"Improving Parental Engagement Through The Use of Reading Apps" by Evelyn M. Lemons


Education Doctorate

Year Approved


First Advisor

Lindstrom, Mike


A qualitative case study was conducted in a rural Title I school in the Piedmont of North Carolina using a pre and post-intervention survey and participant interviews, during the summer of 2016. The intervention was a workshop for parents to show them how to use online reading apps at home to help their child with reading. The goal was to determine if that workshop would improve parental engagement. The study found that the one time offering of the workshop for parents did improve parental engagement. The summary of the findings for the study are described in chapter four. Practical recommendations that can be widely used in schools by both principals and teachers and also by future researchers are shared in chapter five. The intervention was a one-time workshop for parents taught in the computer laboratory of the school. The workshop was taught by two first grade teachers. The content of the workshop was very specific and hands-on for parents, and the subject was to demonstrate the “top ten reading tools” that parents could use at home and provide an explanation of why parents should continue this important work through the summer. For the study, the researcher used a pre-intervention survey, post-intervention survey, then face-to-face interviews with the participants one month after the workshop to collect data on how useful the information was to the parents and to see if their level of parental engagement had changed after having one month to practice what they had learned. The study began one week before the end of the school year to engage parents at home over the summer.

Degree Name

Education Doctorate

Document Type

Doctoral dissertation

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
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