"Agile Methodologies in Postsecondary Curriculum Development" by Clay Hess


Education Doctorate

Year Approved


First Advisor

Lindstrom, Michael


This study examined the state of the curriculum development process within the two-year technical college environment. The paper looked at cost, quality, and satisfaction with the curriculum development process. The scope of the study was the Wisconsin Technical College System. The respondents were confined to curriculum office personnel and information technology faculty. Further, the study looked into Agile methodologies. The subject of Agile methodologies was broached to see the level of knowledge of Agile within the scope of the study. Additionally, the study looked into the possibility of Agile methodologies utilization within the curriculum development process. Studies on the curriculum development process were rare. Even rarer were studies that incorporate Agile. Agile has been used in the private sector for years. Private sector data will be used for correlation. This study can be used as a starting point for future studies on not only curriculum development status, but also Agile usage in other scopes of higher education. The results of this study deemed that change is needed and Agile may be the answer. While this is the current recommendation, further studies may alter this conclusion.

Degree Name

Education Doctorate

Document Type

Doctoral dissertation

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
