All Electronic Theses and Dissertations | Bethel University

Programs included in this collection and when they started submitting digitally is listed below. (See years of coverage in parentheses):


Theses/Dissertations from 2020


Facilitating Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC), Emily A. Moulton
This literature review explored Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) with students who are not effective verbal communicators. AAC provides a means of communication for individuals who have disorders that impact communication. A...


Case Study: Formative Assessment Driven Instruction and Standardized Test Scores for 10th Grade Biology Students, Gregory Laurence Nelson
Accountability measures have been employed in United States schools to meet the demands of a globalized society with a standardized testing system used to assess student growth. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship be...


The Connection Between Mental Health and the Positive Effects of Social-Emotional Learning, Ryan Michael Nesvold
Students across America are struggling with mental health issues and their ability to maintain adequate performance in school. Teachers pass them in the hall without ever noticing that they might be suffering. They wear a smile on their fac...


The Effects of Sexual Abuse on Birth: Obstetric Outcomes, Maternal Experience, and Professional Intervention, Katelyn Alexandra Neufeld and Patricia Nguyen
Background/Purpose: The purpose of this literature review is to determine how a past history of sexual abuse impacts labor and birth and what strategies can be used to help mitigate retraumatization. The desire is that this review will enco...


A Qualitative Analysis of Church Leadership Conflicts in Evangelical Churches in Northern Nigeria With a View to Building a Better Transformational Leadership Model, Timothy Danladi Nwan
The project addresses leadership conflicts among church leaders in evangelical churches in Nigeria with the view toward building a better transformational leadership model. To address these conflicts the project centered upon transformation...


Exploring the Relationship Between Spirituality and Mental Health among Kenyans Living in the United States: A Review of Literature, Naomi Omwenga
Background: The increased stigma of mental health in the African population is a major barrier to seeking care. Nurses need to understand the influence of culture and spirituality in caring for this population. Purpose: The purpose of this ...


The Effects of Inclusion for Teachers, Special Education, and General Education Students in General Education Classrooms, Rachel O'Neill
With the current special education policies in place in the United States, solutions must be found in order to equitably meet the academic, social and emotional needs for all types of students found in a classroom. One of the most practiced...


The Effects of Mindfulness on Students Academic Performance and Behaviors, Kasandra J. Parrish
This paper examines the effectiveness of mindfulness on students’ academic performance and their behaviors, both emotionally and physically. This includes students with and without disabilities. Students are facing increased personal and sc...


Understanding the Whole Student Approach and Its Influence on the Graduation Rates of Hispanic/Latino ELL Students within Catholic High Schools, Pamela Marie Patnode
Spanish speaking English Language Learners (ELLs) represent a large and rapidly growing student population. Although many Hispanic/Latino ELL students are at risk for academic failure, Hispanic/Latino students who attend Catholic schools ar...


The Role of Transformational Leadership in Preparing Youth as Future Church Leaders, Michael K. Paul
The membership of St. Peter's Episcopal Church has been on the decline. The most affected members of the church congregants are the youth. In return, this threatens the future of the ministry. The issue is mainly attributed to the failure o...


Facilitating Friendships Between Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their Neuro-Typical Peers Utilizing Peer Mediated Interventions, Spring M. Peden
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the fastest growing developmental disorder in the United States, currently affects 1 in 54 children. As students with ASD spend more time mainstreamed with their neuro-typical peers, there is an increased nee...


The Efficacy of Non-surgical Interventions in the Treatment and Prevention of Ankle Sprains and Instability: A Review of the Literature, Kyle Z. Pelzer
Background: Ankle sprains are a common injury among the high school-aged athletic population. With recurrent ankle sprains leading to chronic ankle instability (CAI), additional research is needed to determine the efficacy of non-surgical i...


Independent Living Skills Curriculum- A Literature Review with Application Emphasis, Courtney E. Peterson
This literature review with application thesis examines functional daily living and adaptive behavior skills teaching methods utilizing a community-based instructional approach for students with disabilities. The literature review data and ...


Underrepresentation of Minority Students in Special Education, Marvin Dale Peterson III
Disproportionality in special education representation has been a commonly used focus of study for many years. The most frequently researched topic is the overrepresentation of black and brown, usually male, students in Emotional, Behaviora...


