"Rediscovering the Urgency of Intentional Discipleship in the Naga Chur" by Orenvungo Ngullie


Doctor of Ministry

Year Approved


First Advisor

Senapatiratne, Timothy


The problem this research addressed was the lack of intentional discipleship which has resulted in spiritual apathy and has hampered the development of leadership in the local churches in Nagaland, rendering Christians ineffective to impact the community. The study involved evangelical churches in Nagaland from various denominations, such as Baptist, Pentecostal, Revival and a couple of independent churches. In response to this problem, the researcher drew important lessons from the Great Commission passage (Matt. 28:19-20) highlighting the importance of discipleship as an intentional pursuit instead of an accidental venture. The literature review dealt with the current and relevant issues that form the backdrop of this project. A mixed method of qualitative and quantitative research helped obtain important data by means of survey questionnaires and personal interviews. Grounded theory was employed due to inadequate or non-existent theories concerned with the research problem. Three categories were considered in order to move from data collection to data analysis: First, the respondents’ experience of discipleship in the early stages of their faith journey. Second, the church’s involvement in the respondents’ growth by means of structured discipleship. Third, the role of discipleship in the respondents’ current ministries. The research findings revealed that discipleship, although deemed important was not happening in most churches in Nagaland. Naga Christians tend to misunderstand discipleship with regular church attendance. The research showed that the Naga church is failing to make disciples despite its many outreach and mission endeavors. Although church leaders subscribe to the idea that discipleship is necessary, minimal efforts are made for these ideas to materialize. Underlying issues of pride, arrogance and power seems to hinder attempts for accountability and discipleship. The research attempted to disentangle the church from its tepid approach to discipleship, to a new sphere of intentional life-on-life discipleship.

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry

Document Type

Doctoral thesis

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