"The Impact of 1:1 iPad Devices on Student Engagement in the High Schoo" by Jennifer L. Middendorf


Education Doctorate

Year Approved


First Advisor

Lindstrom, Mike


A technology initiative was adopted in a Minnesota suburban school district integrating 1:1 iPad devices into the elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. The purpose of this mixed methods study was to determine the impact 1:1 iPad devices had on student engagement within the high school classrooms. The research questions focused on how educators are using the 1:1 iPad adoption to impact student engagement, the most and least effective iPad engagement strategies found within the 1:1 adoption, and the perceptions of students and teachers regarding the engagement strategies employed when using iPads in a 1:1 adoption. Through quantitative student and teacher survey results and qualitative student and teacher focus groups, the researcher was able to answer the research questions and provide further findings beneficial to consider when integrating 1:1 iPad technology into high school classrooms. Results showed teachers are using strategies within their classrooms of which students find engaging. These include review games, note taking, and test taking. These were also found to be effective according to student survey results. Less effective strategies included graphic organizers and podcasts. Effective apps used with these strategies were Schoology, Notability, YouTube, and Kahoot! Less effective apps used with these strategies were NEWSELA and Google Calendar. Students and teachers agreed the iPads had an impact on student engagement when the effective strategies and apps were used. They also agreed games and social media caused major distractions to students. Student and teacher perception were different in regard to the apps used in the classroom to impact engagement. The apps students found engaging were used by very few teachers. In addition, students and teachers disagreed on the preference of using several different apps for tasks such as obtaining assignments and posting homework. Students felt it was too confusing when all teachers used different apps for this purpose. This study revealed 1:1 iPad devices impact student engagement within the suburban high school setting. The strategies and apps used within the classroom impact the level in which students are engaged. This research is valuable to educators, administrators, and school district officials who are contemplating or have adopted a 1:1 iPad technology integration.

Degree Name

Education Doctorate

Document Type

Doctoral dissertation

Terms of Use and License Information

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