Becoming a STEM Magnet School: The Story of Two Schools, Leanne M. Peterson
This mixed-methods study explored the journey of two elementary STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) magnet schools. Both schools are marketed as using integrated, hands-on, problem solving approaches; science is the focus at on...


Promoting Youth Civic Engagement through Various Education Methods in a Social Studies Classroom, Zachary Edward Peterson
The purpose of this thesis is to apply knowledge gained from reviewing the literature on promoting youth civic engagement through various educational methods in a Social Studies classroom. The history of civic education, current state of ci...


Socioeconomic Status and Academic Achievement, Tricia M. Richmond
The number of school-aged children living below the poverty line continues to increase in the United States. This group of children are at a serious disadvantage in school and with their development. Children that grow up in a family with a...


Discovering Counseling Methods That Military Chaplains Can Use To Increase Spiritual Resilience, Philip E. Ridley
The research conducted in this project revealed most military chaplains possess innate skills that are valuable to counseling. Combining these skills with proven counseling methods increase service members’ spiritual resilience. Military ch...


Does Active Recovery Provide Faster Reduction in Symptoms and a Faster Return to Play for Colege Athletes Compared to Conservative Rest After a Concussion?, Tyller Matthew Robert
Purpose: Sports-related concussions are one of the most hotly debated topics in sports medicine today. Research surrounding concussion has experienced significant growth especially in the areas of incidence, assessment, and recovery. Previo...


The Impact of Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences on Adolescent Academic Achievement, Tobiah Robinson
This literature review examines the background of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and the impact trauma has on adolescents’ ability to learn. Brain development, brain function, and ACEs’ impact on adolescent brains are also addressed ...


Aligning Emotional Intelligence Training of Secondary Business Students With Workplace Needs, Amy Rodriguez
Since the concept of emotional intelligence was first introduced, it has been developed, adapted and embraced by both business and academia. Emotional intelligence skills have been strongly associated with dynamic leadership, satisfying per...


Video Church: The Effects of the Video Church Model on Christian Hospitality, Assad Mohammed Saif
Hospitality is fundamental to human spiritual growth. Jesus knew this. Therefore, Jesus spent much time seeking to encounter people in the spaces they naturally congregated in. God sent Jesus to come from heaven to earth to show people the ...


Elementary Charter School Enrollment and Economic Segregation in Two Urban Minnesota Public School Districts, Jeffrey Michael Sambs
This study used a quantitative historical research design and multivariate mixed method analysis to examine whether there is a relationship between charter school enrollment and economic segregation at the elementary level in the public sch...


Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports: Effective Elementary School Tier Two and Three Interventions, Ashley Schaefer
This study explored how one ambassador school that has been implementing PBIS with fidelity over the last few years is meeting the needs of all students using the Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports (PBIS) framework. An ambassador sch...


Exploring Lived Experiences of University Students Attending a Residential University in the Midwest Who Have Moved Home as a Result of COVID-19, Hendrika B. Schoon
College students’ stress levels and mental health problems continue to rise (Acharya, Collins, & Jin, 2016; Galatzer-Levy & Bonanno, 2013; Gallagher, 2009; Gallagher, 2012; Giamos, Lee, Suleiman, Stuart, & Chen, 2017; Li 2018; Ketchen-Lipso...


Classroom Activities That Motivate Teens to Spend Leisure Time Reading, Laura A. Scott
This thesis examines practices which foster an appreciation of reading in teens with disabilities. Research shows that when given choice and opportunity, young people are more inclined to read for pleasure. The purpose of this thesis is to ...


Personal Finance Education: The Benefits in Secondary School Settings, Kathryn Mary Sickels Batterman
The purpose of a Personal Finance course is to develop important financial literacy concepts that all adults need to thrive in today’s increasingly complex economy. A lack of financial literacy for many individuals in the United States is a...


Standards-Based Reforms: Impact and Future, Lucas A. Slizewski
Standards-based reforms have brought about significant changes to the modern educational system. Standards-based reforms have been shown to have a positive impact on teachers’ instruction by helping to focus teaching. Standards-based reform...


Comprehensive Literacy Instruction: a Review and Development of Literacy Curriculum Serving Individuals With Signifcant Disabilities Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Sydne Victorine Springman
This literature review and application investigates instructional approaches used to teach literacy to students with significant disabilities who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). It reviews the current instructional str...


Research-Based Methods that Decrease and Prevent Childhood Obesity in the School Environment, Erica Anne Stark
Childhood obesity is a growing trend that shows no signs of slowing. Society has turned to the schools to provide programming to help alleviate this growing problem without considering the constraints schools face when implementing interven...


Variations to Labor, Maternal, and Neonatal Outcomes Related to Oral Intake During Labor, Amanda J. Stepper
Background/Purpose: The purpose of this critical review of literature was to examine the risks and benefits of oral intake during labor and determine if oral intake is beneficial in promoting and supporting positive labor outcomes and mater...


The Need for a Physical Therapy Clinic in Pucallpa, Peru, Isabella M. Sutton, Abby M. Waldek, and Brylie M. Wiedmaier
In developing countries, complications from traumatic injuries account for a significantly higher number of deaths annually compared to developed countries. Not only are traumatic injuries more likely to occur in developing countries, but l...


Influencing Student Achievement: Teaching, Learning and Teachers’ Attributes, Carla Hachem Tannous
Student achievement has become a hot topic in education today, especially for classroom teachers whose responsibility is to employ effective teaching and learning strategies. This application thesis examines how crucial instructional strate...


Discerning Best Practices for Multiethnic Church of Christ Mergers, Jordan T. Tatum
This project was aimed at discovering best practices for multiethnic Church of Christ mergers. Three churches were discovered that had formed by the merger of a White Church of Christ with a Black Church of Christ. A study of the multiethni...


A Literature Review Supporting Trauma-informed Decision Making in Schools, Cassandra M. Theisen
A growing awareness shows that repeated exposure to childhood trauma is widespread and affects children’s emotional, physical, and cognitive development. The damage can be life-long. It is necessary for school systems to advocate for studen...


Teaching for Long-Term Retention: Best Practices, Kai E. Thietje
The author of this thesis has often walked away from conversations with adults with the feeling that those adults do not remember some of the content learned in school in Social Studies subjects such as History and Geography. For this reaso...


Leadership Development in Grace Church: Adding Replication Culture Elements to Its Family Culture, Timothy N. Thomassian
This project addressed the problem of the lack of a systemic approach to developing potential leaders at Grace Church as it seeks to add replication-culture elements to its existing family culture. The problem was addressed in four steps: (...


Creator God, Humans, and Artificial Intelligence: Framework to Address Theological and Relational Issues, Tinku Thompson
Technological advancements are happening at an accelerated phase. Five decades ago, no one even owned a personal computer. A decade ago, smartphones did not exist. Today there are 2.71 billion smartphone users in the world, which is more th...


A Review of the Impact of School Disciplinary Practices on Student Outcomes, Stephanie Thun
The literature review sought to determine the impact of traditional discipline and alternative behavioral interventions on student outcomes. The research showed that certain student populations including Blacks, males, students qualifying f...


Daring Greatly - Implementing Failure Skills in the Learning Process, Megan K. Timm
Failure plays an unavoidable role in the life of everyone. From the most mastered professionals to the toddler taking his first steps, everyone will experience failure at one point or another. In the educational setting, both educators and ...


Opioid Knowledge, Confidence, and Concern of Bethel University Physician Assistant Students, Lealand A. Torgerson and Travis A. Williams
With more than 130 people dying daily, 47,000 overdose-related deaths per year, and $55 billion in societal costs, the opioid epidemic is producing widespread, catastrophic consequences on the population and healthcare system. Healthcare pr...


The Impact That Student’s Homelife Have on Their Ability to Achieve Success in School, Annmarie T. Umland
The homelife of an adolescent has a profound impact on their ability to find success in school. Students who come from a family that is made up of a single parent, divorced parents, homelessness, and some other non-traditional family config...


