"Importance of Inclusion for Special Education Students in General Educ" by Michelle L. Zidlicky


Special Education M.A.

Year Approved


First Advisor

Cavalier, Meghan

Second Reader

Erin Wanat;


This literature review aims to inform inclusive education and why it is crucial for all students. Inclusion is based on students' academic and social-emotional success from learning with general education peers from both general education, special education teachers, and support staff. Inclusion in education helps students with disabilities be able to learn in the same classroom as general education peers. It provides opportunities for staff to collaborate as team members to best support students. Studies included looking at inclusion and how it has evolved in education. It views teachers' attitudes and supports that staff needs to help inclusive education work. Lastly, it views general education students' perspectives of working with special education peers and if inclusion lowers general education peers' academic scores. Inclusion supports students with disabilities' needs and goals by letting them be included in education. Teachers need more professional development training on how to differentiate instruction and allow time to collaborate with supporting staff. The literature completed looks at all aspects that are important to include and how to make it work successfully for all involved correctly.

Degree Name

Special Education M.A.

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis
