"The Impact of Servant Leadership on School Climate" by Michele M. Cooke


Education Doctorate

Year Approved


First Advisor

Parolini, Jeanine


The topic of this research was the impact that servant leadership has on school climate. The participants were educators employed in the International Schools Group School District housed in Saudi Arabia. This was a quantitative study employing a cluster sampling using the Servant Leadership Scale (SLS) and the R-SLEQ (Revised School Level Environment Questionnaire) delivered to participants using Qualtrics Survey Software. The research questions were: Does servant leadership impact school climate in the International Schools Group school district in Saudi Arabia? What is the relationship of the leaders’ perception of servant leadership and school climate? What is the relationship of the teachers’ perception of servant leadership and school climate? What are the relationships between the demographic variables and school climate? What is the relationship between servant leaders and school climate after accounting for those demographic variables that are significantly related to school climate? The data was analyzed using Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (r), Two Sample Independent t-test, Oneway ANOVA and Multiple Linear Regression. The results garnered from this study show that there is a positive significant relationship between teachers’ perceptions of servant leadership and school climate. The results also showed a positive significance between local hire and sponsored hire educators and school climate. When adding whether the participant was local hire or sponsored hire, servant leadership is a statistically significant predictor of school climate.

Degree Name

Education Doctorate

Document Type

Doctoral dissertation

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
