
Nurse-Midwifery M.S.

Year Approved


First Advisor

Wrede, Jane


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine and explore which factors affect the menstrual cycle and how the menstrual cycle has a significant health impact on women’s lives. Theoretical framework: Dorothea Orem, with the Orem Model of Nursing is patient driven. Orem’s beliefs are based on promoting life processes, modes of functioning within health and disease, growth and development, and movement within space. Learning about menstrual cycles and fertility, achieving or preventing pregnancy, delivering a baby, and becoming a mother are all comprised of multiple journeys that are intertwined within one another in women’s health. Research articles: Twenty-two research articles were studied for their purpose and significance in relationship to what affect they have on menstrual cycles and women’s health. Results & Findings: Ovulation, menstrual cycle irregularity, infertility, birth control, stress, illness, and disease all play an important role into affecting a women’s menstrual cycle. Conclusion: Fertility awareness is a key nursing intervention to identify health deviations, identify and implement self-care methods and actions that promote optimal health and wellbeing. Fertility awareness is an integral aspect of reproductive health that provides a visual picture into reproductive function and health. Key Words: key words used for the search included: (a) menstrual cycle; (b) fertility; (c) ovulation; (d) anovulation; (e) dysfunction; (f) menses; (g) menstrual cycle perceptions; (h) menstrual cycle culture; (i) menstrual cycle dysfunction; (j) luteal phase disorders; (k) abnormal uterine bleeding; (l) natural family planning; (m) normal menstrual cycle; (n) menstrual cycle homeopathy; (o) infertility; (p) amenorrhea; (q) menstrual complications; (r) uterine bleeding; (s) menses; and (t) menarche education.

Degree Name

M.S. Nurse-Midwifery

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis

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