"Barriers to Effective Technology Adoption and Integration" by Tyler Wiegert


Teaching M.A.

Year Approved


First Advisor

Elliott, Nathan


This study reviews the available literature to identify the barriers to technology adoption, which encompasses professional, efficiency-driven uses of technology by teachers and students, and to technology integration, which encompasses pedagogically sound, student-learning-driven uses of technology in the classroom. It also seeks to explore the relationship between the ongoing emphasis and pressure to adopt and integrate technology and occurrences of teacher burnout. Factors influencing technology adoption were determined to include demographic factors, teacher beliefs and attitudes toward technology, and self-efficacy. Technology integration was influenced by similar factors, as well as district-level policies and professional development. Technology adoption and integration efforts were connected to teacher burnout through three types of anxiety- anxiety about the changing nature of technology, anxiety about lack of abilities and low self-efficacy, and anxiety and frustration about poor professional development- and the increasing burden of those anxieties over time. Recommendations for future research and professional implications are also provided.

Degree Name

Teaching M.A.

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
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