
Doctor of Ministry

Year Approved


First Advisor

Senapatiratne, Tim


In this project the researcher studied the similarities and differences of the United Church of Christ and the Emerging church. In Christianity, Christians should be unified in goal and mission in the Kingdom of God. The researcher explored the faith streams of the UCC and the Emerging church. The goal of this project was to find if the UCC and the Emerging church are similar in thought or different. Scripture makes it clear that Christians are mandated to work together for peace and unity to create a reconciled church. The researcher first examined important voices in Christianity that have spoken on reconciliation and unity. This research to the consideration of what leaders in the United Church of Christ and the Emerging church say about these issues. The researcher explored important theological thoughts and insights in both the UCC and the Emerging traditions. Five theological issues were researched in this project: Sin, Salvation, Eucharist, Prayer, and Eschatology. These five issues were chosen by the researcher to be compared and contrasted by both the UCC and the Emerging church. It was the hope of the researcher that both of these traditions are similar in thought and theology, therefore working toward reconciliation within the church. The researcher interviewed four pastors, two from the United Church of Christ and two from the Emerging stream. A series of questions were asked to understand the pastors opinions on the trajectory of the church and if their churches had similar insights into issues like Eucharist and Salvation. The researcher wanted to explore and examine if these two faith streams were similar or different in theological ideas. The researcher has found after completing this project that both the United Church of Christ and the Emerging church are in fact similar in thought and theological method. Therefore both of these traditions can work together toward reconciliation and unity for a Kingdom of God that is unified in mission and outreach.

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry

Document Type

Doctoral thesis

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