Programs included in this collection and when they started submitting digitally is listed below. (See years of coverage in parentheses):
- Doctor of Ministry (2015 - present)
- Education Dissertations (2015 - present)
- Education K-12 Theses (2017 - present)
- Nurse-Midwifery Theses (2016 - present)
- Nurse Educator Theses (2016 - 2020)
- Physician Assistant Theses (2015 - present)
- Special Education Theses (2017 - present)
- Teaching Theses (2017 - present)
- Athletic Training (2020)
- Athletic Training Leadership (2020)
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Non-Pharmacologic Measures to Prevent and Treat Gestational Diabetes, Dikshya Aryal
Background: Gestational Diabetes (GDM) can have adverse effects on the health of both mother and baby during pregnancy and for a lifetime thereafter. While insulin is the mainstay of treatment, metformin and glyburide may be considered as a...
Degree of Knowledge, Potential Barriers, and Reasons for Finding Out About Genetic Testing, Lisa Ann Atkinson, Drew Alexander Holm, and Michael Jacob
Genetic testing is a resource that continues to evolve and change the world of medicine. The availability of such testing has created opportunities for many to better understand and take control of their health. However, studies show that t...
Patient Understanding of the Physician Assistant Profession Across Age Groups, Amber Baumann and Galen Hilgendorf
The demand for healthcare providers such as Physician Assistants is ever increasing with the growing and aging United States population. The number of Physician Assistant education programs as well as practicing Physician Assistants is grow...
What Is the Cause for the Suspension Disparity Between Caucasians and Students of Color, Pamela Marie Beatty
The purpose of this research is to showcase the ineffectiveness of suspension upon students and to illustrate the disparity in the use of suspension and expulsion towards African American students when compared to their peers. Studies show ...
Patient Satisfaction with Physician Assistants in Family Practice, Megan A. Bendix and Mariah Eystad
Introduction: The nation is experiencing an expanding, aging population. As the nation faces an imminent physician shortage, physician assistants (PAs) will be utilized in practice to a greater extent. Maintaining patient satisfaction is im...
Sports Specialization and Injury Prevalence, Jacob P. Berwyn and Jordan Lee Reiner
This retrospective study examines musculoskeletal injury prevalence rates among high school athletes. Specifically, it examines if there is a higher injury prevalence amongst single sport athletes compared to multi-sport high school athlete...
A Review of Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Hannah A. Betz
This literature review with application thesis explores the prevalence of anxiety in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and dives into differentiating anxiety symptoms from ASD symptoms and provides tools for teachers to help red...
Trauma Sensitive Schools, Maria Bowker
Recent research has shown that an astounding number of children have faced adverse childhood experiences. Due to this fact, many of the students sitting in American classrooms have traumatic backgrounds that can cause a variety of side effe...
Mentor Effectiveness and Its Correlation With Physician Assistant Faculty Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions, Amy Bronson
Growth in physician assistant training programs is resulting in an increasing demand for qualified physician assistant faculty. Gaining an understanding of mentoring in PA education and its relationship to faculty job satisfaction and facul...
Instructional Coaching and Reflective Practice, Jessica Marie Cabak
Instructional coaching as a mode of professional development has gained popularity among school districts for its job-embedded, ongoing nature (Knight, 2012). Absent from the field is an effective method of measuring the impact of coaching....
The Impact of Prescription Medication Use and Misuse on Students in K-12 Schools, Benton C. Cady
This paper will examine students and their use of prescription medications when administered to students at school. The law requires that schools follow policies in regards to the distribution of drugs in school. Guidelines have been create...
Auditory Processing Deficits in Students With Autism and Research-based Instructional Strategies, Jamie Carpenter
The ability to accurately process and interpret auditory information, for individuals with autism spectrum disorder or ‘ASD’, is often difficult. Here we review behavioral, neurophysiological and imaging literature pertaining to this field ...
Technology in the Second Language Classroom, Sylvie Carrier
This thesis explores the history and effectiveness of technological tools present in a second language classroom. Comparing research from the beginning of the 20th century to today’s research shows the progression and current use of technol...
