"Parental Involvement Within The Special Education System" by Lauren E. Lehman


Special Education M.A.

Year Approved


First Advisor

Wolkerstorfer, Jodi


Parental involvement of children with special needs in schools and the IEP process have both been a topic of interest for decades. Research shows that parental involvement produces a number of benefits for children. However, studies have also found that even with the implementation of IDEA 2004, many parents continue to play passive roles in their child’s special education. While considering the disconnect between known benefits and yet minimal parental involvement, the following guiding questions have been examined: 1. What is the current nature of parental involvement in the IEP plan and process? 2. What role does the school play in parental involvement of the IEP plan and process? 3. What steps can be taken by both schools and parents to increase parental involvement? Results of the literature review found that the most parents are playing passive roles in their child’s special education. It also indicated that further training is needed for both professionals and parents to better support mutual involvement.

Degree Name

Special Education M.A.

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis

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