Aims & Scope
The purpose of the Journal of Justice-Informed Social Work Practice and Research is to create a repository for practitioners, educators and researchers to advance justice-informed theoretical constructs, policies, practice and pedagogy.
The Journal of Justice-Informed Social Work Practice and Research publishes the following types of articles:
- Research articles: Research articles report on rigorous empirical research conducted by the author(s), including quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, meta-analysis or systematic reviews. Research articles focused on identification of justice issues from a social work perspective and quasi-experimental outcome studies or clinical trials related to justice-informed micro, mezzo, or macro interventions to combat systemic racism or oppression, or increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in social work practice or society are strongly encouraged. Research articles are 15-30 pages, not including references or tables.
- Conceptual Articles: Conceptual articles focus on the creation, development and/or explanation of theories, or ideas related specifically to justice-informed social work practice or research. Conceptual articles contribute to the literature on justice-informed research and justice-informed social work practice through the application of concepts, theoretical constructs, philosophies, and frameworks informed by a critical analysis of oppression and injustice, intersections of diversity, and the advancement of practices which eliminate discrimination and injustice across systems. Empirical results from prior research may be used to support the concepts and theories described in conceptual articles. Conceptual articles are 15-30 pages, not including references or tables.
- Teaching Articles: Teaching articles and notes feature reports of novel or experimental teaching strategies or curriculum innovations which foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the classroom, focus on the decolonization of the social work curriculum, or engage students in the exploration of systemic racism or oppression in unique and impactful ways. The focus of teaching articles is to advance justice-informed, antiracist social work education and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in social work education. Teaching articles are 8-10 pages, not including references or tables.
- Practice Articles: Practice articles and notes provide examples of justice-informed micro, macro, and mezzo social work practice situations, grounded in literature, and with a “lessons learned” application. Case studies, may include sample documents and diagrams which assist the reader understand the lessons from practice to advance justice-informed, antiracist social work education and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in social work education. First person language is acceptable in practice articles. Practice articles are 8-10 pages, not including references or tables.