
Special Education M.A.

Number of Pages


Year Approved


First Advisor

Cavalier, Meghan

Second Reader

Julie Winn


This literature review looks into restorative justice practices within schools, guided by the main research question: How is a restorative justice model best implemented, and what are the associated challenges? Restorative justice is presented as a non-exclusionary approach to school discipline, prioritizing communication, accountability, and community building over traditional punitive measures like suspension and expulsion. Research studies and literature indicate that restorative practices can solve some of the issues surrounding the inequality prevalent in traditional punitive discipline, especially among marginalized and disadvantaged students. Additionally, this literature review explores implementation tools such as professional development and pedagogy. It also discusses the challenges of transitioning from punitive to restorative practices and examines the potential benefits of employing restorative justice in schools.

Degree Name

Special Education M.A.

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis
