"Factors that Affect Sustainability of Transitional Homes for Sexually " by Ruth E. deGuzman Dalman


Doctor of Ministry

Year Approved


First Advisor

Friesen Smith, Katie


The problem this thesis project addressed was the factors that prevent the sustainability of transitional homes for sexually exploited women. The goal was to gain understanding as to why some transitional homes fail and what components are necessary for sustainability. Four case studies were carried out between two sustainable and two non-sustainable homes. Three workers from each home were interviewed. Interview queries related to how the home treated organization, management, assessment and training, and resources. Significant data was produced from probing mission alignment, leadership interaction, policy comprehension, merits of assessment, and significance of training. One of the significant findings was that all homes did not discuss the value or importance of having a transitional home that is sustainable. Transitional homes might benefit from adding the topic of sustainability to the strategic planning process. Research indicated that a lack of discourse existed between the board and administration. Findings suggested that collaboration within the transitional home would be beneficial. For example, creation of policy and program by all parties involved. Benefits of collaboration might lead to consistent assessment and intentional application of policies and procedures which would lead to sustainability.

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry

Document Type

Doctoral thesis

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