Use of Supplemental Iron for the Enhancement of Physical Performance in Competitive Non-Anemic Female Athletes, Annalese M. Lamke
Background: Iron has been a commonly prescribed supplement for female athletes to take, but there is little evidence to support if iron supplementation can help improve non-anemic female, athlete’s performance. There is still a lack of unit...
Disproportionality of Women in STEM Careers, Rachel J. Lanquist
Despite inclusion efforts for women to be equally represented across all disciplines and at all career levels in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), there remains a significant gap between males and females within the ...
Sensory Processing Disorder: An Introduction For Classroom Teachers, Kathryn Nicole Lavin
Elementary students may be impacted by Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) resulting in poor performance, anxiety, or behavioral challenges. This literature review defines sensory processing disorder and provides information about ways teache...
Recorded Instructor Feedback in Online Education, Kyle L. Lemberg
The purpose of feedback is to communicate information to students about their performance or understanding. Instructor-created recorded audio is one method that may improve the effectiveness and efficiency of feedback. This literature revie...
Dysregulation: Causes, Impacts, and Social Emotional Learning Opportunities in Elementary Classrooms, Jade E. Liebl
Dysregulation is a recurring time in which a student loses control of their emotions, be it internalizing or externalizing behaviors. The prevalence of dysregulation among elementary school children is increasing, which concerns both parent...
Instructor Characteristics and Student Achievement: Do Student Perceptions of Teacher Attributes Impact Their Success?, Hannah Ashley Lindstrom
This paper addresses the following question: How does student perception of teacher appearance, age, and community connection affect student achievement in the classroom? Literature from ERIC, EBSCO, Google Scholar, National Center for Educ...
Understanding the Needs of Children in Poverty to Improve Academic Achievement: A Literature Review, Christy Michele Lothrop
Poverty affects one in five children in the U.S., where 50% of public schools identify as mid-high or high-poverty schools. Decades of research confirms a significant and constant economic academic achievement gap. This literature review so...
Healthy Parenting in the Family System, Brian Malvig
In the New Testament, there are several passages that illustrate the way in which Christians are to interact with each other. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, Romans 12:3-5, and Ephesians 4:4-5 the apostle Paul describes the connection Christians...
Evaluating Effective Teaching Strategies and Student Attributes that Lead to Better Learner Outcomes in the Online Classroom, Nancy A. Marian
Online teaching and learning continue to grow in the post-pandemic educational world. The purpose of this thesis was to identify effective teaching strategies and student attributes that promote positive learner outcomes in the online envir...
Balance Training Improves Dynamic Control in ACL Deficient Athletes or Anterior Cruciate Reconstruction, Illexus Martin
Background: The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the most commonly injured ligament in the knee. The ACL serves as a stabilizer against anterior translation of the tibia on the femur and is among the most commonly studied injuries in ort...
Work Based Learning for Students with Special Needs, Jon Matel
This paper will address young adults with special needs as they transition into the world of employment. For many students and parents, school has been predictable and consistent, and it can be challenging to imagine life without it. The re...
Multidisciplinary Approach to Mitigating Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Classroom, Owen M. McCann, Olivia Olga Jeanette Nelson, and Juliana Marie Pederson
Adverse childhood experiences or ACEs, are traumatic experiences in a person’s life which occur before the age of 18 and have been shown to negatively impact overall health (Petruccelli, Davis, & Berman, 2019). One area of research on ACEs ...
The Impact of Visual Schedules for Students With Disabilities: A Literature Review, Kristine L. McDonald
The purpose of this empirical research literature with application emphasis was conducted so I could better understand the effects of visual schedules and video modeling. Visual schedules and video modeling showed an increase of independenc...
Inquiry-Based Pedagogy for Inclusive Classrooms, Abby N. McKimm
Inquiry-based learning is a popular topic in today’s mainstreams classrooms due to increasing student needs and the push to create more inclusive classrooms. This thesis explores the benefits of inquiry-based learning and inclusive classroo...
The Impact of Mindfulness Practice on Adolescents With Special Needs and Mental Health Diagnosis, Rebecca Jean McQuiston
Students with mental health diagnosis, trauma or special education labels such as emotional behavioral disorder or learning disabilities often show signs of distress, and/or dysregulation in the classroom. They are referred to providers and...
Diagnosing Dermatological Conditions in the Non-caucasian Population, Mackenzie M. Mellum, Candace Joyce Nysted, and Kassidy E. Westrom
There is currently a lack of resources available on dermatological conditions in the non-Caucasian population; therefore, additional educational materials are needed to supplement the education of healthcare professionals (Ebede & Papier, 2...
The Impact of Visual Literacy in Secondary Science Education, Elise M. Miller
Visual literacy, or the ability to make sense of and produce images, is an essential but long underrated skill in science. Career scientists and engineers decode and encode information in pictorial form using visual literacy skills regularl...
The Impact of Early Deprivation on a Child's Cognitive and Social/Emotional Development, Hannah Grace Miller
This literature review seeks to answer the question of: “What effect does early deprivation have on the cognitive and social/emotional development of a child?” Education is constantly changing, and one part that has dramatically shaped and ...
Chinese as a Foreign Language in the K-12 Education System of the United States: Challenges and Opportunities, Joseph Colin Miller
This paper examines the state of the Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) education system in the United States at the K-12 level. The approach to this research first demonstrates the importance of Chinese language expertise to the United St...
The Impact of Standardized Testing on the Mental Health of Teachers, Parents, and Students, Abigail E. Morford
Standardized testing has a negative impact on the mental well-being of teachers, families, and students. The anxiety around standardized testing impacts the teachers as they feel responsible for student performance, leading to a decline in ...
Dance: The Movement Supporting Safe, Sovereign and Satisfying Birth Experiences, Lisa Marie Morgan
Labor dance utilizes upright positioning, hands and knees position, use of the rebozo and other alternative labor and birth positions as a traditional means of taking advantage of gravity and increasing the pelvic diameter in labor and birt...
The Use of Gamification in the Classroom, Anne-Britt Christine Mulberry
The research presented in this paper is an overview of the use of gamification in education. The study explores the questions: Why is gamification a tool used in the classroom? How is gamification being implemented? What are the potential p...
Girls With Autism: Comparative Differences in Gender, Diagnosis, and Social Camouflaging a Master’s Thesis, Sarah Lynn Nevin
Autism diagnostic differences exist based on gender with a current diagnostic ratio of males to females at 4:1. Beyond diagnosis, complex differences persist between genders. Research indicates that females with autism display social, commu...
Barrier to Girls' Education in the Liberian School System and How to Empower Them to Remain in School, Annetta Lahn Nyanama
The purpose of this thesis was to identify barriers to girls’ education in the fifteen years war in the ravished and impoverished country of Liberia, West Africa. With similar circumstances in developing countries around the world, comparis...
A Descriptive Study of the Accommodations, Assistive Technologies, and Supports Chosen by Students with an Intellectual Disability Attending a Post-Secondary Institution, Lori Olson
This study used a mixed methods approach to investigate the perceptions of students with intellectual disabilities (ID) attending a Transition Postsecondary Program for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSID). This study explored wh...
The Role of Teacher Race on the Academic Outcomes of K-12 Black Students, Mitchell Siewert Olson
Beginning with the inception of our educational system in the United States, there has been an academic disparity that has persisted between white and Black students. Initially this could be attributed to the racist laws that only allowed s...
“It is What it is”: A Phenomenological Study of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in a Private Institution Who Were Required to Enroll in Zero-Credit Developmental Coursework, Comfort O. Olugbuyi
Developmental coursework is the requirement most higher education institutions in the United States implement to address the academic unpreparedness that challenges many of their students. Previous research identified factors that may contr...
Student Anxiety and Practical Strategies for the School Setting: A Literature Review, Cassie M. Ott
Since 2010, anxiety levels have risen worldwide. Children and adolescents are particularly susceptible to anxiety as they experience varied life challenges. Considering anxiety disorders most common in youth (generalized anxiety disorder (G...
Promoting Self-Management Skills Among Students with Disabilities Within the General Education Classroom, Elisabeth A. Pagel
The purpose of this action research project was to determine how educators can promote self-management skills among students with disabilities in the general education classroom. Previous studies were used to summarize the current state of ...
The Impact of Student/Teacher Race-congruency on a Student’s Academic Experience, Sofia Elizabeth Panagiotopoulos
The purpose of this literature review was to address how race-congruency between students and teachers impacts students' academic achievement and what can be done about the issue. The guiding questions were: 1) does race-congruency between ...