Comparison of Corticosteroid Injections and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections in Improving Symptoms of Osteoarthritis of the Knee, Kassi Vold
Background: With the growing prevalence of knee osteoarthritis (OA) in the United States and the rising costs of associated surgery, there has been an increase in the amount of research dedicated to alternative treatments. These treatment o...


A Review of Social Skills Intervention For Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Angela M. Walters
According the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a disability that impacts on in 54 children in the United States (CDC, 2020b). Children with ASD exhibit delays in communication, behaviors, and soci...


Disproportionality In Special Education: The Factors of Overrepresentation, Lack of Inclusion and It's Impact on Student Success, Paige E. Webb
The Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) is the guiding force behind placement for special education students. It provides students with disabilities access to the general education classroom and the ability to learn. The Individuals with Di...


Cultivating Relational, Developmental and Missional Discipleship within a Lutheran Mega-Church, Richard Michael Webb
Over the last two decades, many Lutheran mega-churches have become stagnant or have begun to decline in worship attendance. Some have even closed their doors, not surviving past their founding leadership. Furthermore, few of these mega-chur...


Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes in Professional Athletic Training Programs, Mary Elizabeth Westby
The purpose of this study was to examine the type of program-level student learning outcomes (SLOs) that athletic training programs (ATPs) are citing and how athletic training programs are assessing these student learning outcomes (assessme...


The Cause and Impact of Charter School Leadership Turnover, Curtis Grant Windham
The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes and impact of charter school leadership turnover. Participants in this study included 10 charter school leaders in the Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota metropolitan area. Data discovere...


Christ-Centered Leadership: The Formation of Millennials, Sean K. Wood
The problem this project addressed is the perceived lack of Christocentric leadership development among millennials of Canadian churches with over one thousand people in attendance. In response to this problem the researcher explored Christ...


Does Imagery Help Psychological Rehabilitation, Xeing Randy Yang
Background: In rehabilitation, athletic trainers should address the psychological aspect of rehabilitation as it is just as important as the physical aspect. Psychological responses an athlete can experience include anxiety, depression, fru...

Theses/Dissertations from 2019


Epidural analgesia Effect in Labor and Delivery, Deka A. Abdulle
Epidural analgesia has an impact on duration of labor, type of delivery and the neonate. Good research data supports epidural analgesia shorts first stage of labor, lengthens second stage, increases instrumental delivery but no increased ri...


Evaluation of Leadership Practices in High- and Low-Achieving Public High Schools in Nigeria, Wole Timothy Aderinkomi
Leadership has become one of the topical issues in all facets of our growing but complex world. This is because everything rises and falls on leadership whether in a country, corporate world, educational institutions, religious organization...


Can You Hear Me Now? Effective Preaching in a Post-church Culture, Randall Dean Ahlberg
This project addressed the need for preaching principles that more effectively communicate to those living in the realities of our current cultural. In examining the sermons of the apostle Paul, it was evident that he significantly contextu...


Primary School Teachers’ Perceptions of the Principal’s Role in Leading Successful School Reform, Ugochukwu Valerie Aimakhu
This quantitative study explored the relationship between transformative school principal leadership and teacher commitment from the perspectives of teachers in the ongoing process of educational reform and the extent to which principals’ t...


The Critical Review of Overuse of Medication in the Geriatric Population, Sophia A. Allwood
Background: The overuse of medications is of concern among the geriatric population, especially in various settings including in-home and community-based (assisted living and independent living). This review found that older individuals tak...


An Abundance of Boys: Addressing the Factors that Cause Gender Disproportionality in Special Education, Andrew James Almendinger
The gender distribution in special education is skewed heavily toward boys, who outnumber girls at an overall rate of 2 to 1. The decision to place a student in special education programming has severe implications, whether it be positive o...


The Effect of Patient Education on Oral Contraceptive Adherence Rates, Brook M. Anderson, Anmol G. Clairmont, and Lydia Lutz
We would like to acknowledge our project chair, Jeanne Szarzynski, PA-C, for dedicating her time, expertise, leadership and patience to truly guide the success of our research project. We appreciate her incredible insight, knowledge and ski...


