"Developing Collective Teacher Efficacy to Help Secondary Teachers Feel" by Katherine E. Cabieses


Special Education M.A.

Number of Pages


Year Approved


First Advisor

Silmser, Lisa

Second Reader

Peggy McCormick;


This study evaluates the resources available to develop the efficacy and the collective teacher efficacy of Secondary School Teachers in handling students’ misbehavior, resulting in effective teachers satisfied with their teaching positions and students succeeding socially and academically. This study also examines the reasons and factors that cause teachers’ stress, burnout, and dissatisfaction at work. This literature review focuses on and highlights how self-efficacy and collective efficacy influences teaching, learning, and achievements in school. The studies reviewed in this study provide great information that supports my thesis statement. They indicated that collective efficacy enhances job satisfaction in teachers, influences student achievement, and promotes a positive school climate. This literature review suggests researchers conduct more studies of collective teacher efficacy, including school leadership, school climate, positive behavioral interventions, and classroom management support. Students’ challenging behavior has been causing stress, burnout, and job dissatisfaction among teachers. Continued professional development, training, a sense of togetherness, and building a school community are encouraged to ensure that teachers are happily committed and invested in their students’ learning. As a result, students are engaged in their learning and succeed academically and socially in school.

Degree Name

Special Education M.A.

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis
