Document Type
Through research it has been found that people who do not feel close to their parents are more likely to react with violence (Cano-Lozano et al., 2020). Studies have also shown that people who reported adverse relationships as children, tend to have more violence-related outcomes (Duke, 2010). There is currently a gap in explaining the association between maternal closeness and violent tendencies. This study is meant to help fill that gap and bring cognizance to the relationship between maternal closeness and violence.
Date Accepted/Awarded
Spring 2022
Pyschology Statistics Symposium Poster
PSY230M - Introduction to Statistical Methods and Experimental Design
First Advisor/Reader
Corrow, Sherryse
Recommended Citation
Shores, Cameron, "The Association of Maternal Relationships and Acts of Violence in Adults" (2022). Psychology Student Works. 8.
Posters in this symposium are a result of independent, semester-long statistics projects, using R code to analyze and present the data and findings. Students selected a research question they feel passionate about and analyzed data using nationally representative datasets.