
Physician Assistant M.S.

Year Approved


First Advisor

Hanson, Christina


This retrospective study examines musculoskeletal injury prevalence rates among high school athletes. Specifically, it examines if there is a higher injury prevalence amongst single sport athletes compared to multi-sport high school athletes. Also, it looks at injury prevalence by gender to determine if male or female athletes are more prone to injuries. The population for this study consisted of student athletes from Bethel University in Arden Hills, Minnesota. In order to qualify for the study the athletes must have participated in a State High School League sanctioned sport prior to competing at the collegiate level. Consent forms and questionnaires were administered to the athletes that chose to participate in the research study. The questionnaire allowed us to obtain minor demographical information such as the athlete’s age, gender, and year in school, as well as information on the number of sports they played and any potential injuries they may have sustained while competing in a high school sport. Surveys were analyzed to see if there was any statistical significance between single and multi-sport athletes in regards to injuries, as well as gender and injury prevalence. The researchers received 28 completed questionnaires (19 male participants and 9 female participants). Of the 28 participants there were 16 multi-sport athletes and 12 single sport athletes. Using Phi Correlation Tests the researchers determined there was no significant correlation between injury prevalence and single sport athletes. Also, the data did not show a significant difference in injury prevalence amongst male and female athletes. Going forward, more research is needed to determine if sports specialization puts young athletes at an increased risk of injury prevalence.

Degree Name

Masters of Science in Physician Assistant

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
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