Midwife Provider Education and Screening Can Prevent and Decrease the Prevalence of Perinatal and Postpartum Depression: A Critical Review of the Literature, Suzanne M. Chatters
Background: Perinatal and postpartum depression (PPD) has a diagnosed prevalence of 10-20%. Experts theorize that up to 60% of women experiencing PPD do not seek help. Mental depression carries a negative stigma in western culture and medic...
Dynamic Knee Hyperextension Screening as a Predictor of Acl Injury Potential in Competitive High School Soccer Players, Jon-Paul W. Ciszewski, David McGehee, and Jessica Schindler
Introduction: Young, active populations who play sports that include sudden cutting motions, are at heightened risk of injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Female athletes with increased joint laxity and subsequent hyperextension...
Cultivating Emerging Leaders: Understanding a Pastor's Role, Spencer A. Click
The purpose of this study is to understand the influence and impact a local church pastor can have in the development of emerging leaders. The researcher sought to understand a biblical model of the leader/follower relationship through exam...
The Factors That Contribute to Success in College Freshmen With Specific Learning Disabilities a Descriptive Study in Learner Characteristics, Caleb J. Conklin
Once students graduate from high school and enter postsecondary education the academic support services change. This study uses a qualitative methodology to investigate the perceptions of students’ with specific learning disabilities (SLD),...
Establishing and Maintaining Collective Faculty Trust in the High School Principal, Brenda M. Damiani
This study explored the process by which high school principals established and maintained collective faculty trust in the principal (FTP). High school principals face the challenge of establishing FTP in settings generally larger than thei...
End-of-life Care Experience for First-generation Ethiopian Immigrant Patients and Families, Debrework Damte
Background: The goals of end-of-life (EOL) or palliative care are as follows: provide comfort, promote death with dignity and provide support to patients’ families. However, the observations and interactions with first-generation Ethiopian ...
Increasing Academic Achievement and Motivation Through the Use of One-to-one Technology in the Intermediate Classroom, Derrick Stephen Davis
This study explored the impact of one-to-one technology on motivating students to higher academic achievement within math and reading curricula in the fourth-grade and fifth-grade intermediate classrooms. Located at an urban/suburban PreK-5...
Cultural Beliefs, Language, and Ethnicity With Healthcare: Patient's Satisfaction, Lucy D. Delacruz-Gibb
Background: The rising diversification of the U.S. population consists of 40 percent immigrants or first generation Americans (Huscup, 2010). This ethnic composition of the population poses great challenges for healthcare institutions and h...
Art Education: How the Visual Arts Are Critical in Student Social-emotional Development, Nicole Justine Dickenson
This literature review explores the different components that make up art education and how they impact student social and emotional development and well-being. Social and emotional development is defined before going into detail about what...
Prevalence of Caffeine Use and Knowledge of Its Benefits, Side Effects, and Withdrawal Symptoms Among Pre-PA Students, PA Students, and Clinically Practicing PAs, Kjerstin Grace Durie, Chelsie Nicole Horner, and Greta Sowles
Caffeine is consumed daily by eighty percent of the world’s population, making it the most widely used stimulant drug. Caffeine has various benefits, side effects, and withdrawal symptoms associated with its use, but there is a lack of rese...
The Effectiveness of Prenatal Education in the Prevention of Postpartum Depression, Leslie Ranae Dwyer
With more than 800,000 new mothers in the United States experienceing postpartum depression (PPD) in the first year following delivery, research is warranted to determine if prenatal education is effective in reducing or eliminating PPD alt...
What Impact Does Technology Integration Have on the K-12 Classroom?, Nicole Jean Elliott
Technology use is part of our everyday lives and as technological advances continue at a rapid pace, school districts are integrating technology into the K-12 classroom. This paper explores how technology integration may impact four areas i...
Alternative Therapies and Treatments and Their Effect in Reducing Behaviors Found Within Autism Spectrum Disorder, Paige L. Ferraro
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of neurodevelopmental syndromes characterized by deficits in communication, social interaction, imagination and sensory processing. The prevalence of ASD has increased significantly throughout rec...
Determining the Optimal Amount of Physical Activity for Promoting Academic Benefit Among School-aged Children, Matthew Edwin Fiscus
This paper explores the relationship between physical activity and academic performance, the optimal amount of physical activity to enjoy these benefits, and the best way to measure this optimal amount of activity. Research yielding positiv...
Patient Satisfaction of Physician Assistants and Physicians in the Emergency Department, Brittany Geditz, Yu Guan, and Lauren Lahr
Introduction: Emergency medicine has developed rapidly since the 1960s with an increasing need for providers due to the increasing number of presenting patients in the emergency department. Physician assistants have filled that gap; however...
The Relationship Between Nursing Leadership Skills in Acute Care Setting and the Nursing Professional Practice Environment, Vane Kemunto Gichana
Background: The nursing shortage and growing complexities in health care environments demands that nurse leaders improve their leadership skills and create PPE where all nurses feel supported and valued. Purpose: The purpose of this critica...
End-of-life Education and Preparedness of Physician Assistants in Minnesota and the Surrounding States, Julie Ann Graner, Lukas Steffan, and Zachary Stutzman
As the population in the United States ages, palliative care spending and needs have been increasing. Most quality outcome measures, however, have shown inadequate satisfaction among patients and caregivers. A number of studies have investi...
Routine Screening for Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies During Pregnancy: Universal Versus targeted, Megan M. Gross
Background: There are currently no guidelines for screening for thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) during pregnancy. Currently, there is some debate as to whether pregnant women should be screened for TPOAb, universally, or using a risk-...
An Investigation of Self-Care Practices and Principles Among the Pentecostal-Apostolic Clergy, Chelsea A. Hall
The goal of this research project was to investigate the perspectives and practices of self-care among Pentecostal-Apostolic (P-A) clergy, and create a set of principles to assist the P-A clergy in conducting a God-honoring self-care. This ...
Understanding the Impact of the Student-teacher Relationship in Relation to Special Education Needs, Kristina Marie Hall
In 2012, more than six million students in the United States were identified as having an educational disability and receiving special education services. Students with disabilities are more likely than their general education peers to expe...
Malts: Mucho Acquisition of Language by Teaching With Songs, Matthew J. Hanson
Fluency in a foreign language (FL) increases when curriculum concentrates on the most common and frequent vocabulary. The following research hypothesizes that songs in the FL can replace curriculum textbooks when combined with storytelling ...
Better Together: Group Prenatal Care Improves Outcomes, Rachel Hanus
Background: Neonatal outcomes have not improved over the past 30 years in spite of increases in funding and utilization. New models of prenatal care, such as Centering Pregnancy, need to be evaluated for effectiveness. This critical review ...
Shared Leadership: Bringing the Local Church Back to Its Biblical Roots of Leadership, John A. Harrison
The North American culture is experiencing seismic shifts in its leadership structures. One of these shifts is the growing momentum from traditional, hierarchical leadership models to flatter, team-driven, shared leadership structures. The ...
The Reform and Influence of Standards-based Grading in Secondary Schools, Leah K. Heck
Standards-based grading is being utilized in many secondary schools across the United States. Research shows that there are many benefits that students are afforded, such as the ability to have a more personalized learning approach, be prov...
Student Religious Ideologies as Predictors of Openness to Diverse Others, Curt Hinkle
As Christian higher educational institutions and particularly Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) member institutions seek to become more diverse bodies and prepare students to become people of influence in a pluralistic g...
Characteristics and Development of Effective Classroom Management, Ann Melissa Hippen
Classroom management is an essential piece of teaching. Many teachers, new and experienced, struggle with establishing effective management strategies that allow all students to be successful in the classroom. This literature review will su...
An Analysis on the Research in Relation to the Methodology of Comprehensible Input, Brenna K. Hoeg
The purpose of this thesis was threefold. First, it examined what research concludes concerning the best ways to use the Comprehensive Input (CI) methodology to teach grammar, vocabulary, literacy, and culture. Second, it explored and evalu...
Culturally Sensitive and Holistic Care for Women Who Have Undergone Female Genital Circumcision, Maria Fernanda Honebrink
Background: Around the world, immigration is part of many people’s lives. In that context, obstetric healthcare providers must be ready to deliver culturally sensitive care to women of different backgrounds. Some of these women have undergo...
