
Nurse-Midwifery M.S.

Year Approved


First Advisor

Bredow, Timothy


Background/Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to review scholarly writings to discern if the use of integrative medicine practices affects the use of obstetric intervention in labor and delivery. Theoretical Framework: The Theory of Human Caring by Jean Watson will be used as the theoretical structure of this literature review. Watson’s theory places caring at the center of all activities, decisions, and practices within the discipline of nursing and emphasizes a journey of caring for the whole person. Methods: Nineteen research articles were critically reviewed with the purpose of determining whether the use of specific integrative medicine practices affects the use of obstetric intervention in labor and delivery. Results/Findings: Integrative medicine practices reviewed showed decreased pain levels in labor and less pharmacological pain intervention used, shorter length of labor, reduced need to use pitocin for induction or augmentation, as well as a decreased rate of operative vaginal and cesarean deliveries. Conclusion: The findings of this critical review support the use of integrative medicine practices including yoga, breathing techniques, acupuncture, and acupressure to reduce the use of obstetric intervention during labor and delivery. More studies are needed in each area with a more extensive trial size to provide additional data and support for these interventions. Implications for Research and Practice: Nurse Midwives have the opportunity and responsibility to care for maternal and fetal health by being knowledgeable about the benefits and harm of all kinds of obstetric interventions. Also, providing resources to women so that they can be educated and learn about beneficial interventions. They also can educate women about the benefits of using integrative medicine practices used antenatally and during labor and delivery to reduce the potential use of obstetric interventions.

Degree Name

M.S. Nurse-Midwifery

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis

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