
Doctor of Ministry

Year Approved


First Advisor

Friesen-Smith, Katie


The goal of this research project was to investigate the perspectives and practices of self-care among Pentecostal-Apostolic (P-A) clergy, and create a set of principles to assist the P-A clergy in conducting a God-honoring self-care. This was done through use of a convergent-parallel mixed method research design, with a case study approach. Literature reviews were conducted in biblical, theological and psychological research areas, while a survey containing both qualitative open-ended questions and quantitative Likert-scale items was developed and distributed via email to P-A clergy from the United Pentecostal Church International, Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship, and Independent organizations. Thirty-four complete responses were returned and the data analyzed led the researcher to the following conclusions about the sample population. While P-A clergy recognize the necessity of self-care to effective ministry and are interested in accessing methods of improvement, they have a fragmented understanding of the holistic nature and practices of self-care, tending to one or two parts instead of their whole self. Also, the P-A clergy sampled believed that they did not practiced adequate self-care over the last year, and experienced a lack of organizational/leadership support for effective self-care. When coupled with findings from biblical, theological and psychological literature reviews, the survey data led to development of four principles for assisting P-A clergy to practice holistic self-care. First, to be effective clergy self-care must be holistic, addressing all facets of the minister’s self. Second, the priority of such self-care must be the well-being of the minister himself, before attending to anyone else. Additionally, effective clergy self-care requires development and/or attempts to practice active, non-judgmental self-awareness. Finally, a minister engaging in effective self-care must practice acceptance of his personal limitations in order to develop his strengths and keep his self-worth founded in God’s acceptance as opposed to success or failure in ministry.

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry

Document Type

Doctoral thesis

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