"A Comparative Analysis of Leadership Factors Impacting Athletic Traini" by Chad T. Osgood


Education Doctorate

Year Approved


First Advisor

Frederickson, Joel


Athletic Training specific research supports the need for athletic trainers to possess and utilize leadership knowledge, skills, and competencies. The expanding roles and responsibilities of Program Directors (PDs) and Clinical Education Coordinators (CECs) in colleges and universities has led to a multifaceted position that has increased in complexity and workload. The purpose of this study is to investigate leadership factors impacting program director and clinical education coordinator in athletic training education programs. Athletic Training PDs and CECs were asked to respond to questions related to demographics, motivations for taking on the role, professional identity, prior leadership training, time to competence, primary stressors of the role, and length of service/retention. A quantitative cross-sectional web-based survey was used to obtain the responses of PDs and CECs of CAATE accredited athletic training programs. An email request was sent to 807 individuals (391 PDs and 416 CECs) requesting they complete a Qualtrics survey. A total of 128 PDs (32.7%) and 181 CECs (43.5%) completed and returned the survey utilizing the survey link provided. Analyses used were chi-square, Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney, MANOVA and independent t-test. Findings indicated there is a statistically significant difference between athletic training program directors and clinical education coordinators in their motivation for taking on the role, professional identity, main stressors, and length of service. Results also indicated that PDs or CECs receive minimal leadership training to perform in their roles. Ideas for PD and CEC training are discussed as well as other implications, limitations and suggestions for future research.

Degree Name

Education Doctorate

Document Type

Doctoral dissertation

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
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