Submissions from 2023
An Exploration of Parenting Style, Parental Influence, and Relational Satisfaction, Lauren Richards, Ava Johnston, and Kaylee Pierson
Submissions from 2013
On Ideals in Romantic Relationships, Paul Hjellming, Lori Bergstrom, Bo Johnson, and Erica Osmondson
Being in relationships is inseparable from being human. Humans are communicators and naturally form connections with other humans around them. Relationships help individuals assess who they are and who they would like to be. Individuals use...
The Genre of the Meme, Thomas Monson
The development and proliferation of the Internet has led to numerous discoveries in the study of media and communication. Such a recent development in online communication is the rise of the online meme. The traditional meaning of meme has...
Perception of Profanity in Interpersonal Relationships, Ashley Pivaronas, Jessica Benham, and Stephanie Melhaff
Swearing is a form of language commonly used, yet its use is oftentimes viewed negatively in certain contexts (Johnson & Lewis, 2010). Swearing is an interesting form of expression because it is not a behavior typically taught or encouraged...