Special Education M.A.
Number of Pages
Year Approved
First Advisor
Strand, Charles
Second Reader
Mrozinski, Jan
The transition process for students with disabilities is a crucial part of their academic careers. Students with intellectual disabilities need the skill set to have an effective transition from high school to adulthood. They need to be given the resources and opportunities in order to succeed. In fact, it is the law that educators address all areas of transition through the legal document of the individual education plan. Educators and parents need to be aware of how to better ensure effective outcomes for transition for students with mild-moderate intellectual disabilities. This can provide students with mild-moderate intellectual disabilities with higher success rates for their futures.
Degree Name
Special Education M.A.
Document Type
Masterʼs thesis
Recommended Citation
Boisvert, D. (2024). Transition Programming for Mild to Moderate Students With Intellectual Disabilities [Masterʼs thesis, Bethel University]. Spark Repository.
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