Variations to Birth Outcomes with Labor and Delivery Doula Support, Nicole I. Hunter-Severson
Background/Purpose: The purpose of this critical appraisal of the literature is to discern if there are variations to birth outcomes as a result of having a doula present as a continuous support during labor and delivery. Theoretical/Concep...
Disciplined-based Art Education in a Haitian Context, Tasha J. Irving
This paper discusses how Christian Haitian high school students can study and make art in a culturally appropriate manner while considering the art history of their country. A curriculum is suggested that focuses on the seven elements of ar...
The Influence of Emotional Contagion on the Formation of Group Affective Tone within the Student Cohort Model, Michael J. Jensen
The use of the cohort model within higher education has produced outcomes that have been either positive and adaptive or dysfunctional and maladaptive due to the unique identities formed by cohorts. The purpose of this study was to examine ...
Guided Play: a Pedagogical Approach to Teaching, Candace Jill Johnson
Guided play is the midpoint between direct instruction and free play. It provides a learning goal with teacher scaffolding which allows children to control their learning (Weisberg, et al., 2013). Guided play learning experiences combine ch...
Job Embeddedness: the Pulls of Staying for Teachers in the International School Setting, Ann M. Jurewicz
The purpose of this study was to explore the factors that influence retention of teachers in the international school setting using the construct of job embeddedness. As the largest global study of its kind to date, 975 respondents hired fo...
Beauty in online learning environments: A quantitative study of the impact of expressive aesthetics on student engagement in blended courses, Shane Alexander Kelley
With the growing proportion of blended and online courses in higher education, it is increasingly important to understand how the online learning environments of these courses can impact student engagement. One important element of these on...
Supports and Strategies for Learners With Attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder., Lamin Khan
This thesis will discuss the need for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) interventions. This researcher has reviewed a number of articles concerning programming for ADHD students. ADHD is a very pervasive disorder affecting man...
School Start Times: Is Later Better for High School Students?, Rodney Paul Kimbler
This thesis seeks to answer the question: School start times: Is later better for high school students? Research for this study focuses primarily on high school start times in the United States from 1988 to 2017. Factors include changes at ...
Health Literacy and Medication Administration Knowledge of Unlicensed Health Care Workers in Assisted Living Facilities, Lynsey Jae Kissinger and Kelsey Walczak
The purpose of this research was to determine the health literacy and medication administration knowledge of unlicensed health care workers such as certified nursing assistants and non-certified caregivers working in assisted living facilit...
The Barriers: Psychosocial and Economic Resistance Men Face in Seeking Fertility Evaluations, Cynthia C. Konrath and Ashton Makwana
There has been a minimal amount of research conducted regarding barriers presenting to male patients presenting for fertility evaluations. Research that focuses on the male gender’s reactions to infertility has been just as limited. The pur...
The Influence of Work Environment on Workplace Bullying and Retention of New Graduate Nurses, Allisson Marie Kral
Background: The existence and prevalence of workplace bullying and negative work environments may not only have detrimental effects on nurses as individuals, especially new graduate nurses, but also on patient care and safety as well as the...
How Do Different Stakeholder Groups Describe Their Feelings About Low-ability Math Groups?, Maria B. Kreie Arago
Two significant challenges confronting math educators in the United States today are overall achievement rates that lag behind many countries, and a sizeable achievement gap between White students and students of color. Research provides so...
Pioneers in Education and Faith: Spiritual Development of First Generation College Students, Diane M. Krusemark
Spirituality may be a factor in the success of first generation college students. Leading spiritual development theories were built on the dominant population of continuing generation college students. This qualitative research explored the...
Failing Forward: How Student Failure Builds a Framework for Lifelong Learning, Andrew R. Kurkowski
Humans have been dealing with the issue of failure since their existence. No matter the field, whether it be business, athletics, science, mathematics, etc., students and professionals are going to experience minor and major failures in the...
