Education Doctorate
Number of Pages
Year Approved
First Advisor
Krista Soria
Second Reader
Tracy Reimer
Third Reader
Meghan Cavalier
This quantitative dissertation examined the differences between young men and women’s perceptions of mathematics and science identity, self-efficacy, and utility. There are gender norms and stereotypes that impact identity, self-efficacy, and perceived utility of mathematics and science. The secondary data analyzed were drawn from the follow-up High School Longitudinal Survey (HSLS:09). The survey was administered to 20,594 11th-grade students enrolled at 904 eligible public, charter, and private schools from all states and the District of Columbia. The study investigated whether there are gender-based statistically significant (p < 0.05) differences in 11th grade students’ perceptions of mathematics and science identity, mathematics and science self-efficacy, and mathematics and science utility. The results of the study suggest that there are statistically significant differences between the genders in mathematics identity, science identity, mathematics self-efficacy, and science self-efficacy, but not statistically significant differences in mathematics utility and science utility. Continued research could prove useful to continue analyzing the gender gaps present.
Degree Name
Education Doctorate
Document Type
Doctoral dissertation
Recommended Citation
Mauel, L. (2022). Gender Differences in High School Students’ Perceptions of Math and Science Identity, Self-Efficacy, and Utility [Doctoral dissertation, Bethel University]. Spark Repository.
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Gender Equity in Education Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons, Secondary Education Commons