"Addictions Following Bariatric Surgery: a Critial Review of the Litera" by Anna Hansene Bjork


Nurse Educator M.S.

Year Approved


First Advisor

Meyer, Kimberley


Background: Bariatric surgery has become increasingly common for the treatment of obesity. Research and education are needed to identify and study potential post-surgical risks including alcohol use disorders and other physiological and psychological comorbidities. Purpose: The purpose of this critical review of the literature was to study and identify addiction after bariatric surgery, specifically alcohol use disorder. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework: Rosenstock’s Health Belief Model (1988) was used to correlate theory and addiction. In particular, how health beliefs differ between patients, and their perception of addiction. This allows nurses to apply strategies that influence or educate patients on making healthy lifestyle changes. Methods: Twenty-one articles were reviewed for this critical review of the literature. The studies were organized using Garrard’s Matrix Method (2011), and evaluated using the Johns Hopkins Evidence Appraisal (2010) level of evidence and quality. Numerous databases were utilized. Fifty-nine articles were found, forty-eight were eliminated, with the focus on prevalence of addiction after bariatric surgery, specifically alcohol use disorders. Results/Findings: The literature found showed a greater correlation with alcohol use disorders after the second post-operative year. Some subjects had no prior history of alcohol use disorder (AUD). Overall, the prevalence of AUD was higher among patients which had a previous history of alcohol use (Li&Wu 2016). The largest group studied were those who had the Roux-en-y gastric bypass with the highest prevalence being white female subjects (King et al. 2012, 2017; Kleiner et al. 2014; Lent 2013). Ongoing assessment and use of alcohol need to be included in post-surgical follow ups. Conclusions: The articles conclude bariatric surgical patients are at risk for developing physiological and psychological complications, including alcohol use disorders, specifically Roux-en-y gastric bypass (RYGB) patients. Undergoing RYGB vs laparoscopic assisted gastric banding (LAGB) is associated with twice the risk of developing AUD (King et al. 2017). Implications/Recommendations: There is a need for increased research and education for bariatric surgical patients, especially those that have a history of AUD. Preventative measures also need to be implemented to prevent and mitigate AUD after bariatric surgery. Long-term support is critical to evaluate post-surgical issues including AUD.

Degree Name

M.S. Nurse Educator

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis

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