Document Type
Research has suggested that premarital cohabitation is linked to a heightened risk of divorce and dissatisfaction if it occurs with someone other than the marriage partner (Teachman, 2004). The number of partners is linked to marital dissatisfaction for both men and women (Legkauskas & Stankevičienė, 2008). Involvement in church groups is linked to a 5x increase in likelihood of abstinence (Paul et al, 2000). Previous studies have used small sample sizes with little diversity and few men. However, my research will use a large, diverse sample size with both men and women.
Date Accepted/Awarded
Spring 2022
Pyschology Statistics Symposium Poster
PSY230M - Introduction to Statistical Methods and Experimental Design
First Advisor/Reader
Corrow, Sherryse
Recommended Citation
Christopher, Shelby Kate, "The Association between Promiscuity and Marital Satisfaction" (2022). Psychology Student Works. 6.
Posters in this symposium are a result of independent, semester-long statistics projects, using R code to analyze and present the data and findings. Students selected a research question they feel passionate about and analyzed data using nationally representative datasets.