The Impact of Student/Teacher Race-congruency on a Student’s Academic Experience, Sofia Elizabeth Panagiotopoulos
The purpose of this literature review was to address how race-congruency between students and teachers impacts students' academic achievement and what can be done about the issue. The guiding questions were: 1) does race-congruency between ...
Investigating and Increasing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Children’s Ministry at Victory Church of Melbourne, Florida, Stanley R. Patton
The purpose of this study was to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the children’s ministry at Victory Church of Melbourne, Florida, a growing multicultural and multigenerational church. Conversations with the children’s ministry ...
Use of Platelet-rich Plasma Injections for Treatment in Patients Diagnosed With Achilles Tendinopathy, Nicole M. Pearson
Background: Achilles tendinopathies are common among individuals who are active, usually participating in a sport with a high volume of repetitive motion. Historically, these injuries have been treated with conservative home exercises. If t...
To Be Churched or Unchurched: The Millennial's Dilemma, Robert Phillips
This project will address the decline of the millennial generation’s church attendance within the 08033 zip code during the past decade. The statistical data was gathered by the author of this thesis through several one-on-one discussions w...
Marginalized Voices: Stories of Resilience Among At-Risk Youth in Southern China, Lynne Ruth Picker
The stories of at-risk minority youth living in rural southern China, are stories waiting to be told. These are the stories of trauma and courage as they discover their pathway from risk to resilience. This study points to the need for cont...
Reading Interventions for Learners in Correctional Institutions, Lindsey Rose Proell
The correctional education classroom is typically a setting with a lot of challenges not usually seen in typical K-12 schools. The need for literacy education in the correctional setting is at an all-time high. Students are coming into corr...
Evaluating the Impact of Volunteer and Facility Provided Doula Support in the Intrapartum Period on Maternal, Neonatal, and Psychosocial Outcomes in the Hospital Setting, Kayla Puent and Keirsta Marie Ragels
Background/Purpose: The unacceptably high maternal mortality rate in the United States has demanded a call to action for evaluation and implementation of efforts to improve both maternal and neonatal outcomes. Low-resource and low-socioecon...
Happiness Groups as a Strategy for Transforming a Chinese Church from Attractional to Missional, Mingsheng Qin
This project established that the love of God is the foundation of mission and evangelism. God loves people and calls Christians to participate in His redemptive mission. God calls Christians to bless them and make them a blessing to others...
Exploring the Lived Experience of Kumeyaay College Graduates, Ricardo Rafael Ramos
The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experience during participation in higher education of Kumeyaay Indian Nation college graduates. Specifically, the study investigated the factors graduates perceived to contribute to their ...
The Impact of Life Skills Education on Secondary Students, Austin B. Riedeman
The main goal of education is to prepare students to navigate adulthood as independent and responsible members of society. In order to achieve this, individuals need to develop abilities such as making decisions, solving problems, thinking ...
Teachers’ Attitudes towards Multicultural Curriculum, Constance Marie Robinson
The purpose of this quantitative causal-comparative study was to examine teachers’ attitudes toward multiculturalism and perceptions of multicultural curriculum. Teachers’ perception of whether their schools’ curriculum reflects multicultur...
Standards-Based Grading Implementation: Rural Elementary Leaders’ Perceptions of Useful Professional Development Practices, Claudia A. Roesler
The ultimate goal of K-12 education is to prepare learners to be life-, career-, and college-ready. Elementary schools develop the foundational skills necessary for students to be successful in secondary education and beyond. The implementa...
Literacy Instruction Best Practices for Students with Disabilities, Amanda D. Rose
The literacy instruction of students with developmental disabilities often looks different from the instruction of students without disabilities. In a world where knowing how to read is pivotal in order to function independently, it is cruc...
Opting Out in Minnesota: Examining the Variables Associated with Opting Out of the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment, Peggy M. Rosell
Opting out of state mandated testing may have significant implications for schools and states. In Minnesota, each student opted out of the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) receives a score of not proficient in school accountability ...
Ambition and Leading Teams Effectively, Nicholas R. Ruport
The problem that this project addressed was the impact of ambition and ambitious leaders in relation to team effectiveness. In response to this problem the researcher explored the biblical foundations of ambition and ambitious leadership, w...
