Education K-12 Theses | Graduate School | Bethel University


Theses/Dissertations from 2024


Parent Involvement and Special Education Literature Review, Amanda Basara
Many parents have children in special education. Parents' level of involvement varies per family. Some parents are very involved in their child's education, and some are not. Many parents reported not understanding the special education pro...


The Role of Administration in Creating Equitable Educational Practices, Erin A. Burch
Effective leadership practices in education have been extensively researched, yet inequitable outcomes for marginalized groups remain despite evidence-based strategies and accountability measures. How can educational leaders and administrat...


Long-Term English Learners: Identifying and Reducing Risk Factors, Teresa Faith Depuydt
Some English Learners (ELs) become Long-Term English Learners (LTELs) instead of being reclassified as English language proficient in a timely manner (within five years). This master’s thesis researches risk factors that may cause ELs to be...


Interdisciplinary Unit Planning for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) to Support Multilingual Language Learners, Jessica R. Dubie
The research conducted in this thesis intends to consider the possibilities within the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) to establish similar levels of interdisciplinarity as the rest of the IB continuum, specifically in ...


The Value of Play in an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Preschool Classroom, Colin Bryce Howell
This work sought to further understand the benefits and consequences of play in early childhood settings. Benefits included brain development stimulation, improvement in intelligence, a boost in personal creative thinking, bolstered communi...


Translanguaging as an Elementary Language Immersion Writing Approach, Lauren Hughes
Studies have indicated that implementing translanguaging practices in language immersion programs impacts student writing. However, the overall body of research remains sparse. Because of the limited body of research, opposing ideologies ar...


Special Education Teacher Attrition: The Role of School Leaders and Administrators in Supporting and Retaining Qualified Staff, Amanda N. Koop
This literature review examines studies relating to special education teacher attrition and retention. The primary focus of this literature is to gain an understanding of the factors leading to the rising attrition in special education, pot...


The Importance and Implementation of Communication for Those With Special Needs, Nicole Ann Mancuso
Research supports why communication is such a vital topic to teach and to focus on throughout a student’s educational career. Including both language learners and traditional communicators is important and helpful for all students. Based on...


Augmentative and Alternative Communication for People With Disabilities, Madisen Paulseth
This literature review examines augmentative and alternative communication for people with disabilities. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is an alternative communication method for people with disabilities and communication ...


Literacy and the English Language Learner: How the Science of Reading Informs Best Literacy Practices for English Language Learners, Elizabeth K. Steinbock
This thesis explores how the science of reading (the body of research that supports evidence-based practices around literacy development) informs educators about the most effective practices for the development of proficient literacy skills...


Underrepresentation of English Language Learners in Gifted and Talented Education, Carrie J. Webber
For many years in the United States of America, as the number of students who speak a language other than English in the home has increased, the representation of these students in gifted and talented programs has been lacking. Research sho...


Differentiated Instruction and Student Learning in Primary Classrooms, Xiaojing Zhou
Differentiated instruction is crucial for meeting the varied needs of students by tailoring teaching methods, materials, and assessments to individual abilities, readiness and learning styles. Supported by theoretical foundations, this thes...

Theses/Dissertations from 2023


The Impacts of Active Learning, Kayla Badgie
This literature review identifies the impacts that using active learning has on elementary school students and student achievement. Research to seek this information began by identifying different studies using an active learning approach a...


Implementing literacy instruction through project-based learning, Andrea R. Beauchamp
This thesis paper explores the implementation and outcomes of project based learning (PjBL) in an elementary literacy classroom setting. The research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of PjBL as an instructi...


Impact of technology in the classroom, Olivia A. Erickson
The integration of technology in the classroom has revolutionized education, providing both opportunities and challenges. Technology has introduced innovative tools and resources that facilitate personalized and interactive learning experie...


“IB for All” from Idea to Implementation: A Literature Review of Participation, Perception, and Student Support in the IB Diploma Programme, Gina L. Graham
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme’s (IBDP) expansion over the last two decades demonstrates its potential in US schools; however, it is important to analyze the implications of programme implementation. The following literat...


How Does the Relationship Between Charter Schools and Resident Districts Affect Student Achievement?, Carrie Jansen
School choice creates competition for students and resources. This competition can have different results in rural and urban settings. The experience is different in both the charter school and resident district, or traditional public schoo...


Factors Impacting Racial Minority Student Achievement, Morgan McGarry
This paper researches factors impacting racial minority student achievement. The question “What factors impact racial minority student achievement?” was used to find published research articles. While the research does not specifically stat...


The Effects of Music Therapy on Autistic Students: A Literature Review, Lynwood A Meyer
This paper examines music therapy and how the use of this intervention can help students with ASD. The literature review provides a brief history of Special Education and the perception of autism, and what defines the classification of auti...


Repeated Readings and Their Impact on Reading Fluency, Sydney N. Olson
This thesis explores the implementation of repeated reading and its effect on fluency for students in an academic setting. Included is an explanation of repeated reading and how it can be used in a classroom setting whether in isolation or ...


How MTSS and UDL Frameworks Can Be Used to Reach All Learners and Reduce Unnecessary Special Education Evaluations, Marwa Sayed Sallam
The global COVID pandemic changed the educational landscape as we knew it in a drastic way. With the rise of special education evaluation requests and a need to strengthen the MTSS framework across schools, an urgency developed around the i...


Impacts of Social-Emotional Learning on Adolescents, Sarah Jean Schroeder
In the last five years, schools have seen an increased need for social and emotional learning instruction geared toward adolescent students. Many teachers, staff members, and administrators have been encouraged to incorporate social and emo...


Perceptions of English Language Learners and Supporting Their Academic Achievement, Sohee Shin
This literature review discusses the increasing number of English Language Learners (ELLs) in the United States and the shortage of qualified teachers to support them. The author reviews relevant literature to explore the relationship betwe...


Character Education in the World and How Does it Affect and Reform the Traditional Curriculum in China: A Comprehensive Review of History and Future Prospects, YuTing Celina Shuai
By studying a number of key factors in the promotion of character education core values at schools across Western countries, this research aimed to focus on providing an in-depth view of how Chinese character education principles been studi...


Multilingual Pedagogy and the Importance of Incorporating the Heritage Language in the Classroom, Iris A. Straube
In a world of people who are in constant migration, it is important for educators to consider the heritage language of students in their classrooms who are learning the target language of instruction. There are many misconceptions about mul...

Theses/Dissertations from 2022


Motivating Factors For Academic Dishonesty And Reoccurrence Prevention Of These Behaviors, Andrew Bryzgornia
Teachers often turn to assessments to measure a student’s learning in a class. The intent is for the student to complete this assessment by meeting the instructor’s requirements, but often they look for alternate means to aid in the assignm...


Teaching Phonemic Awareness and Predicting Future Reading Success, Mindy Coulter-Glazier
This literature review examines teaching phonemic awareness skills and their importance in identifying students at risk. Phonemic awareness measures used at the beginning of kindergarten can help predict students' reading abilities at the e...


Inclusion in the Modern-Day Classroom: Identification of Benefits, Reservations, and Methods of Implementation, Carley Anne Dyer
This thesis investigates some of the most apparent benefits of creating an inclusive classroom. Inclusion is a vital part of development for students with special education needs, but also directly benefits their general education peers and...


The Influence of Differentiation: Student Engagement, Academic Achievement, Classroom Management and Barriers to Successful Implementation, Elise E. Erlandson
Differentiation is the instructional practice founded on the belief that every student deserves to receive the instruction that they need on an individual basis. When successfully implemented, it can positively influence student engagement,...


ELL Mathematics: Best Practice and Methodology, Zach E. Holman
Math performance for ELL students continues to lag behind that of their native-speaking counterparts. While researching best practice when teaching ELL math, I found that many ELL students do not have equal opportunities when it comes to ma...


A Cross Cultural Perspective of Parental Influence on Children’s Academic Success and Well-Being, Sarah R. Murray
This paper examines the correlation between parental involvement and student academic achievement through a multicultural lens, with a focus on eastern and western parenting. Parenting styles are proven to significantly influence academic a...


Parent Advocacy in Special Education: Critical Principles and Action Steps, Amanda R. Musolino-Olson
Parent advocacy in special education is currently an expectation built into the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA). The Individualized Education Program (IEP) process requires families and school personnel to wor...


A Choice Based Art Classroom with the Application of the Multiple Intelligence Theory and the Impact at the Elementary Level, Kelly Nyhammer
This literature review was guided by the research question, “How can the application of the multiple intelligence theory impact a choice based art classroom at the elementary level?” Data collected from this research found increased in stud...


Teacher Perceptions and Attitude of Differentiated Instruction, Anu Pazhayannur
A classroom comprises of students who are learning at grade level, below grade level and some who find grade-level curriculum not challenging enough. Teachers who are planning and executing lesson plans that view the classroom as one entity...


