All Electronic Theses and Dissertations | Bethel University

Programs included in this collection and when they started submitting digitally is listed below. (See years of coverage in parentheses):


Theses/Dissertations from 2015


“If You’re Not Having Fun, What’s The Point Of Playing?” Adolescents’ Best And Worst Interscholastic Sport Experiences, Troy D. Urdahl
Interscholastic athletics are purported to provide many benefits for participants. Some studies have shown the benefits of playing sports, but others have cautioned the expense is not worth the investment and not all outcomes of participati...


Prevalence of Non-conventional and Folk Medicine Usage among Hmong in St. Paul, Minnesota, Matthew T. Vang
Hmong Americans have been identified to utilize various modes of medicine including: folk/herbal remedies, spiritual/shamanistic rituals, and adapted treatments from countries like Thailand or Laos. However, there is a lack of studies that ...


Leadership Development Through Theological Education in the Theological Education Initiative of Central Missouri, April A. Welch
Access to leadership development through theological education is limited in places without seminaries. The Theological Education Initiative of Central Missouri started the Emerging Church Leadership Institute to fill that gap. Utilizing ph...


The New Reformed Pastor: Zwinglian Wisdom for Modern Ministers, Scotty Jermaine Williams
Throughout churches in the Reformed tradition, there is a growing interest in renewing Eucharistic practices. This growing interest has led to a series of discussions among Reformed clergy regarding the role of pastors in the Eucharistic co...


Chaplain, Pastor, Leader: A Biographical Study Of Leadership Transitions In The Life Of Chaplain (Colonel) James E. Wright, Brian P. Wright
A distinct transition occurs when military chaplains return to civilian service as pastoral leaders. This project engaged in a biographical study of (Colonel) Chaplain James E. Wright in order to understand the effect service as a military ...


A Qualitative Study Of Doubt In The Evangelical Tradition, Benjamin B. Young
This project explored the difference between evangelicals who doubted and stayed in the evangelical Christian faith and those who left the fold. Grounded theory was the primary research methodology and data was gathered from interviews with...

Theses/Dissertations from 2014


Diabetes Prevention of the Hispanic Population: Health Lifestyle Management Education at Our Lady of Guadelupe Clinic in Worthington, Minnesota., Laura J. Bade, Amber E. Dionne, Erin A. Manoles, and Lisa R. Milbrant
The purpose of this research study was to utilize educational tools on healthy lifestyles in order to promote Diabetes Mellitus Type II (DMII) prevention in the Hispanic population in Worthington, Minnesota. Hispanic adults are 1.7 times mo...


Minnesota Public School Principals and Education Law, Barton C. Becker
This quantitative, exploratory, descriptive study extended the research of Magone (2007) and measured the perceptions of Minnesota public school principals, superintendents, and school district attorneys regarding education law. The focus o...

Theses/Dissertations from 2013


My Child Is an Angel from Allah: Perspectives from Muslim Parents of Children With Special Needs in the United Kingdom, Katie J. Bonawitz
This applied dissertation investigated how Muslim parents of children with special needs bring understanding to raising their child with special needs. This researcher conducted a qualitative study to find out if Muslim parents from differe...


Keeping Good Teachers Teaching: A Study of the Retirement of Baby Boom Teachers, Dean Erickson
Baby boom teachers, born between 1946-1964, are in the midst of making retirement decisions. Some choose to remain teaching as long as they physically and mentally can handle the demands of the job, while others look for the first opportuni...

Theses/Dissertations from 2011


Getting Ink: A Rhetorical Analysis of Miami Ink via Social Stigma and Narrative Paradigm, Joseph Robert Nicola
The following rhetorical analysis examines the various forms of tattoo stigma presented in the first American television program about tattooing, Miami Ink. This work includes the origins of tattoos and their development in North America. W...

Theses/Dissertations from 2010


Sojourn through Spiritual and Religious Tension: A Quantitative Study of Intercultural Competence and Worldview Development, Naomi Ludeman Joy Smith
In today’s increasingly interculturally connected world, educators are charged to prepare students to be productive global citizens. The dilemma is determining pedagogy to effectively support students through the intercultural challenges th...

Theses/Dissertations from 2005


Group Spiritual Direction for Pastors in Sioux County, Iowa, Jeff L. Sajdak
The assumption is often made that seminary students and pastors are prepared to care for their own souls. It is assumed that they will be able to nurture their own spiritual formation, becoming conformed to the image of Christ for the sake ...