Breastfeeding Education and Support for Marginalized Women to Increase Exclusive Breastfeeding Rates, Kelsea J. Rush and Leah Vogel
Background/Purpose: Marginalized women have significantly lower rates of breastfeeding initiation and duration and also experience significant health disparities when compared to non-marginalized populations. Breastfeeding has positive heal...
The Racial Attitudes of White Students at a CCCU Institution, Jarad T. Russell
This phenomenological study used semi-structured interviews to understand the lived experiences and racial attitudes of White students at a CCCU (Council for Christian Colleges & Universities) institution as they related to Black people. T...
The Effects of Homework Time and Related Factors on Academic Achievement, Jacob Mark Sandquist
This paper explores the relationship between homework and academic achievement in the areas of homework time, parental involvement and home support, and teacher ideation and student conceptualization. The findings of 30 academic articles we...
Students With Special Needs and Their Ability to Self-monitor Goals, Erin L. Schmitz
Self-monitoring behavior is one way students can be involved in their learning. Research shows that desired behaviors increase, and academic performance improves, when students monitor their behavior during class. This action research proje...
Connecting Common Core State Standards to Career and Technical Education, Tabitha L. Senty
The purpose of this literature review was to identify the current educational pathways that are offered at the secondary level, explore the intersections that exist between career and technical education (CTE) and core academic courses, det...
Increasing Student Self-Determination Through IEP Meeting Participation, Nicole A. Shorter
Developing self-determination during the school years is a crucial component of the special education process. These skills, which are particularly important for students with disabilities, allow individuals to advocate for themselves and g...
The Benefits of Response to Intervention (RTI) Versus the Signigicant Disrepancy Model in Identifying Students Through Child Find With Specific Learning Disabilities, Stephanie C. Shun
Special Education practices continue to evolve and improve over time. Disability law and legislation work to support improved practices with amendments to Individuals Disability Education Improvement Act, IDEA and higher court rulings that ...
How to Best Help Secondary Students Who Struggle With Foundational Reading Skills and Motivation, Hannah Maria Sislo
The focus of this literature review is to explore what secondary teachers can do to better support their students who struggle with reading by examining what works in elementary educational settings and with students who are English learner...
Barriers to Employment for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, Jackquelyn Slyter
This literature review with an application emphasis examines barriers to employment that adolescents and young adults with intellectual disabilities face and looks at what high schools are doing to help them prepare for a job during and aft...
The Unique Experience of Female Autism, Deborah J. Solum
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological, developmental disorder characterized by rigid, repetitive behaviors and impaired social communication skills. While ASD diagnoses have increased dramatically in recent years, identified male...
How to Best Prepare Students With Autism for Post-secondary Schooling or Employment, Paul G. Stariha
Students with autism are leaving high school not prepared sufficiently to enter post-secondary education or employment. What are the best educational practices to change this? To answer this question, this thesis writer reviewed several art...
Purpose and Autonomous Functioning in Emerging Adults, Michelle A. Steffenhagen
This study sought to understand the relationship between a sense of purpose and autonomous functioning in young adults. The relationships between the dimensions of purpose (goal orientation, sense of meaning, and beyond-the-self focus) and ...
Key Characteristics Empowering Sexual Abuse Victims to Survive Suicidality: A Collective Case Study, Sherri Stella
Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States. This qualitative, multi-case study investigated key characteristics that empowered sexual abuse victims to survive suicidality. A biblical review of the Book of Job and the Book of J...
Structural Relationships Among Teacher Self-Efficacy and Burnout, Alexandra Kristine Stotz
This literature review focuses on the structural relationships between burnout in the education field and teacher self-efficacy. Teacher burnout is a substantial issue in education today and continues to increase as time continues. A teache...
Secondary Student Adult Transitions: Challenges, Barriers, and Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Emily Carol Sutterer
While relatively little is known about the experience of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), disparity among approaches to transition planning indicates inadequate best practice. By evaluating the current state of empirical research...
Effective Teacher Evaluation Systems to Increase the Professional Growth of Teachers, Teri L. Townsend
This paper is a review of literature related to teacher evaluation systems and frameworks used to improve the instructional practices and other critical skills of educators in the United States. These evaluation systems aim to professionall...