Language Learning and Empathy, Elizabeth Rodriguez
Second language learning and empathy are two concepts frequently explored and employed in schools but are often treated as separate domains. This literature review aims to analyze the connection between learning a second language and the de...


Supporting Educators in Implementing Alternative Instructional Strategies, Tobie C. Sanvick
Educators need support offered to successfully implement alternative instructional strategies, like project-based learning, cooperative learning, and inquiry-based learning. This literature review points to six supports to overcome the chal...


The Role of Professional Development in Effective Standards Implementation: Developing Comprehensive Implementation Supports for the 2020 Minnesota ELA Standards, Jacob Daniel Seuntjens
This application thesis explores the role of professional development in effective standards implementation. Applying themes in the research on standards implementation and professional development, a continuum of support was created to sup...


Brain-Based Learning Methods and Student Achievement, Katie Stang
Educators often ask themselves, “What is the most effective way to impart knowledge to my students?” All teachers are faced with the weighty responsibility of providing high-quality learning experiences for their students. Part of a high-qu...


The Validity of the SAT and ACT, Hanna M. Sturm
For millions of high schoolers across the United States, an important precursor for attending a four-year college or university is completing the SAT or ACT. This test score is used in admission decisions to determine how prepared that stud...


The Importance of Building Positive Classroom Community for Adolescents After the Relational Disconnect from the Covid-19 Pandemic, Jessica Ann Swanson
This paper aims to analyze the importance of providing students with a positive classroom environment that supports adolescent mental health. Middle school can be a time when students feel lonely, isolated, and oftentimes, it can be physiol...


Using Technology In And Out Of The Classroom To Support English Language Learners, Yihui Wang
This thesis examined various methods of how technology could better support English language learners in and out of the classroom, and how educators should utilize technology to better support English language learners across all age ranges...


The Impact of Classroom Management on Behavior Regulation for Students in Early Childhood and Elementary School Classrooms, Katherine S. Winters
A significant obstacle for teachers in early childhood and elementary classrooms is regulating negative student behavior. The implementation of classroom management programs is a strategy used by school districts worldwide to lessen learnin...

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Teacher Feedback and Assessment Outcomes of Students: a Literature Review, David Doe Agoha
This paper examines the role of teacher feedback in improving the assessment outcomes of students. The literature review provides a brief overview of the types and levels of feedback, and discusses how the timing, format, and type of feedba...


Taking a Moment for Mindfulness: a Review on the Efficacy of Mindfulness Interventions on Student Academic Attainment, Andrew Lawrence Bailey
Mindfulness, or the act of paying attention on purpose without judgment, has received significant attention for its role in stress reduction. As stress levels are closely tied to academic outcomes for students it is logical to presume a con...


The Most Effective Ways to Teach Social Skills to Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders, Emily J. Blake
This thesis explores the most effective ways to teach social skills to individuals with ASD. It takes a deeper look into the importance of teaching and using social skills instruction when working with individuals with ASD, social skills ar...


Reading Instructional Methods: The Effectiveness of Phonetic-Based, Whole Language, and Balanced Approaches to Teaching Beginning Readers, Jazmin L. Duwenhoegger
This thesis examines the benefits and identifies the differences between reading instructional methods. Current research reveals the relationship between whole language, phonics, and balanced literacy, which can be helpful to educators in i...


The Role of Phonemic Awareness in Reading Development in the Primary Grades, Zachary Carl Erickson
Reading is a multifaceted skill, which requires careful and explicit instruction. The majority of students do not acquire the skill of reading naturally. The teaching of reading is important so students do not become struggling readers. Pho...


Building a Cultural and Scholar Identity in Adolescent Black Males, Emily E. Firkus
Black male students in the United States have been the focus of interest in education for a long time. Much professional development is centered around closing the Achievement or Opportunity Gap as the progress of Black students is not as g...


Supporting the Whole Student: Interventions for Academic, Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Relationship Building, Madison Holm
Students experience a variety of obstacles in and out of school. Interventions are necessary to consider for students at-risk or with disabilities to maintain engagement. Students who fail at the transition to high school are likely to be d...


Work-Based Learning Impact on Community, School, and Student, Megan Jacob
This literature review with application examined work-based learning programs at the high school level, and those programs impact preparing students for the workforce. Providing experiences for students to interact with career fields they a...


Dysregulation: Causes, Impacts, and Social Emotional Learning Opportunities in Elementary Classrooms, Jade E. Liebl
Dysregulation is a recurring time in which a student loses control of their emotions, be it internalizing or externalizing behaviors. The prevalence of dysregulation among elementary school children is increasing, which concerns both parent...


Work Based Learning for Students with Special Needs, Jon Matel
This paper will address young adults with special needs as they transition into the world of employment. For many students and parents, school has been predictable and consistent, and it can be challenging to imagine life without it. The re...


Inquiry-Based Pedagogy for Inclusive Classrooms, Abby N. McKimm
Inquiry-based learning is a popular topic in today’s mainstreams classrooms due to increasing student needs and the push to create more inclusive classrooms. This thesis explores the benefits of inquiry-based learning and inclusive classroo...


The Impact of Early Deprivation on a Child's Cognitive and Social/Emotional Development, Hannah Grace Miller
This literature review seeks to answer the question of: “What effect does early deprivation have on the cognitive and social/emotional development of a child?” Education is constantly changing, and one part that has dramatically shaped and ...


The Impact of Standardized Testing on the Mental Health of Teachers, Parents, and Students, Abigail E. Morford
Standardized testing has a negative impact on the mental well-being of teachers, families, and students. The anxiety around standardized testing impacts the teachers as they feel responsible for student performance, leading to a decline in ...


The Use of Gamification in the Classroom, Anne-Britt Christine Mulberry
The research presented in this paper is an overview of the use of gamification in education. The study explores the questions: Why is gamification a tool used in the classroom? How is gamification being implemented? What are the potential p...


Barrier to Girls' Education in the Liberian School System and How to Empower Them to Remain in School, Annetta Lahn Nyanama
The purpose of this thesis was to identify barriers to girls’ education in the fifteen years war in the ravished and impoverished country of Liberia, West Africa. With similar circumstances in developing countries around the world, comparis...


Literacy Instruction Best Practices for Students with Disabilities, Amanda D. Rose
The literacy instruction of students with developmental disabilities often looks different from the instruction of students without disabilities. In a world where knowing how to read is pivotal in order to function independently, it is cruc...


Increasing Student Self-Determination Through IEP Meeting Participation, Nicole A. Shorter
Developing self-determination during the school years is a crucial component of the special education process. These skills, which are particularly important for students with disabilities, allow individuals to advocate for themselves and g...


Barriers to Employment for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, Jackquelyn Slyter
This literature review with an application emphasis examines barriers to employment that adolescents and young adults with intellectual disabilities face and looks at what high schools are doing to help them prepare for a job during and aft...


Structural Relationships Among Teacher Self-Efficacy and Burnout, Alexandra Kristine Stotz
This literature review focuses on the structural relationships between burnout in the education field and teacher self-efficacy. Teacher burnout is a substantial issue in education today and continues to increase as time continues. A teache...


The Relation Between Physical Activity and Academic Performance, Ines Barros Vilas
Physical inactivity has been increasingly and dangerously growing across our society due to technological progresses in our daily lives. Consequently, the lifestyle and health of adolescents and young people is showing a tendency to the app...


The Avid Impact: Promoting College Readiness and Achievment for Underrepresented Students, Zachery Philip Villarreal
AVID is a college-readiness elective adopted by school districts to promote the pursuit of post-secondary education. The AVID college-readiness elective’s mission is to close the achievement gap for underrepresented students by equipping th...


On the Causes, Effects, and Prevention of Bullying Among School-Aged Youth, Marie Warnert
This literature review provides a comprehensive overview on the topic of bullying. It explores the various definitions of bullying and how bullying might manifest itself among school aged youth. The common ways that bullying are measured in...


The Most Effective Ways to Build a Strong Culture to Endure Times of Change, Meredith L. Weincouff
Times of change are inevitable. It is common for times of change to be accompanied with feelings of uncertainty. Leaders cannot predict change, but they can prepare for change by creating strong cultures of trust and building capacity withi...

Theses/Dissertations from 2020


How and Why Students are Motivated to Read in the Upper Elementary Grades, Emily Anderson
Research indicates that students in the upper elementary grades students show a decline in their motivation to read. Students that struggle in reading have less motivation than those that are more successful while it has been found that boy...


The Impact of Cooperative Learning Methods Grades 6-12, Nathan Jon Anderson
Cooperative Learning methods are reviewed compared to traditional teaching methods in grades 6-12. Grades 6-12 present a time when students are beginning to explore careers and understanding their niche in the world of work. The research qu...


