"Social and Emotional Learning in Daily Instruction for Intermediate El" by Laura R. Williams


Education K-12 M.A.

Year Approved


First Advisor

Silmser, Lisa


Teachers today are consumed with a vast number of responsibilities. All teachers, no matter what licensure or specialized area, have the same responsibility to ensure that students receive an equitable and quality education by providing students challenging opportunities that help them rise to their potential and be successful in life. A key challenge for 21st-century schools involves serving culturally diverse students with varied abilities and motivations for learning (Durlak, Dymnicki, Schellinger, Taylor & Weissberg, 2011). Research has encouraged new initiatives for education involving culturally responsive teaching and trauma informed practices, which address and better serve the diverse needs of our student population. To effectively address academic and nonacademic barriers that impede the ability of many children to succeed in school, all school personnel need the knowledge and skills to feel confident working with the whole child within an educational context (Kransdorf et al. as cited in Anderson, Blitz, & Saastamoinen, (2015, p.130). Teachers must see and teach the whole child, not only embracing academic standards, but also social and emotional learning needs. They must also identify more effective ways to embed what their student need with the demands that the 21st century brings within their classrooms.

Degree Name

Education K-12 M.A.

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis

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