Efficacy of Kinesio Taping combined with eccentric exercise in decreasing pain in motion for overhead athletes with rotator cuff tendonitis, Ester Vang
Rotator cuff tendonitis is an injury that can occur in overhead athletes with overuse and eccentric training has shown to help relieve any pain with rotator cuff tendonitis. Kinesio taping (KT) is becoming increasingly popular in the athlet...
Examination of Shamans as Cultural Leaders in the Hmong American Communities, Phoua Y. Vang
Leadership in the world today is under crisis because many individuals serving as positional leaders lack effective leadership capacities. Many organizations choose leaders based on individuals’ academic performance and personality traits; ...
The Relation Between Physical Activity and Academic Performance, Ines Barros Vilas
Physical inactivity has been increasingly and dangerously growing across our society due to technological progresses in our daily lives. Consequently, the lifestyle and health of adolescents and young people is showing a tendency to the app...
The Avid Impact: Promoting College Readiness and Achievment for Underrepresented Students, Zachery Philip Villarreal
AVID is a college-readiness elective adopted by school districts to promote the pursuit of post-secondary education. The AVID college-readiness elective’s mission is to close the achievement gap for underrepresented students by equipping th...
Factors Contributing to the Gender Gap in STEM Education, Sarah James Wachter
Women remain underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations. In 2018, women made up 50% of the college-educated workforce, while making up only 28% of those working in science and engineering fields...
Illuminating the Fog: A Research-Based Perspective on Why and How to Teach Shakespearean Texts, Brett Benedict Walters
This literature review seeks to reveal identifiable trends that indicate effective methods for achieving learning targets through the use of Shakespearean texts. Thirty studies concerning the use of these texts in the classroom context were...
A Quantitative Study of Factors Influencing Special Education Teachers’ Attrition: The Relationships Between Burnout, Personality, and Organizational Factors, Erin Lavery Wanat
The purpose of this study was to examine if there is a relationship between independent variables—special education teachers’ emotional/interpersonal stressors, personality type, and worklife variables—and special education teachers’ burnou...
On the Causes, Effects, and Prevention of Bullying Among School-Aged Youth, Marie Warnert
This literature review provides a comprehensive overview on the topic of bullying. It explores the various definitions of bullying and how bullying might manifest itself among school aged youth. The common ways that bullying are measured in...
The Most Effective Ways to Build a Strong Culture to Endure Times of Change, Meredith L. Weincouff
Times of change are inevitable. It is common for times of change to be accompanied with feelings of uncertainty. Leaders cannot predict change, but they can prepare for change by creating strong cultures of trust and building capacity withi...
The Effects of Inclusive Classrooms on Students With Disabilities and Effective Inclusive Classroom Strategies, Erin Rose Welter
The purpose of this literature review was to research the effectiveness of inclusive classroom strategies pertaining to academic achievement and social/behavioral achievement in students with disabilities along with which inclusive classroo...
Synchronous Online Instruction, Institutional Connectedness, and Retention in College Students, Kara L. Wicklund
This study utilized items in a campus life survey, administered during COVID-19, to explore relationships among synchronous instruction, institutional connectedness, and retention. Various statistical tests were applied to the data set to a...
The Benefits of Training All School Staff When Working With Students Who Have Experienced Trauma, Kari F. Wines
The number of students that have been affected by trauma is increasing. Trauma impacts students’ developing brains, including concentration, memory, behavior, self-regulating ability, perception and cognitive deficits, and impaired academic...
The Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Poverty on African American Students With Special Needs, Royce T. Winford
Exploring the impact of socioeconomic status and poverty on African American students with special needs has shown that poverty is a global issue that has an impact on children's academic ability. In the United States, about one-quarter of ...
Using Arts to Improve Academic Outcomes for Students With Disabilities, Melissa Jean Briggs Wood
Theatre is often used as a tool in the classroom to target specific skills in language arts classes. More and more, it is being woven into curriculums outside of the language arts classroom to explore multi-disciplinary teaching. Theatre ar...
The Relationship between Inclusive Classroom Practice and Student Self-Perception Outcomes, Jenifer York
The majority of students with special education needs spend of 80% their time in general education classrooms (National Center for Education Statistics, 2019c). While participation in general education classes is linked to positive outcomes...