
Special Education M.A.

Year Approved


First Advisor

Silmser, Lisa


One of the most stressful careers a person can chose to have is teaching. (Johnson et al., 2005; Travers, 2001). Teaching demands are high, and the emotional labor of teaching can leave teachers feeling emotionally exhausted, withdrawn, and worn down. Teachers who experience chronic levels of stress can be plagued with what is referred to as teacher burnout. While researchers have identified effective ways of measuring current levels and burnout, the research is just developing in identifying contributing factors and prevention strategies. Self-efficacy is a significant predictor of burnout as well as certain teaching environments. Researchers have identified effective prevention strategies using mindfulness-based stress reduction, however, there is a lack of data in regards to the application of these strategies in the school setting. The research conducted within this thesis examines the measures of burnout widely used today, identifies current contributing factors and demographics that may lead to burnout, and finally, examines what researchers say is the best tool for a teacher to combat the slippery slope of burnout.

Degree Name

Special Education M.A.

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis

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