
Teaching M.A.

Year Approved


First Advisor

Pankratz, Alecia


Teachers and students are suffering from mental health problems. It’s prevalence places anxiety in front of other psychological disorders plaguing the education system. The growing body of research on mindfulness-based interventions is showing promising results for combating mental health problems. The dominant explanation for increased student anxiety is evaluation and environmental factors, whereas, workload, student behavior, employment conditions, and vicarious trauma are influencing the suffering of teachers. It has increasingly become an urgent topic of research, with many people concerned for the success of our education system, feeling disturbed by the rising trend, yet hopeful in the potential of mindfulness. Confirming the benefits of the fast-growing health trend, mindfulness is demonstrating major benefits in the classroom. Findings indicate improved physical well being, emotional regulation, focus, academic performance, cognitive functioning, and resilience (Deplus, Billieux, Scharff, & Phillippot, 2016). The impact has also demonstrated reduced anxiety and a calmer amygdala, the brain region associated with anxiety. Studies are proving that mindfulness can reduce stress and cortisol levels responsible for many ailments (Skoranski, 2018). There continues to be evidence for expanding mindfulness practices in the classroom to tame students behavior and make for a more calm focused classroom where teachers can thrive and be fulfilled and satisfied with their career.

Degree Name

Teaching M.A.

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis

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