"A Study of the Implementation Process of Interventions to Address Raci" by Katie Stennes


Education Doctorate

Number of Pages


Year Approved


First Advisor

Stacie Stanley

Second Reader

Joe Gothard

Third Reader

Barry Sullivan


Beginning in the fall of 2017, forty-one districts and charter schools entered into three-year legal agreements with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights to reduce the racial disproportionality in their district or school’s exclusionary discipline practices, specifically the overrepresentation of students of color in suspensions and expulsions. This case study examines the experience of one district over the three years of the agreement. Interviews and document analysis from the planning committee reveal a focus on data analysis, Restorative Practices, teacher mindset and practices, and systemic changes. Interviews and focus groups with students and staff who were not on the planning committee showed similar themes, but students in general were not aware of the implementation of Restorative Practices. As the COVID-19 pandemic and disruption of in-person learning impacted data on the racial disproportionality in student discipline, future research is needed to determine the impact of the district’s efforts to close the discipline gap.

Degree Name

Education Doctorate

Document Type

Doctoral dissertation

Terms of Use and License Information

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
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