
Physician Assistant M.S.

Year Approved


First Advisor

Naser, Lisa


Introduction: Emergency medicine has developed rapidly since the 1960s with an increasing need for providers due to the increasing number of presenting patients in the emergency department. Physician assistants have filled that gap; however, patient knowledge and subsequent patient satisfaction of emergency department physician assistants remains to be researched. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine and evaluate patient satisfaction after seeing a physician assistant and a physician in the emergency department. Patient knowledge of the role of a physician assistant in an emergency department setting was assessed, as well as the possible correlation between patient knowledge of an emergency department physician assistant and patient satisfaction with the PA. Methods: A survey was used for research at Buffalo Covenant Church (BCC). The survey was administered to participants of BCC after the 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., and 11:00 a.m. services for two Sundays. The paper survey was distributed to participants, by the researchers of this study, in the commons area of the church to those that choose to participate. The objective was to obtain 45-50 surveys per provider group (PA vs. physician), for a total of 90-100 participants. Results: Participants in the study revealed on average a 7.5/10 high satisfaction score towards ED providers including PAs and physicians. Furthermore, there are no attitudinal differences toward PAs or physicians. Wait time analysis suggested that longer wait time decreases patient satisfaction level. Patient knowledge analysis showed more than half of participants have high knowledge about the PA’s role in the ED. Marginal significance between participants’ knowledge of the role of an ED PA and their overall satisfaction level was found in this study. Conclusion: This study shows that patients have high satisfaction levels toward both ED provider types: PAs and physicians. Wait time again is an important factor that influences patients’ satisfaction in the ED. The novel and interesting part of this research discovered that patients might be more satisfied when they have a high knowledge level of the role of an ED PA. Limitations of this study including sample size, and data collection location. Further research and larger samples are needed in the future to investigate patient satisfaction in the ED and the possible significant relationships between patients’ knowledge and their satisfaction level.

Degree Name

Masters of Science in Physician Assistant

Document Type

Masterʼs thesis

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