"The Use of Technology to Enhance Individualized Learning in Postsecond" by Kimberly Carpenter Stanley


Education Doctorate

Year Approved


First Advisor

Lindstrom, Mike


This purpose of this dissertation was to determine whether or not the use of computer enhanced supplemental material in a postsecondary anatomy and physiology classroom would be perceived to positively affect students’ opinions regarding their acquisition of classroom instruction. There were a total of 15 students who participated in this qualitative case study. They participated in a Multiple Intelligences Classification Survey upon the beginning of class and took part in a lecture on the cardiovascular system from an educator employed with the institution where the study took place. Students then viewed a supplemental video provided by the researcher which contained information very similar to that day’s lecture material. Directly afterwards, they participated in a Teaching Methods Survey. This survey contained 18 structured and four semi-structured questions for students to rate their comprehension of the day’s learning materials, both before and after the supplemental information was provided. It also offered an opportunity for students to comment on how they best felt they learned new information and how they perceived the information presented in the supplemental video. Results were most often neutral to positive in answer to the structured questions and students were positive and succinct with their comments on the semi-structured portion of the survey.

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
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