"The Pastor: From Calling to Competency" by Sheila C. Carpenter


Doctor of Ministry

Year Approved


First Advisor

Frisen-Smith, Kate


Elucidation of pastoral competency is a complicated subject, but, a necessary and important aspect of servant leadership for pastors, and congregants. Competency outcomes and criterion measurement (what is pastoral competency and how it is measured and achieved) will require deliberate conversations that uncover the mission of the church and its overall purpose. The intention is not to create competence or mission related criteria that govern all other decisions, but to create a natural accountability and priority structure against which future decisions, growth opportunities, leadership priorities, and congregational variables can be discussed. In addition, these conversations will be treated with the greatest care. While most pastors are driven by a deeply rooted calling to their ministry, they are also responsible for running very complicated tasks that require a certain amount of competence and servant leadership characteristics. In the current study, pastors will be asked how they measure their competency, and congregants will be asked how they perceive the servant leadership skills of their respective pastors.

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry

Document Type

Doctoral thesis