A Panoramic View of How Physical Activity Impacts Students With Disabilities, With an Emphasis Focused on Students on the Autism Spectrum, Alyssa K. Lane
Today a majority of adolescents do not participate in the recommended daily level of physical activity. Students with disabilities, including students on the Autism Spectrum scale, especially lack participation in physical activity. The ben...
Through the Eyes of Teachers: Relationships Between Principal Communication Style and School Climate, Ryan Lee Lang
The purpose of this quantitative study was to see if a statistically significant relationship existed between principal communication style and school climate as perceived by elementary teachers in high achieving Title 1 elementary schools ...
A New Approach to Inquiry, Dean William Lanois
This paper explores the theories that govern three processes of learning: project-based, problem-based and self-regulated. One of the critical questions that this paper addresses is: how can these three processes be utilized to plan an effe...
Montessori Adolescent Program Design in a Non-farm Environment, Rhonda Michelle Lovette
This thesis explores the idea of constructing a Montessori adolescent program outside of the prescribed curriculum of living in a working farm environment. There is a focus on Maria Montessori’s life and influence. The Montessori Method is ...
The Impact of Hurts on Effective ministry in Local African American Church, Imogene Lowery
The project sought to understand the impact of hurts on effective ministry in a local African American church. The research tried to understand hurts, what hurts were and how hurts or past hurts impacted others. The research revealed that h...
Examining High School Placement Methodology With Strategies to Improve Students With Autism Outcomes, Elaine Martin
Graduation statistics indicate that students with disabilities like Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are now completing high school at an average rate of about 60 percent. The purpose of this literature examination and application is to analy...
Identification of Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities: Case Study of a New Jersey Urban/Suburban School District, Ngozi D. Martin-Oguike
The purpose of this case study is to explore the extent to which gifted students with learning disabilities are being identified and supported by examining educators’ experience and practice. A district categorized as urban/suburban in a mu...
A Critical Review of Experiences of Mentally Ill African Immigrants Living in the U.s, Josephine Moraa Masita
Background: Historically, the U.S. has been known to lead the world in refugee resettlement. To date, the U.S. remains the top refugee resettlement country. Refugees are mostly people who have been forced to flee their home countries due to...
Homophobia in the African American Church in Dmv, Nurney Kasem Mason
A look at some causes of homophobia in the African American(AA) church in the Washington DC metropolitan area. Using mixed methods and interviews, the researcher uncovered some reasons why homophobia exists in the AA church. Based on the da...
The Benefits of Creative Abilities in Education for 21st Century Learners, Emily E. Natrop
Creativity is defined as the use of imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. Creative abilities, while less defined, include abilities such as independent or divergent thinking, problem solving, curio...
A Model for the Development of the Leaders of a Regional Gospel Movement, Daniel Ray Nold
The problem this research project addressed was the need for a leadership development model for a regional gospel movement. While it is hoped that the research will serve regional gospel movements nationwide, the specific focus was the deve...
Becoming Visible: Improving Reading Comprehension at the Middle Level, Keri M. Norell
This paper examines reading comprehension at the middle level. The literature review covers definitions of reading comprehension and then discusses specific challenges and characteristics of middle level readers, with a particular focus on ...
Complications of Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcoma Patients Following Limb Salvage and Amputation Procedures, Sandra Ogato
Background: Extremity bone and soft tissue sarcoma are a rare type of cancer with treatment modalities to include chemotherapy and radiation and surgical procedures. Surgery can be limb salvage or limb amputation. Patients of extremity bone...
Stimulating Creativity, Originality, & Divergent Thinking, Julia Ohmann
This thesis explores research relating to the growth and promotion of creative uniqueness and original ideation in the visual arts classroom. The research reveals a number of strategies that teachers can put into practice to increase studen...
Incorporating Positive Psychology and Happiness in the Special Education Classroom - the Effects on Academics and Self-esteem, Jean M. Oseko
Twenty-first century schools are not like the schools of last century. The student population brings with it an entirely new set of parameters that the standard teacher-student model of education can no longer accommodate. Special education...
Nurse Leader Effect on Burnout Among Mental Health Nurses Working in Inpatient Psychiatric Nursing, Beatrice Masita Paintsil
Background: Burnout is a phenomenon that affects many nurses working in different nursing specialties. Research has shown that nurses working in psychiatry suffer from burnout. Burnout can have serious consequences to the individual nurse, ...
Reducing Perineum Injuries and Trauma During Vaginal Delivery, Joyce Elaine Pepple
Background: Perineal trauma and injury is extremely common during vaginal birth. Nurse-midwives and other obstetric providers should explore the most current literature for possible ways that perineal trauma and injury during vaginal birth ...
PA Compensation Models in the Twin Cities, Kayli J. Piechowski and Alannah Pratt
A variety of compensation models for medical providers exist today. Current literature reveals that the main compensation models present for physicians and other advanced practice providers today include fee for service (FFS), fixed salary,...
Self-efficacy and Adolscent Development: How Educators Can Foster Its Growth, Jackie Lea Pieper
All teachers want their students to graduate high school. All teachers want their students to be successful in the classroom. All teachers deal with students that appear to give up or simply not try at all. Students, especially as they ente...
African American Female Principals at Urban Turnaround Arts Schools: Identification of Characteristics That Contributed to Their Success, Leona Robinson-Derden
The purposes of this qualitative study were to (a) identify leadership characteristics of female African American principals at successful Turnaround Arts schools and (b) explore the leadership factors that allowed these principals to impro...
Biblical Metaphors for Servant Leadership: A Strong Foundation for Leadership Development, Gary A. Runn
This project addresses the lack of a biblically grounded model for servant leadership. Research explored three biblical metaphors as the foundation for a leadership development framework: servant, shepherd, and steward. First, the servant m...
ACE’s and Trauma in Education, Richard Santangelo
The author of this paper has worked in special education since 1988, primarily with Emotional and Behavioral Disordered (EBD) students. Throughout the author's career there have been many conversations about why some students display EBD be...
Community Care Paramedicine Program, Mary Beth Sather
The Community Care Paramedicine Program is an emerging field across the United States that utilizes the expertise and service of Paramedics within the community they serve. In this program, paramedics are integrated into the local healthcar...
Game-based Learning’s Effectiveness in the Middle School, Bradly Gene Scherer
This project offers an overview of GBL and an example of GBL curriculum created for middle school math students. The study explores the question: What effects do GBL practices within curriculum have on middle school (grades 5-8) students to...
Youth in Special Education: the Risks and Implications of Entering the Juvenile Detention System, Natalie M. Sell
Students who are serviced under the umbrella of special education are disciplined more frequently and with more exclusionary methods compared to their general education peers. A higher numbers of minority students than represented in the ge...
Implications for delayed versus immediate umbilical cord clamping, Laura Ann Shaver
Purpose: The purpose of the critical review of literature was to identify and analyze benefits of delayed umbilical cord clamping in full term and preterm infants with a focus on iron stores, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and hyperbilirubinemia. ...
Life Mapping as a Means of Redemptive Transformation: Change the Name and the Story is About You, Noel A. Sherry
This project explored the formation practice known as Life Mapping, on the hypothesis that it is a catalyst for varied forms of spiritual transformation, quickening, and awakening. Though there are clear antecedents in the Christian traditi...
Nitrous Oxide: Revival of an antiquated pain modality helps to empower women, April Shuneson
Background: Options for pharmacological pain management in labor are limited. The use of nitrous oxide during labor and gynecological procedures is supported by the American College of Nurse-Midwives (2016); they group suggested that differ...
The Crucible of Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy: Examining the Intersections of Social Justice, Moral Development and Theology, Eydie Dyke Shypulski
The purpose of this research was to better understand the relationship between moral development, theology and social justice within a Christian context. An apparent disconnect exists regarding how people of faith apply personal morals and ...
Success for Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Julie J. Soderlund
Special education students with emotional and behavioral disorders have the right to receive an education that addresses their specific, individual needs. There are many challenges that accompany these students. It is beneficial for teacher...
From the Suburbs to the City: Seeking the Shalom of an Inner City Neighborhood, Elias Soiles
Journey Community Church, a five-year old white, suburban, college-educated, middle class church, moved into the Bell Hill neighborhood of Worcester, Massachusetts on July 1, 2015. This was a neighborhood of which Journey Church knew almost...
