"Youth in Special Education: the Risks and Implications of Entering the" by Natalie M. Sell


Special Education M.A.

Year Approved


First Advisor

Wrobel, Gretchen


Students who are serviced under the umbrella of special education are disciplined more frequently and with more exclusionary methods compared to their general education peers. A higher numbers of minority students than represented in the general population are in special education, specifically, the Emotional and Behavior Disorder category. The differences in discipline and the disproportionate number of minority students in special education lead to a negative impact on learning and achievement, an increase in anti-social behavior, and ultimately a higher likelihood of entering the juvenile justice system. Systems such as an ecological approach to classroom management, tiered behavior support interventions, and social emotional learning can all be put in place to help combat these discrepancies in discipline, as well as help students successfully integrate back into school after exclusionary discipline and/or time spent in the juvenile justice system.

Degree Name

Special Education M.A.

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis

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