
Doctor of Ministry

Year Approved


First Advisor

Berndt, Julie

Second Reader

Josh Carroll;


The researcher observed that faith-based nonprofits frequently report on tangible needs met but have failed to report on spiritual needs that are attended to. These spiritual needs can include prayer, church referral, encouraging people to seek a deeper relationship with God, and reminding them of their hope in Christ. Examining the reasons for poverty and how Christians should respond to these was completed using a biblical and theological foundation. Deuteronomy 15:11, Matthew 5:1-12, and Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-37 were used as the biblical texts for this foundation. The researcher discovered the principles that Jesus gave his followers for assisting those in need. After determining the theological foundation, the researcher examined current literature related to qualitative outcomes assessment in nonprofits. Attention was given to faith-based nonprofits and measurement of spiritual needs. The literature provided a framework for defining, measuring, and analyzing outcomes related to spiritual needs. This framework was utilized in analyzing the data of the organization in the case study. Interviews, reports, and data relating to spiritual needs was collected. It was determined that the organization strives to meet spiritual needs in three areas. One of these had the necessary data to be reported. Another needed more data collected in order to be reported. The third was under development and needed a strategic data collection plan in order to be collected. Two of these were spiritual needs that individual churches also assist in fulfilling. The third involved collaboration between churches and the organization. The researcher then took this information and developed recommendations on how these spiritual need outcomes could be reported to various stakeholders.

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry

Document Type

Doctoral thesis
