Biology Student Works | Biological Sciences Department | Bethel University


Submissions from 2023


Alterations in C:N ratio to understand plant metabolic pathways in response to pressure from goat grazing in the invasive species: Rhamnus cathartica, Vivian Marchan
The high fecundity and high germination rates of Rhamus cathartica serves the species to out-compete regional plant native species. Its high abundance in deciduous forest ecosystems forces species that are unable to utilize R. cathartica as...

Submissions from 2021


Uncovering roles of streptococcus gordonii SrtA-processed proteins in the biofilm lifestyle, Brittany L. Nairn, Grace T. Lee, Ashwani K. Chumber, Patrick R. Steck, Mahmoud O. Mire, Bruno P. Lima, and Mark C. Herzberg
Streptococcus gordonii is a commensal oral organism. Harmless in the oral cavity, S. gordonii is an opportunistic pathogen. S. gordonii adheres to body surfaces using surface adhesive proteins (adhesins), which are critical to subsequent fo...


An Investigation into the Use of an Herbal Labor Induction Tincture Containing Black Cohosh, Cramp Bark, Partridgeberry, And Motherwort on Contractile Responses Produced from Isolated Strips of Mouse Uterine Tissues, Clayton Neuenschwander, Katrina Wu, and Teresa F. DeGolier
Introduction: Alternative solutions in the form of herbal remedies meant to ease or expedite the process of labor have often been pursued and administered but have seldom been quantitatively tested for efficacy. Published research has shown...

Submissions from 2019


Use of Four Grassland Types by Small Mammal Species in Southern Minnesota, Jeff Port, Christine Crawford, Bethany Campbell, Rose Larson, Patty Lin-Celeste, and Melody Walton
Small mammal populations in a series of grassland plantings were studied over a five-year period spanning 2008–2014. A central aim of this study was to establish the role of specific grassland compositions in promoting the restoration of sm...

Submissions from 2018


Quillaja saponins are a potent contractor of uterine smooth muscle tissue in vitro, Brian Bristol and Teresa F. DeGolier
Caulophyllum thalictroides, commonly known as blue cohosh, is a plant indigenous to the northeastern region of North America. The roots and rhizomes have been used in herbal medicine for centuries as they are thought to stimulate uterine co...

Submissions from 2017


Chemically imaging bacteria with super-resolution SERS on ultra-thin silver substrates, Aeli P. Olson, Kelsey B. Spies, Anna C. Browning, Paula A.G. Soneral, and Nathan C. Lindquist
Plasmonic hotspots generate a blinking Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) effect that can be processed using Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) algorithms for super-resolved imaging. Furthermore, by imaging through...


Male and female parental care in the golden-rumped euphonia (Euphonia cyanocephala), Zachary Wright, Jeff Port, and Harold F. Greeney
A single nest of the Golden-rumped Euphonia (Euphonia cyanocephala) was filmed for 72 hours near the Yanayacu Biological Station in Ecuador located in tropical montane forest. Recording was between 15-21 February 2014. We report the first o...

Submissions from 2016


Aqueous extracts of castor seed (Ricinus communis) increase the contractile activities of mouse uterine tissues in vivo, Nick Quam, Katrina Wu, and Teresa F. DeGolier
Administration of castor oil from seeds of Ricinus communis is a commonly cited herbal preparation used to induce labor. The ricinoleic acid found in castor oil is more polar than most fats and activates uterine EP3 prostanoid receptors. Th...

Submissions from 2015


Breeding biology of Speckled Hummingbird Adelomyia melanogenys in eastern Ecuador, Elisabeth Wetherell, Harold F. Greeney, and Jeff Port
Descriptions of nesting behaviour for Neotropical hummingbirds remain incomplete. Speckled Hummingbird Adelomyia melanogenys inhabits Neotropical montane cloud forests, at elevations of 1,000–2,500 m, from Venezuela to Argentina. Monomorphi...

Submissions from 2014


The Spotted Barbtail (Premnoplex brunnescens): Observations on the parental care behavior of a montane Neotropical Furnariid, Jeff Port, Harold F. Greeney, and Elizabeth Boyd
We document the nestling care of the Spotted Barbtail (Premnoplex brunnescens) including provisioning rates and items brought to the nest. Based on 230 hours of video spanning from hatch to fledging at a single nest, we confirm that both se...

Submissions from 2011


Constructing a Vector for Over Expressing Nitrobenzene Dioxygenase in E. coli, Paul Davis
Due to extensive use of nitroaromatic compounds in the production of dyes, pesticides, explosives, and their harmful effects on the environment, studying the enzyme mechanisms of bacteria capable of utilizing these compounds as nutrient sou...

Submissions from 2010


Modeling leptin receptor insensitivity by comparing how leptin or leptin receptor mutations in mice affect body weight, basal metabolism, body temperature and feeding behaviors, Jessica Patton and Teresa F. DeGolier
Leptin, a protein hormone produced principally in adipose tissue, plays a major role in the regulation of food intake, hunger, satiety and metabolism. Most obesity is likely the result of the body's resistance to leptin. The purpose of this...

Submissions from 2008


Pharmacological Effects of the Aqueous Extract of Caulophyllum thalictroides (Blue Cohosh) on Isolated Mus musculus Uteri, Jennifer Berger and Teresa F. DeGolier
The roots and rhizomes of Caulophyllum thalictroides (blue cohos), traditionally used as an aid for childbirth, contain several active alkaloids and saponins, which act directly on uterine smooth muscle resulting in an oxytocic response. Th...

Submissions from 2007


Lung specific developmental expression of the Xenopus laevis surfactant protein C and B genes, Brian A. Hyatt, Ernesto R. Resnick, Natalie S. Johnson, Jamie L. Lohr, and David N. Cornfield
Efforts to characterize the mechanisms underlying early lung development have been confounded by the absence of a model that permits study of lung development prior to the onset of endodermal differentiation. Since Xenopus laevis developmen...