"A case study of how teacher preparation programs in Minnesota are prep" by Sarah Lynn Stay


Education Doctorate

Year Approved


First Advisor

Bonawitz, Katie


As the population of English Learners in mainstream classrooms across the United States continue to increase, it is critical that all classroom teachers (not just English language specialists) take responsibility for and are adequately prepared for working with and educating ELs. The exponential growth of culturally and linguistically diverse students in the public school system raises important questions about teacher preparation. Since academic achievement in elementary school directly correlates to high school graduation rates, it is critical to examine current teacher education programs and the opportunities within these programs that provide an understanding of EL needs. This study will examine K-6 teacher preparation programs at IHEs in Minnesota with the goal of determining how preservice teachers are being prepared to meet the education needs of ELs. Study results will be shared with IHEs, school districts, and all stakeholders involved in creating teacher education policy and institutions responsible for implementing teacher preparation programs.

Degree Name

Education Doctorate

Document Type

Doctoral dissertation

Terms of Use and License Information

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
