
Doctor of Ministry

Number of Pages


Year Approved


First Advisor

Friesen Smith, Katie


This study intended to identify effective strategies to engage emerging adults in the church because research and the researcher’s experience noticed a decline in emerging adults’ attendance in church. This led to the exploration of scripture for biblical themes for reaching the next generation, and a review of current and relevant literature on emerging adulthood, ministry strategies for emerging adults, reasons for their lack of engagement, and intergenerational ministry best practices. A qualitative case study was conducted using a questionnaire and an interview guide. The research used data from 36 emerging adults ages 18-38-years-old, and three senior pastors of intergenerational Missionary Baptist Churches in Georgia to get a better understanding of why emerging adults are engaged or disengaged and what is needed to engage them in the church. The study showed that two-thirds (61%) of the research participants said they are involved in ministry/church through worship, and the pastors’ interview responses agreed with the data. Themes for reasons given for being engaged and not being engaged emerged from the analysis. Themes for being engaged included: their relationship with God, relationship with others/community, responsibility/expectation, and church/ministry involvement. Themes for not being engaged included: worship styles, lack of support/needs not being met/judgment, exclusion, and lack of time/distractions. The research participants’ data showed that change, support, being heard, valued, teaching/training, and inclusion are needed to engage emerging adults in the church. The pastors’ responses corresponded with the emerging adults, including the need for collaboration, involvement and ownership in programs, and communication. From the exploration of Scripture, reviewed literature, and data analysis, the researcher identified implementing biblical strategies, themes that emerged from the data, six vital questions, and challenges in response to the questions found in the reviewed literature together as an effective strategy to engage emerging adults in the church.

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry

Document Type

Doctoral thesis
