The Art of Teaching: Noticing, Wondering, Persisting
Document Type
Publication Title
Primetime Presentations in the Bethel University Library
Education; English and Journalism; History, Philosophy and Political Science
This Talk About Teaching session, featuring four Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching recipients, explores “Habits of Mind” that are critical to both artists and teachers. Jay Rasmussen (Education) will draw a parallel between the artistry involved in photography and teaching. Joey Horstman (English) will share his experiences noticing in the classroom. Chris Gehrz (History) will discuss how wondering has led to successful classroom practices. Sara Shady (Philosophy) will share examples of persistence that have translated into powerful student learning experiences. Please join this session to consider how noticing, wondering, and persisting can help educators develop and sustain their vibrancy as artists in the classroom.
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Rasmussen, Jay; Horstman, Joey; Gehrz, Christopher; and Shady, Sara L. H., "The Art of Teaching: Noticing, Wondering, Persisting" (2017). Talk About Teaching Presentations. 2.