The Greatest Story Ever Envisioned (a book about Jesus films)
Bethel University
Document Type
Start Date
2-26-2025 2:00 PM
End Date
2-26-2025 5:00 PM
After team-teaching a course on "Jesus Now Playing" focused on analyzing Jesus Films and the Gospels they attempt to depict, we proposed a book on the same topic to Baker Academic. We are now finalizing the book, with a likely publication of spring, 2026. Our book addresses some key ways the story of Jesus has been told across the centuries, starting with the Gospels themselves and concluding with Jesus films of the last 100 years. We address approaches, such as harmonization, filling in gaps, characterization, and thematization. We plan to team-teach a Gospels and Jesus Films course in 2026, as our book is published.
Recommended Citation
Brown, Jeannine and Dunne, John, "The Greatest Story Ever Envisioned (a book about Jesus films)" (2025). Day of Scholarship. 25.
The Greatest Story Ever Envisioned (a book about Jesus films)
Bethel University
After team-teaching a course on "Jesus Now Playing" focused on analyzing Jesus Films and the Gospels they attempt to depict, we proposed a book on the same topic to Baker Academic. We are now finalizing the book, with a likely publication of spring, 2026. Our book addresses some key ways the story of Jesus has been told across the centuries, starting with the Gospels themselves and concluding with Jesus films of the last 100 years. We address approaches, such as harmonization, filling in gaps, characterization, and thematization. We plan to team-teach a Gospels and Jesus Films course in 2026, as our book is published.