Cultural Disparities: An Ethnography of First Generation Students of Rural, Generational Poverty, Theresa Anne Spanella
The purpose of this qualitative, ethnographic study was to identify the cultural norms, beliefs, languages, values assumptions and rituals of first generation college students from rural, low socioeconomic status in order to better understa...
How Crisis and Relationship Lead to Faith Ownership, Jason D. Steffenhagen
College is often the time when students are asking questions about their identity and worldview. These questions are brought on by conflicting authority figures and institutions while experiencing a location change and significant transitio...
A Phenomenological Study of the Students Who Were Actively Engaged in the High Achievement Program at a Suburban High School, Lee-Ann Stephens
Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate classes are seen as steppingstones to college. There is a belief that these classes are the foundation of collegiate matriculation for students of color. In response to this pathway the Hig...
From Apathy to Mission: A Critical Transition for Pastors and Leaders of Faithful, yet Changing Congregations, Dale R. Stiles
Throughout the researcher’s 20 years of ordained ministry in the Lutheran Church he has continually been interested in the critical role effective biblical discipleship practices have on the 21st century church as well as the Church of the ...
Parental Involvement: Importance, Reality and Application, Paul Stiles
Parents have always been actively involved in their child’s education. As researchers continue to explore factors that drive academic success, parental involvement has emerged as a factor that promotes positive outcomes. Just how they are i...
Students With Specific Learning Disabilities; Perceptions of Postsecondary Accommodations, Barriers, and Self-advocacy, Jodi Elizabeth Stohl
Once students graduate from public education, the supports for individuals with disabilities change significantly. The law requiring school districts to support students with disabilities no longer applies upon graduation. As the familiar s...
Increased Movement and Physical Activity and Its Impact on Academic Performance on Students With and Without Disabilities, Jaclyn A. Uithoven Neerhof
Brain-based teaching is an evidence based teaching philosophy that is widely accepted as successful practice. This philosophy revolves around teaching to how the brain functions. One aspect of this practice is relating movement to increasin...
Effective Literacy Instruction for Struggling Readers and Students Receiving Special Education Services, Lauren S. Van Gomple
Small group interventions provide struggling readers and students who are learning- disabled with additional literacy instruction designed to facilitate literacy growth. The purpose of this systematic review is to determine if literacy grou...
Key Factors Contributing to EBD Teacher Attrition: Solutions to Increase Career Longevity, Larissa D. View
In the United States, annually, 10% of EBD teachers burn out and leave the profession, subsequently forcing districts to hire underprepared teachers. When compared to other education professionals, EBD teachers are leading in educators wher...
The Whole Servant Leader: Leading From the Inside Out, Jewel Denise Williams
While research on servant leadership focuses on the behavior or actions of leaders toward the follower, this project examines the inward development of those leaders to determine what godly attributes need cultivation to demonstrate the sev...
The Need for Interchurch Unity Among Northern New England Evangelical Churches, Philip Andrew Wood
This project addresses the lack of and need for unity between evangelical churches in northern New England. It is not an area known for cooperation, being open to change, or orthodox Christianity. It is a region with typically small churche...
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Do Employees Want to Work for Authentic and Vulnerable Leaders and What Prevents Leaders from Going There, Annette R. Abel
Studies have shown that most employees want to work for vulnerable and authentic leaders. Many leaders do not want to show their personal side of their lives and what they face as a leader. Some leaders are fearful they will look weak or to...
Breastfeeding Effects with Early Intervention for Ankyloglossia (Tongue-tie), Hope L. Adams
Background: Anklyoglossia or tongue-tie in infants often goes undiagnosed primarily due to the lack of knowledge for assessing tongue-tie thus disrupting a successful breastfeeding experience. Education, diagnosis, and treatment of ankylogl...
Trends in Vaccination Rates Amongst Young Children and the Factors Affecting Parent Decisions, Kaitlyn C. Baldridge, Janna Bjoin, and Katherine Pool
Problem: Throughout the United States, there has been an increasing trend in the number of parents refusing to vaccinate their children. Studies have shown that since the upward trend of refusal to vaccinate has started, there has been an i...