Impact of Social and Emotional Learning Programs, Anna Appicelli
Social and emotional learning is an ever growing need in our schools. Research states that students are in more need of guidance in social skills than ever before. Providing students with an SEL program that helps them develop prosocial ski...


Interventions and Community Models That Lead to Successful Long-term Meaningful Competitive Integrated Employment for Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders: a Literature Review, Eileen Annette Baker
This paper examines interventions and community models that lead to successful long-term, meaningful integrated employment for individuals with ASD. The literature review outlines the barriers to successful employment experienced by individ...


Therapeutic Interventions that Increase Engagement for Students with Autism, Rachel B. Berndt
Students with autism require unique programming to increase engagement in the classroom setting. This literature review is a collection of research-based studies involving animal assisted interventions, music therapy, art therapy, speech-la...


Teacher Evaluation: Methods Most Effective in Promoting Teacher Growth and Student Success, Jaclynn Bock
This study investigates the effectiveness of teacher evaluation used across the United States and how evaluation tools can also improve the skills and development of educators. The literature review analyzes three forms of evaluation, inclu...


Impacts Play Has On The Social, Emotional, And Academic Development Of Children, Alexandra R. Brinda
This thesis focuses on understanding the impacts play has on the development of social, emotional, and academic development of children. The foundation of play first starting in kindergarten classrooms, was meant to engage children in meani...


Using Technology With Low-income Students:How Schools can Help Students Succeed, Rachael Anne Cappola
This thesis examines the effects of the digital divide on students primarily coming from low socioeconomic areas and how schools can help close the digital divide. It will look at who has access to technology and how access differs between ...


Sankofa for students: Literature as the impetus for empathy and social justice, Kathryn Anne Carlson
This thesis analyzes empirical educational data and research-based best practices with the goal of synthesizing and implementing literature instruction to garner cultural empathy and to make strides toward social justice in a high school se...


Individualizing Instruction Using Work Systems and Other Assistive Technology for Students With Significant Developmental Disabilities, Maria LeeAnn Goff
Students with significant developmental disabilities demonstrate different strengths and needs than typically developing students. These students’ skills in the areas of academics, communication, fine and gross motor, daily living skills, a...


Integrating Social Emotional Learning into Curriculum Content, Routines, and Relationships in a Primary Classroom, Ruth E. Haugstad
The increasing need for social emotional learning within the classroom, combined with rising academic expectations, are putting educators in a difficult situation. Educators need to be more creative in how they teach, blending curriculum an...


Strategies for Authentic, Student-Led, Text-Based Discussions in General Education High School English Class, Bethany Holt
Since the advent of Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory on the importance of social interaction in learning, teachers have sought to include more collaborative opportunities for their students. One avenue for that in English classes is discussi...


Teaching for Learning: Creative Methods for Math Curriculum Design Using Cognitive Science Principles, Alisha A. Joyce
It has long been the goal of educators to teach for lifelong learning. This project is an examination of best practices for teaching for lifelong learning in the context of an elementary math curriculum. In pursuit of this research, I ident...


School-to-work Programs in High School and the Effect on Students With Disabilities Transition Skill Development, Rebecca Kelley
This literature review examined the transition skill development of students with disabilities through high school, school-to-work experiences. Students are graduating from high school at ever-increasing levels of under-preparedness for the...


Finding Third Culture Kids in Children's Literature, Chika Kitaoka
Children’s literature, such as picture books, chapter books, and graphic novels, has been utilized by educators in the classroom all around the world. It is well-established that children’s literature help guide students in understanding th...


The Impacts of Social and Emotional Learning in Physical Education, Ryan N. Kleven
Teachers in todays society have shifted from placing significance only in academic successes to placing focus and importance on the role that social and emotional learning plays into all facets of learning and citizenship. Research througho...


Play-based Curriculum and the Holistic Development of the Child, Ameena Parvez Lalani
This paper’s essential questions were to study the impact of play on various developmental domains like physical, social-emotional, language, and cognitive. Then these developmental domains were incorporated via a play-based curriculum in t...


Student Motivation and Achievement in Second Language Learning, Nathan D. Laseter
There are many variables that affect students’ motivation to learn another language. Studies have found a variety of methods and theories used to measure and explain students’ motivation to learn another language. These measurements also sh...


The Negative Effects of Growing up in Poverty on Brain Development and What Teachers Can Do to Level the Playing Field, Jamie L. Leaf
This literature review was conducted to answer two questions. What are the negative effects of growing up in poverty on brain development and how can teachers level the playing field? The following chapters highlight the areas of the brain ...


Harnessing the Value of Failure to Promote Student Growth, Jared Lyle
One common element that all students face in school is failure. A review of literature will seek to answer the questions: What are the effects of failure on self-efficacy and mindset? What are the most effective structures to help students ...


Cooperative Learning, Kathleen (Trini) M. Marcouiller
Cooperative learning is an instructional method in which small groups of students work collaboratively to solve a problem or complete a task. This instructional method has been used with all grade-levels, across all subject areas, and in cl...


Essential aspects to consider for the development of an instructional planning tool for a foreign language class, Lucía Marmolejo Jiménez
Foreign language teachers are the responsible ones for developing multicultural skills in students. These skills are to equip pupils to become more open-minded, empathic, and critical thinkers, something very needed in a globalized world in...


Influencing Student Achievement: Teaching, Learning and Teachers’ Attributes, Carla Hachem Tannous
Student achievement has become a hot topic in education today, especially for classroom teachers whose responsibility is to employ effective teaching and learning strategies. This application thesis examines how crucial instructional strate...

Theses/Dissertations from 2019


Comprehensible Input: The Effectiveness of TPR, TPRS, Technology, and Reading, Erin L. El Amatoury
This review of the literature summarizes findings on the world language teaching methods of Comprehensible Input. The review addresses the efficacy of multiple methods within Comprehensible Input when compared with previous, more traditiona...


Development of Supportive Learning Communities in Multicultural and Multilingual Classrooms, Katherine G. Filion
Schools are experiencing an increase in diversity – such factors include culture, religion, primary language, race, socioeconomic level, ethnicity, family composition, gender, and previous experience, as well as ability level – of which cha...


Problem Based Learning: the Impact on Classroom Environment and Student Engagement, Peter D. Gosen
This literature review will look at the implications of Problem Based Learning and its effects on student’s engagement in their learning. The research shows that students need to have a good foundation in the content information for Problem...


A Review of Technology and Its Impact on Middle School Classrooms, Curtis Alan Gustafson
This literature review is an explorative examination of the current research related to how technology integration impacts the middle school classroom. With technology becoming more common in the home, work-pace, and school, studies highlig...


Hands-on Learning in Primary Grades, Bridgette Marie Megears
This thesis focuses on the understanding of hands on learning in the setting of primary grades. Play and exploration is a natural form of learning that students have been doing all their lives. With the available different types of play, ea...


Social and Emotional Health in the Schools, Brittany J. Meuser
This thesis examines the role of social and emotional learning skills in the schools. Teachers and schools are able to use a variety of interventions to address students’ social and emotional health needs within the school building. This wo...


The Effects of Problem-Based Learning: A Literature Review, Brianna Nettleton
This thesis reviews the existing research of problem-based learning (PBL) and its implementation at a secondary level. The goal of the research is to determine if PBL should be implemented with students in a secondary math classroom. The au...


Experiential Learning Best Practices and Successes in the K-8 Classroom, Asia Sierra Paulus
This paper aims to analyze the best learning practices and success stories of experiential learning in the K-8 classroom. Experiential Learning is explained through research done in the K-8 classroom. Research is analyzed showing how experi...


Supporting ELL Secondary Students at International Schools in Asia, Richard Earl Poulin III
This literature review explores how to adequately support newly admitted secondary school English Language Learners (ELLs) attending an international school in Asia. Research suggests that learning English as a teen is more difficult and gr...


Cooperative Learning as an Instructional Approach for Promoting Language Achievement in English Language Learners, Brittany Marie Rechtin
This research investigates the effectiveness of Cooperative Learning (CL) on the language achievement of English Language Learners (ELLs) by comparing it to traditional, individualistic and/or competitive approaches to learning. It also aim...


The Implications of Childhood Trauma for Education Professionals, Travis William Walls
Students in all areas of the world have experienced trauma that has impacted both their educational and social development; this epidemic has become clear over the last 20 years. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study recognized seven nega...

Theses/Dissertations from 2018


The Relationship Between Childhood Trauma and Special Education: a Literature Review, Andrea E. Becker
Each year as many as ten million children witness or experience domestic violence in the United States (Winder, 2015) and have shown to experience greater struggles in school. This type of trauma has no boundaries, it can occur in all socio...