The Impact of One-to-One Technology Initiatives on the Racial Achievement Gap in the High School Setting., Jaysen Walter Anderson
The purpose of the study was to analyze the racial achievement gap between high schools that had a one-to-one technology program and schools without this program. Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment reading and math data were collected on 20...


The Influence of Music on the Autistic Brain, Ananda Arvig
Scientific and qualitative research studies explain how different activities can affect and impact the brain. Researchers look at brain and wave activity to help determine ways music can be used as a therapeutic and beneficial teaching tech...


Enhancing the Effectiveness of Special Olympics Minnesota’s Health Promotion Programming, Avery R. Bajema, Laura Marie Hayes, Kelsey B. Kostreba, and Shelly Winslow
Nearly 3% of the world’s population have an intellectual disability. A link exists between intellectual disability and higher rates of chronic and preventable diseases, which is partially attributed to lack of health education geared toward...


Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: Physician Assistants' Perspectives, Understandings, and Ethical Considerations, Sarah K. Barnes, Samantha J. Caron, and Claire E. Johnson
While factors contributing to rates of approval and disapproval of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) have been studied at length, the perspective of Physician Assistants’ (PA) approval and disapproval of PGD has not been studied, nor ...


The Effects of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder on the Family, Kimberly M. Becker
ADHD affects not only the individual diagnosed with the disorder, but the individual’s family and surrounding community. The focus of this research was to gain an understanding of the way ADHD affects the individual and the various family m...


Barriers and strategies to life-style and dietary pattern interventions for prevention and managment of type-2 diabetes in Africa., Hirut B. Bekele
Background: Diabetes mellitus is the major chronic illness in Africa that requires lifelong life-style interventions and pharmacological therapy. The main contributing factors for the rise of diabetes in Africa are urbanization, population ...


Contributing Causes for Retention or Turnover of Black Teachers in Minnesota Metropolitan Area Public Schools, Chris Bellmont
Teaching, above all else, is about relationships and engagement. Students need to see teachers, especially in their affinity group, as successful and guiding role models. American schools have spent 20+ years implementing strategies that se...


A Qualitative Examination of Vaccine Hesitancy Among Mothers, Alicia L. Benner, Annie Vasterling, and Teia Wolter
Vaccine hesitancy describes the reluctance to vaccinate or the delay of vaccines (World Health Organization [WHO], 2017a). Various factors contribute to vaccine hesitancy for patients (Salmon, Dudley, Glanz, & Somer, 2015), and multiple sou...


The Positive Impacts of Art Education On Inner-City Students, Paris Nicole Berry
This literature review focuses on the impact that art education and effective teaching practices have on inner-city students. Intensive research through case studies, literature, observations, and scholarly journals provided a thorough unde...


Social Skills Interventions for Secondary Students With Asd, Pauli Brandt
Social skills instruction (SSI) is an area of high need for students with Autism-Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The SSI of secondary-aged ASD students is unique given that the law mandates transition (after high school) goals in the Individualize...


Exploring Opportunities on a Liberal Arts Campus to Develop Students’ Critical Consciousness: A Qualitative Study, Tanden Lee Brekke
This qualitative study explores the critical consciousness development of students enrolled in a liberal arts institution. Two hundred seventy-seven students at Bethel University completed the Critical Consciousness Scale (Diemer, Rapa, Par...


Lack of African American Teachers in Schools and What Can Be Done to Encourage and Retain Those Teachers, Marc Brown
This researcher has been a teacher in special education for almost four years and this is the first year working as a Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) teacher. However, most of the work has been as an Emotional Behavioral Disability (EB...


Readability Formulas and Writing Technique, Eric Andrew Bryant
Readability formulas are widely used to analyze educational texts; however, the use of these formulas has been widely criticized. Prominent among these criticisms are that classic readability formulas calculate readability using only senten...


Enduring Through Challenging Multi-Media Text in Middle School Social Studies: How to Increase Motivation while Improving Literacy and Comprehension, Katelyn Nicole Burns
Middle school students often find social studies classes boring and unnecessary and are underperforming on national reading and writing assessments. There is a disconnect between what they learn in the classroom, and their own personal expe...


Academic Motivation in Children with ADHD, Beth A. Butala
Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) struggle academically and appear to have lower levels of academic motivation than their peers. This paper reviews the literature and evidence proving that lower academic motivati...


The Positive Effects of Education on African-American Students in Grades Three Through Eight in Alabama, Derrell Calloway
The purpose of this study was to research the effects of positive schools on African-American students in grades three through eight. There were a total of ten schools involved the research. All of the schools were located in the state of A...


The Effect of Trauma on Students and How Schools and Teachers Are Changing to Better Support Student Needs, Ella Elaine Carlson
Teachers are seeing more and more students who are going through traumatic life events. These events are affecting their developing brain, school behavior and academic success. These events are having a secondary effect on teachers, creatin...


The Effect of Amniotomy on Labor Progression, Lauren Marie Casey and Eric Johann Judd II
Background/Purpose: Amniotomy has been a tool used for over 50 years to progress labor. This literature review researches the effects that amniotomy has on active labor progression. Theoretical Framework: The theoretical framework selected ...


Mindfulness in the Classroom, Regam Cerza
In recent years, there appears to be an increase in the number of children in grades kindergarten through 12th grade that struggle with issues such as mental illness, anxiety, emotional and behavioral disorders, etc. As a result, teachers a...


Leading a National School of Character Through the Lens of Organizational Change, Mark R. Chapin
The purpose of this study was to understand the role of the principal and the role of the change recipient in the organizational change process specific to the implementation of effective character education. The study utilized a constructi...


The Effect of Integrative Medicine Practices on the Use of Obstetric Intervention in Labor and Delivery, Rachel Cochran
Background/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to review scholarly writings to discern if the use of integrative medicine practices affects the use of obstetric intervention in labor and delivery. Theoretical Framework: The Theory of Huma...


Engaging Adolescent Boys in Classroom Learning: What Teachers Need to Know About Adolescents and the First Years of Teaching an Elective in a Secondary School, Tiffany Patrice Cook
What are the predominant factors that contribute to adolescent boys’ lack of classroom engagement, and what can teachers do to engage them in the classroom content? This literature review examines motivating and engaging boys in a secondary...


An Overview of Diabetes and Community Health Concerns in Guatemala, Jennifer A. Davidson, Halie M. Higgins, Alex Krona, and Danny R. Luna
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has emerged as a worldwide epidemic in recent years. Rates of this disease continue to rise annually. While many countries have adequate access to prevent and treat T2DM, developing countries often lack educa...


The Essence of Deanship: 18 Long-tenure Latin American and Caribbean Theological Seminary Deans, Maria Elena Deluca Voth
The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological research study was to explore the essence of lived experiences of current Latin American and Caribbean theological seminary deans who had remained in their positions five or more consecutive ...


Nutrition Education for the Underserved Youth within the Greater Twin Cities Area through the InSports Foundation, Paige D. Deters, Allison Kaper, and Maura Romanshek
It has been examined that poor access to nutritious foods and limited opportunities for physical activity is prevalent among children from underserved families. These deficiencies contribute to increasing childhood obesity rates and emphasi...


Identification of Medical Distress by Washington County Correctional Officers: A Community Service Project, Laura Driscoll, Lauren Gimmestad, and Mary Gritton
Throughout the United States incidence of suicide, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and drug withdrawal is increasing. Not only are these issues prevalent in the general population, but are also a regular cause of medical distress within the wa...


Participation in Organized Extracurricular Activities and the Impact on Adolescent Outcomes, Kevin Dunnigan
The purpose of this thesis was to analyze research linking extracurricular activity participation and impacts on adolescent outcomes. The research question was: What impact does participation in organized extracurricular activities have on ...


The Connection Between Teacher-student Relationships for Behavior and Academic Outcomes, Lance William Edminster
The National Center of Educational Statistics (NCES, n.d.) reports the “2016–17 ACGR (adjusted cohort graduation rate) for all students was 84.6 percent.” Emotional/Behavioral Disorder (E/BD) students are the lowest to graduate that has a d...


