"Arts Integration and Student Achievement" by Sheryl Denise Ray


Education Doctorate

Year Approved


First Advisor

Lindstrom, Mike


Abstract This is a quantitative cross sectional survey design dual method study to test a theory that relates arts integration to achievement for students in grades two through six at three arts magnet schools and five non-arts schools in two school districts in Minnesota. Demographic groups studied included special education, ethnicity, socioeconomic status (FR), Limited English Proficiency (LEP), gender, and gifted. The dual design method included the use of cross tabulations, chi-square tests, MAP RIT results, and teacher practice survey responses to find relationships. Oreck’s (2000) Teaching with the Arts Survey (TWAS) was examined and used as a resource to develop survey questions appropriate for this study. No complete questions were used. However, in some cases there are similarities. Permission to use the TWAS survey for the purpose of this research study was granted July 29, 2011 from Barry Oreck, writer of the survey document, through an e-mail communication. This study found a relationship between achievement and arts integration (question one). This study also found a relationship across demographic groups (question two). The study also found that both teachers in the arts and non-arts schools used arts practices. Given this, perhaps whether or not a student showed growth was dependent on whether or not the teacher used arts practices.

Degree Name

Education Doctorate

Document Type

Doctoral dissertation

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