How Nurse-Midwives Can Best Support Families Who Have Experienced Perinatal Loss, Tina Marie Egner and Jennifer J. Kluck
Background/Purpose: Although perinatal loss remains a common occurrence and nurse-midwives are instrumental in this care, the American College of Nurse-Midwives has yet to issue a position statement or professional care guidelines for provi...


A Community Outreach Project Addressing Mental Health, Obesity, and Asthma in Underserved Saint Paul Youth, Anna Ehnstrom, Ellie Hoopman, and Caitlin Olson
Due to a lack of resources, awareness, and reinforcement of information, underserved youth are predisposed to unique health concerns. The health disparities prevalent among children living in poverty are many, but the topics of focus for th...


Comprehensible Input: The Effectiveness of TPR, TPRS, Technology, and Reading, Erin L. El Amatoury
This review of the literature summarizes findings on the world language teaching methods of Comprehensible Input. The review addresses the efficacy of multiple methods within Comprehensible Input when compared with previous, more traditiona...


The Impact of Midwifery Care on Racial Disparities in African American Women and Infants, Madeline Grace Englund and Antionette Renee Estis
Background/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to critically examine scholarly writings to understand the history and current manifestations of racism in maternal and perinatal outcomes and reproductive health care and to provide insight ...


Principals’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of the Importance of Transformational Leadership Behaviors of Effective Principals, Becky Evers-Gerdes
The purpose of this study was to analyze the perceptions of principals and teachers regarding the transformational leadership behaviors (“leadership behaviors”) of effective elementary school principals. The study compared the perceptions a...


Development of Supportive Learning Communities in Multicultural and Multilingual Classrooms, Katherine G. Filion
Schools are experiencing an increase in diversity – such factors include culture, religion, primary language, race, socioeconomic level, ethnicity, family composition, gender, and previous experience, as well as ability level – of which cha...


The Nascent Nature of Grit in Education, Mary Lynn Fleetwood
Grit first came on the scene that commands the American public’s attention when introduced by leading Grit researcher Angela S. Duckworth. Angela and her team put forth that Grit may be one of if not the key determining factor that resulted...


Identification and Treatment of Anxiety in Students Receiving Special Education Services: A Review of the Literature, Analee Therese Francisco
Anxiety affects school achievement and is common in nearly every disability category treated by Special Education programs. This review of literature summarizes existing research on the prevalence of anxiety disorders in students in varying...


Critical Elements of Effective Co-Teaching in the K-12 Classroom, Julie M. Gaffney
Co-teaching is a common and significant practice that pairs a special education teacher with a general education teacher for the purpose of enhancing the education of all students. In addition to giving students with special needs access to...


Education Environment: the Prospect of Integration With Respect to Cultural Diversity, Serina G. Gbakoyah
The rise in immigration is having an impact on schools and communities in developed countries. The socio-economic effect differs from State to State. It is evident that many states with growing immigrant populations seek to strike a balance...


Labor Induction Methods and Their Impact on Duration of Labor and Rate of Cesarean Section, Ashley M. Golinghorst
Background/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to critically review current literature regarding current methods for labor induction and their impact on the duration of labor and rate of cesarean section. Theoretical Framework: Imogene Ki...


Problem Based Learning: the Impact on Classroom Environment and Student Engagement, Peter D. Gosen
This literature review will look at the implications of Problem Based Learning and its effects on student’s engagement in their learning. The research shows that students need to have a good foundation in the content information for Problem...


Implications and Interventions for Reducing the Use of Restraint and Seclusion on Students Receiving Special Education Services, Samantha Lynn Gruidl
This thesis explores a difficult subject for both parents and special educators: the use of restraint and seclusion in the classroom. While no teacher wants to go hands-on with a student, crisis situations can arise in which a student becom...


A Review of Technology and Its Impact on Middle School Classrooms, Curtis Alan Gustafson
This literature review is an explorative examination of the current research related to how technology integration impacts the middle school classroom. With technology becoming more common in the home, work-pace, and school, studies highlig...


The Intersection of Social and Emotional Learning, Shy Students, and the Flipped Classroom, Magdalene Augusta Guzik
The importance of social and emotional learning has become a mainstream tenet at the same time that technology advancements have reached the classroom. One such advancement, the flipped classroom, has turned the modern classroom upside down...